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(τὸ αὑτοῦ ὄνομα

  • 1 ὄνομα

    ὄνομα, ατος, τό (Hom.+).
    proper name of an entity, name
    gener. τῶν ἀποστόλων τὰ ὀνόματα ἐστιν ταῦτα Mt 10:2; cp. Rv 21:14. τῶν παρθένων τὰ ὀν. Hs 9, 15, 1. τὸ ὄνομα τοῦ πατρός Lk 1:59. ὄν. μοι, sc. ἐστίν, my name is (Od. 9, 366) Mk 5:9b. τί ὄν. σοι; what is your name? vs. 9a; w. copula Lk 8:30.—The expressions ᾧ (ᾗ) ὄν., οὗ τὸ ὄν., καὶ τὸ ὄν. αὐτοῦ (αὐτῆς), ὄν. αὐτῷ (parenthetic) are almost always without the copula (B-D-F §128, 3; Rob. 395): ᾧ (ᾗ) ὄν. (Sb 7573, 13 [116 A.D.]; Demetr.: 722 Fgm. 1, 5 Jac.; Just., A I, 53, 8 ᾧ ὄν. Λώτ) Lk 1:26, 27a; 2:25; 8:41; 24:13, 18 v.l.; Ac 13:6.—οὗ τὸ ὄν. (without a verb as BGU 344, 1) Mk 14:32. Cp. ὧν τὰ ὀνόματα ἐν βίβλῳ ζωῆς Phil 4:3 (ὧν τὰ ὀν. is a formula [Dssm., LO 95=LAE 121]. S. esp. BGU 432 II, 3 ὧν τὰ ὀν. τῷ βιβλιδίῳ δεδήλωται).—καὶ τὸ ὄν. αὐτῆς Lk 1:5b. καὶ τὸ ὄν. τῆς παρθένου Μαριάμ vs. 27b.—ὄν. αὐτῷ (Demosth. 32, 11 Ἀριστοφῶν ὄνομʼ αὐτῷ; Dionys. Hal. 8, 89, 4; Aelian, NA 8, 2 γυνὴ … Ἡρακληὶς ὄν. αὐτῇ; LXX) J 1:6; 3:1. ὁ καθήμενος ἐπάνω αὐτοῦ (i.e. τοῦ ἵππου), ὄν. αὐτῷ (ὁ) θάνατος Rv 6:8; cp. 9:11a.—W. the copula ἦν δὲ ὄν. τῷ δούλῳ Μάλχος J 18:10 (POxy 465, 12 ὁ δὲ κραταιὸς αὐτοῦ, ὄν. αὐτῷ ἐστιν Νεβύ, μηνύει; Jos., Ant. 19, 332). ἄγγελος …, οὗ τὸ ὄν. ἐστιν Θεγρί Hv 4, 2, 4.—The dat. is quite freq. ὀνόματι named, by name (X., Hell. 1, 6, 29 Σάμιος ὀνόματι Ἱππεύς; Tob 6:11 BA; 4 Macc 5:4; Just., D. 85, 6; 115, 3; B-D-F §160; 197; Rob. 487) ἄνθρωπον ὀν. Σίμωνα Mt 27:32; cp. Mk 5:22; Lk 1:5a; 5:27; 10:38; 16:20; 23:50; 24:18; Ac 5:1, 34; 8:9; 9:10–12, 33, 36; 10:1; 11:28; 12:13; 16:1, 14; 17:34; 18:2, 7, 24; 19:24; 20:9; 21:10; 27:1; 28:7; MPol 4. Also the acc. τοὔνομα (on the crasis s. B-D-F §18; Mlt-H. 63; FPreisigke, Griech. Urkunden des ägypt. Mus. zu Kairo [1911] 2, 6 γυνὴ Ταμοῦνις τοὔνομα; Diod S 2, 45, 4 πόλιν τοὔνομα Θ.; Lucian, Dial. Deor. 3; Philo, Leg. All. 1, 68; Jos., Ant. 7, 344, Vi. 382) named, by name (the acc. as X. et al., also 2 Macc 12:13; Demetr.: 722 Fgm. 1, 5 Jac. υἱὸν ὄ. Δάν.—B-D-F §160; Rob. 487) Mt 27:57. (Cp. ὄν. gener. as ‘mode of expression’ εἰ καὶ διάφορα ὀνόματα ἐστιν, ἀλλʼ … οἰκείαν … δέχεται τὴν νόησιν although there are various ways of expressing it, it nevertheless has a definite sense Did., Gen. 86, 22 [of various metaphors and images for the soul].)
    used w. verbs
    α. as their obj.: ὄν. ἔχειν Did., Gen. 29, 6 bear the name or as name, be named ὄν. ἔχει Ἀπολλύων Rv 9:11b (in this case the name Ἀ. stands independently in the nom.; B-D-F §143; Rob. 458). καλεῖν τὸ ὄν. τινος w. the name foll. in the acc. (after the Hb.; B-D-F §157, 2; Rob. 459) καλέσεις τὸ ὄν. αὐτοῦ Ἰησοῦν you are to name him Jesus Mt 1:21; Lk 1:31.—Mt 1:25. καλέσεις τὸ ὄν. αὐτοῦ Ἰωάννην Lk 1:13. καλέσουσιν τὸ ὄν. αὐτοῦ Ἐμμανουήλ Mt 1:23 (Is 7:14). διδόναι GJs 6:2. Pass. w. the name in the nom. (cp. GrBar 6:10 Φοῖνιξ καλεῖται τὸ ὄν. μου) ἐκλήθη τὸ ὄν. αὐτοῦ Ἰησοῦς Lk 2:21; cp. Rv 19:13. Also τὸ ὄν. τοῦ ἀστέρος λέγεται ὁ ῎ Αψινθος Rv 8:11.—ἐπιθεῖναι ὄν. τινι w. acc. of the name Mk 3:16f; cp. 12:8f; κληρονομεῖν ὄν. receive a name Hb 1:4=1 Cl 36:2. κληροῦσθαι τὸ αὐτὸ ὄν. obtain the same name (s. κληρόω 2) MPol 6:2.—τὰ ὀν. ὑμῶν ἐγγέγραπται ἐν τοῖς οὐρανοῖς Lk 10:20.—Rv 13:8; 17:8. ἐξαλείψω τὸ ὄν. αὐτῶν 1 Cl 53:3 (Dt 9:14); Rv 3:5a (perh. to be placed in 4 below); s. ἐξαλείφω.
    β. in another way (εἰ δέ τις ὀνόματι καλέσει but if anyone is so named Hippol., Ref. 6, 20, 2): ὸ̔ς καλεῖται τῷ ὀνόματι τούτῳ who is so named Lk 1:61. ἀνὴρ ὀνόματι καλούμενος Ζακχαῖος a man whose name was Zacchaeus 19:2. καλεῖν τι (i.e. παιδίον) ἐπὶ τῷ ὀνόματί τινος name someone after someone 1:59. Cp. IMg 10:1. This leads to
    used w. prepositions: ἐξ ὀνόματος (Ctesias, Ind. p. 105 M.: Diod S 13, 15, 1; 37, 15, 2; Appian, Mithrid. 59, §243, Bell. Civ. 3, 21 §77; 4, 73 §310; PGM 4, 2973; Jos., Ant. 2, 275) by name, individually, one by one (so that no one is lost in the crowd) ἐξ ὀν. πάντας ζήτει IPol 4:2. ἀσπάζομαι πάντας ἐξ ὀνόματος 8:2. πάντες ἐξ ὀν. συνέρχεσθε (parallel to κατʼ ἄνδρα) IEph 20:2.—κατʼ ὄν. by name, individually (Diod S 16, 44, 2; Gen 25:13; EpArist 247; Jos., Bell. 7, 14) J 10:3 (New Docs 3, 77f; animals called individually by name: Ps.-Aristot., Mirabil. 118.—HAlmqvist, Plut. u. das NT ’46, 74). Esp. in greetings (BGU 27, 18 [II A.D.] ἀσπάζομαι πάντας τοὺς φιλοῦντάς σε κατʼ ὄν.; POxy 1070, 46; pap in Dssm., LO 160/1, ln. 14f [LAE 193, ln. 15, note 21]; New Docs 3, 77f) 3J 15; ISm 13:2b. ῥάβδους ἐπιγεγραμμένας ἑκάστης φυλῆς κατʼ ὄν. staffs, each one inscribed with the name of a tribe 1 Cl 43:2b.
    used in combination with God and Jesus. On the significance of the Divine Name in history of religions s. FGiesebrecht, Die atl. Schätzung des Gottesnamens 1901; Bousset, Rel.3 309ff; ADieterich, Eine Mithrasliturgie 1903, 110ff; FConybeare, JQR 8, 1896; 9, 1897, esp. 9, 581ff; JBoehmer, Das bibl. ‘im Namen’ 1898, BFCT V 6, 1901, 49ff, Studierstube 2, 1904, 324ff; 388ff; 452ff; 516ff; 580ff; BJacob, Im Namen Gottes 1903;WHeitmüller, ‘Im Namen Jesu’ 1903; WBrandt, TT 25, 1891, 565ff; 26, 1892, 193ff; 38, 1904, 355ff; RHirzel, Der Name: ASG 36, 2, 1918; Schürer III4 409–11; HObbink, De magische betekenis van den naam inzonderheid in het oude Egypte 1925; OGrether, Name u. Wort Gottes im AT ’34; HHuffman, Name: 1148–52.—The belief in the efficacy of the name is extremely old; its origin goes back to the most ancient times and the most primitive forms of intellectual and religious life. It has exhibited an extraordinary vitality. The period of our lit. also sees—within as well as without the new community of believers—in the name someth. real, a piece of the very nature of the personality whom it designates, expressing the person’s qualities and powers. Accordingly, names, esp. holy names, are revered and used in customary practices and ritual (σέβεσθαι θεῶν ὀνόματα Theoph. Ant., 1, 9 [p. 76, 7]), including magic. In Israelite tradition the greatest reverence was paid to the holy name of God and to its numerous paraphrases or substitutes; the names of angels and patriarchs occupied a secondary place. The syncretistic practices of the period revered the names of gods, daemons, and heroes, or even magic words that made no sense at all, but had a mysterious sound. The Judeo-Christians revere and use the name of God and, of course, the name of Jesus. On magic in Jewish circles, s. Schürer III 342–79; for the NT period in general s. MSmith, Clement of Alexandria and a Secret Gospel of Mark ’73, 195–230.—The names of God and Jesus
    α. in combination w. attributes: διαφορώτερον ὄν. a more excellent name Hb 1:4=1 Cl 36:2 (διάφορος 2). ἅγιον τὸ ὄν. αὐτοῦ Lk 1:49 (cp. Ps 110:9; Lev 18:21; 22:2; PGM 3, 570; 627; 4, 1005; 3071; 5, 77; 13, 561 μέγα κ. ἅγιον). τὸ μεγαλοπρεπὲς καὶ ἅγιον ὄν. αὐτοῦ 1 Cl 64; τὸ μέγα καὶ ἔνδοξον ὄν. Hv 4, 1, 3; 4, 2, 4 (on ἔνδοξον ὄν., cp. EPeterson, Εἷ θεός 1926, 282.—ὄν. μέγα κ. ἅγ. κ. ἔνδ.: PGM 13, 183f; 504f). τὸ μέγα καὶ θαυμαστὸν καὶ ἔνδοξον ὄν. Hs 9, 18, 5; τὸ πανάγιον καὶ ἔνδοξον ὄν. 1 Cl 58:1a; τοῦ παντοκράτορος καὶ ἐνδόξου ὄν. Hv 3, 3, 5; τὸ πανάρετον ὄν. 1 Cl 45:7; τῷ παντοκράτορι καὶ ἐνδόξῳ ὀνόματι 60:4; τὸ ὁσιώτατον τῆς μεγαλωσύνης αὐτοῦ ὄν. 58:1b. τὸ ὄν. μου θαυμαστὸν ἐν τοῖς ἔθνεσι D 14:3 (cp. Mal 1:14). The words ὄν. θεοπρεπέστατον IMg 1:2 are difficult to interpret (s. Hdb. ad loc.; θεοπρεπής b).
    β. in combination w. verbs: ἁγιάζειν τὸ ὄν. Mt 6:9 (AFridrichsen, Helligt vorde dit naun: DTT 8, 1917, 1–16). Lk 11:2; D 8:2 (ἁγιάζω 3). βλασφημεῖν (q.v. bγ) τὸ ὄν. Rv 13:6; 16:9; pass. βλασφημεῖται τὸ ὄν. (Is 52:5) Ro 2:24; 2 Cl 13:1f, 4; ITr 8:2. βλασφημίας ἐπιφέρεσθαι τῷ ὀν. κυρίου bring blasphemy upon the name of the Lord 1 Cl 47:7. πφοσέθηκαν κατὰ ὄν. τοῦ κυρίου βλασφημίαν Hs 6, 2, 3; βεβηλοῦν τὸ ὄν. 8, 6, 2 (s. βεβηλόω). ἀπαγγελῶ τὸ ὄν. τ. ἀδελφοῖς μου Hb 2:12 (cp. Ps 21:23). ὅπως διαγγελῇ τὸ ὄν. μου ἐν πάσῃ τῇ γῇ Ro 9:17 (Ex 9:16). δοξάζειν τὸ ὄν. (σου, τοῦ κυρίου, τοῦ θεοῦ etc.) Rv 15:4; 1 Cl 43:6; IPhld 10:1; Hv 2, 1, 2; 3, 4, 3; 4, 1, 3; Hs 9, 18, 5 (s. δοξάζω 1; cp. GJs 7:2; 12:1[w. ref. to name of Mary]). ὅπως ἐνδοξασθῇ τὸ ὄν. τοῦ κυρίου ἡμῶν Ἰησοῦ 2 Th 1:12. ἐλπίζειν τῷ ὀν. Mt 12:21 (vv.ll. ἐν or ἐπὶ τῷ ὀν.; the pass. on which it is based, Is 42:4, has ἐπὶ τῷ ὀν.). ἐπικαλεῖσθαι τὸ ὄν. κυρίου (as PsSol 6:1) or αὐτοῦ, σου etc. (w. ref. to God or Christ) call on the name of the Lord Ac 2:21 (Jo 3:5); 9:14, 21; 22:16; Ro 10:13 (Jo 3:5); 1 Cor 1:2. ψυχὴ ἐπικεκλημένη τὸ μεγαλοπρεπὲς καὶ ἅγιον ὄν. αὐτοῦ a person who calls upon his exalted and holy name 1 Cl 64.—Pass. πάντα τὰ ἔθνη ἐφʼ οὓς ἐπικέκληται τὸ ὄν. μου ἐπʼ αὐτούς Ac 15:17 (Am 9:12). τὸ καλὸν ὄν. τὸ ἐπικληθὲν ἐφʼ ὑμᾶς Js 2:7 (on καλὸν ὄν. cp. Sb 343, 9 and the Pompeian graffito in Dssm., LO 237 [LAE 276]). πάντες οἱ ἐπικαλούμενοι τῷ ὀν. αὐτοῦ all those who are called by (the Lord’s) name Hs 9, 14, 3; cp. οἱ κεκλημένοι τῷ ὀν. κυρίου those who are called by the name of the Lord 8, 1, 1. ἐπαισχύνεσθαι τὸ ὄν. κυρίου τὸ ἐπικληθὲν ἐπʼ αὐτούς be ashamed of the name that is named over them 8, 6, 4. ὁμολογεῖν τῷ ὀν. αὐτοῦ praise his name Hb 13:15 (cp. PsSol 15:2 ἐξομολογήσασθαι τῷ ὀνόματι σου). ὀνομάζειν τὸ ὄν. κυρίου 2 Ti 2:19 (Is 26:13). ψάλλειν τῷ ὀν. σου Ro 15:9 (Ps 17:50). οὐ μὴ λάβῃς ἐπὶ ματαίῳ τὸ ὄν. κυρίου 19:5 (Ex 20:7; Dt 5:11).—Although in the preceding examples the name is oft. practically inseparable fr. the being that bears it, this is perh. even more true of the foll. cases, in which the name appears almost as the representation of the Godhead, as a tangible manifestation of the divine nature (Quint. Smyrn. 9, 465 Polidarius, when healing, calls on οὔνομα πατρὸς ἑοῖο ‘the name of his father’ [Asclepius]; τοσοῦτον … δύναται τὸ ὄ. τοῦ Ἰησοῦ κατὰ τῶν δαιμόνων Orig., C. Cels. 1, 56, 11; Dt 18:7; 3 Km 8:16; Ps 68:37; Zech 13:2 ἐξολεθρεύσω τὰ ὀν. τῶν εἰδώλων; Zeph 1:4; PsSol 7:6; Just., D. 121, 3 ὑποτάσσεσθαι αὐτοῦ ὀν.): the ‘name’ of God is ἀρχέγονον πάσης κτίσεως 1 Cl 59:3. Sim. τὸ ὄν. τοῦ υἱοῦ τοῦ θεοῦ μέγα ἐστὶ καὶ τὸν κόσμον ὅλον βαστάζει Hs 9, 14, 5. λατρεύειν τῷ παναρέτῳ ὀν. αὐτοῦ worship the most excellent name (of the Most High) 1 Cl 45:7. ὑπακούειν τῷ παναγίῳ καὶ ἐνδόξῳ ὀν. αὐτοῦ be obedient to his most holy and glorious name 58:1a. ὑπήκοον γενέσθαι τῷ παντοκρατορικῷ καὶ παναρέτῳ ὀν. 60:4. κηρύσσειν τὸ ὄν. τοῦ υἱοῦ τοῦ θεοῦ Hs 9, 16, 5. ἐπιγινώσκειν τὸ ὄν. τοῦ υἱοῦ τοῦ θεοῦ 9, 16, 7. φοβεῖσθαι τὸ ὄν. σου Rv 11:18. φανεροῦν τινι τὸ ὄν. σου J 17:6. γνωρίζειν τινὶ τὸ ὄν. σου vs. 26. πιστεύειν τῷ ὀν. τοῦ υἱοῦ αὐτοῦ believe in the name of (God’s) son 1J 3:23. Also πιστεύειν εἰς τὸ ὄν. (s. γב below and s. πιστεύω 2aβ).—Of the name borne by followers of Jesus Christ (cp. Theoph. Ant. 1, 1 [p. 58, 13]): κρατεῖς τὸ ὄν. μου you cling to my name Rv 2:13. The same mng. also holds for the expressions: λαμβάνειν τὸ ὄν. τοῦ υἱοῦ αὐτοῦ Hs 9, 12, 4; 8; 9, 13, 2a; 7. τοῦ βαστάσαι τὸ ὄν. μου ἐνώπιον ἐθνῶν to bear my name before (the) Gentiles Ac 9:15. τὸ ὄν. ἡδέως βαστάζειν bear the name gladly Hs 8, 10, 3; cp. 9, 28, 5b. τὸ ὄν. τοῦ υἱοῦ τοῦ θεοῦ φορεῖν 9, 13, 3; 9, 14, 5f; 9, 15, 2; cp. 9, 13, 2b. Christians receive this name at their baptism: πρὶν φορέσαι τὸν ἄνθρωπον τὸ ὄν. τοῦ υἱοῦ τοῦ θεοῦ νεκρός ἐστιν before a person bears the name of God’s Son (which is given the candidate at baptism), he is dead 9, 16, 3. Of dissemblers and false teachers ὄν. μὲν ἔχουσιν, ἀπὸ δὲ τῆς πίστεως κενοί εἰσιν they have the (Christian) name, but are devoid of faith 9, 19, 2. Of Christians in appearance only ἐν ὑποκρίσει φέροντες τὸ ὄν. τοῦ κυρίου who bear the Lord’s name in pretense Pol 6:3. δόλῳ πονηρῷ τὸ ὄν. περιφέρειν carry the name about in wicked deceit (evidently of wandering preachers) IEph 7:1. τὸ ὄν. ἐπαισχύνονται τοῦ κυρίου αὐτῶν they are ashamed of their Lord’s name Hs 9, 21, 3. More fully: ἐπαισχύνονται τὸ ὄν. αὐτοῦ φορεῖν 9, 14, 6.
    γ. used w. prepositions
    א. w. διά and the gen. διὰ τοῦ ὀνόματός μου πιστεύειν PtK 3 p. 15 ln. 12; σωθῆναι διὰ τοῦ μεγάλου καὶ ἐνδόξου ὀν. be saved through the great and glorious name Hv 4, 2, 4. εἰς τὴν βασιλείαν τοῦ θεοῦ εἰσελθεῖν διὰ τοῦ ὀν. τοῦ υἱοῦ (τοῦ θεοῦ) Hs 9, 12, 5. ἄφεσιν ἁμαρτιῶν λαβεῖν διὰ τοῦ ὀν. αὐτοῦ Ac 10:43 (cp. Just., D. 11, 4 al.). σημεῖα … γίνεσθαι διὰ τοῦ ὀν. … Ἰησοῦ by the power of the name 4:30. Differently παρακαλεῖν τινα διὰ τοῦ ὀν. τοῦ κυρίου appeal to someone by the name (= while calling on the name) of the Lord 1 Cor 1:10.—W. διά and the acc. μισούμενοι … διὰ τὸ ὄν. μου hated on account of my name (i.e., because you bear it) Mt 10:22; 24:9; Mk 13:13; Lk 21:17 (Just., A I, 4, 2 al.). ποιεῖν τι εἴς τινα διὰ τὸ ὄν. μου J 15:21. ἀφέωνται ὑμῖν αἱ ἁμαρτίαι διὰ τὸ ὄν. αὐτοῦ your sins are forgiven on account of (Jesus’) name 1J 2:12. βαστάζειν διὰ τὸ ὄν. μου bear (hardship) for my name’s sake Rv 2:3 (s. βαστάζω 2bβ). πάσχειν διὰ τὸ ὄν. (also w. a gen. like αὐτοῦ) Pol 8:2; Hv 3, 2, 1b; Hs 9, 28, 3.
    ב. w. εἰς: somet. evidently as rendering of rabb. לְשֵׁם with regard to, in thinking of δέχεσθαί τινα εἰς ὄν. Ἰ. Χρ. receive someone in deference to Jesus Christ IRo 9:3. δύο ἢ τρεῖς συνηγμένοι εἰς τὸ ἐμὸν ὄν. two or three gathered and thinking of me, i.e., so that I am the reason for their assembling Mt 18:20; but here the other mng. (s. ג below) has had some influence: ‘while naming’ or ‘calling on my name’. τῆς ἀγάπης ἧς ἐνεδείξασθε εἰς τὸ ὄν. αὐτοῦ (i.e. θεοῦ) Hb 6:10 is either the love that you have shown with regard to him, i.e. for his sake, or we have here the frequently attested formula of Hellenistic legal and commercial language (s. Mayser II/2 p. 415; Dssm. B 143ff, NB 25, LO 97f [BS 146f; 197; LAE 121]; Heitmüller, op. cit. 100ff; FPreisigke, Girowesen im griech. Ägypt. 1910, 149ff. On the LXX s. Heitmüller 110f; JPsichari, Essai sur le Grec de la Septante 1908, 202f): εἰς (τὸ) ὄν. τινος to the name=to the account (over which the name stands). Then the deeds of love, although shown to humans, are dedicated to God.—The concept of dedication is also highly significant, in all probability, for the understanding of the expr. βαπτίζειν εἰς (τὸ) ὄν. τινος. Through baptism εἰς (τὸ) ὄν. τ. those who are baptized become the possession of and come under the dedicated protection of the one whose name they bear. An additional factor, to a degree, may be the sense of εἰς τὸ ὄν.=‘with mention of the name’ (cp. Herodian 2, 2, 10; 2, 13, 2 ὀμνύναι εἰς τὸ ὄν. τινος; Cyranides p. 57, 1 εἰς ὄν. τινος; 60, 18=εἰς τὸ ὄν. τ.; 62, 13. Another ex. in Heitmüller 107): Mt 28:19; Ac 8:16; 19:5; D 7:1, (3); 9:5; Hv 3, 7, 3; cp. 1 Cor 1:13, 15. S. βαπτίζω 2c and Silva New, Beginn. I/5, ’33, 121–40.—πιστεύειν εἰς τὸ ὄν. τινος believe in the name of someone i.e. have confidence that the person’s name (rather in the sense of a title, cp. Phil 2:9) is rightfully borne and encodes what the person really is J 1:12; 2:23; 3:18; 1J 5:13.
    ג. with ἐν: ἐν ὀνόματι of God or Jesus means in the great majority of cases with mention of the name, while naming or calling on the name (PsSol 11:8; JosAs 9:1; Just., D. 35, 2 al.; no corresponding use has been found in gener. Gk. lit.; but cp. ἐν ὀν. τοῦ μεγάλου καὶ ὑψίστου θεοῦ Hippol., Ref. 9, 15, 6.—Heitmüller p. 13ff, esp. 44; 49). In many pass. it seems to be a formula. ἐν τῷ ὀν. Ἰησοῦ ἐκβάλλειν δαιμόνια Mk 9:38; 16:17; Lk 9:49. τὰ δαιμόνια ὑποτάσσεται ἡμῖν ἐν τῷ ὀν. σου the demons are subject to us at the mention of your name 10:17. ποιεῖν τι ἐν τῷ ὀνόματι Ac 4:7; cp. Col 3:17. Perh. J 10:25 (but s. below). ἐν τῷ ὀν. Ἰησοῦ … οὗτος παρέστηκεν ὑγιής Ac 4:10. ὄν. … ἐν ᾧ δεῖ σωθῆναι ἡμᾶς vs. 12. παραγγέλλω σοι ἐν ὀν. Ἰ. Χρ. 16:18; cp. 2 Th 3:6; IPol 5:1. σοὶ λέγω ἐν τῷ ὀν. τοῦ κυρίου Ac 14:10 D. Peter, in performing a healing, says ἐν τῷ ὀν. Ἰησοῦ Χρ. περιπάτει 3:6 (s. Heitmüller 60). The elders are to anoint the sick w. oil ἐν τῷ ὀν. τοῦ κυρίου while calling on the name of the Lord Js 5:14.—Of prophets λαλεῖν ἐν τῷ ὀν. κυρίου 5:10. παρρησιάζεσθαι ἐν τῷ ὀν. Ἰησοῦ speak out boldly in proclaiming the name of Jesus Ac 9:27f. βαπτίζεσθαι ἐν τῷ ὀν. Ἰ. Χ. be baptized or have oneself baptized while naming the name of Jesus Christ Ac 2:38 v.l.; 10:48. At a baptism ἐν ὀν. χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ AcPl Ha 3, 32. αἰτεῖν τὸν πατέρα ἐν τῷ ὀν. μου (=Ἰησοῦ) ask the Father, using my name J 15:16; cp. 14:13, 14; 16:24, 26. W. the latter pass. belongs vs. 23 (ὁ πατὴρ) δώσει ὑμῖν ἐν τῷ ὀν. μου (the Father) will give you, when you mention my name. τὸ πνεῦμα ὸ̔ πέμψει ὁ πατὴρ ἐν τῷ ὀν. μου the Spirit, whom the Father will send when my name is used 14:26. To thank God ἐν ὀν. Ἰησοῦ Χρ. while naming the name of Jesus Christ Eph 5:20. ἵνα ἐν τῷ ὀν. Ἰησοῦ πᾶν γόνυ κάμψῃ that when the name of Jesus is mentioned every knee should bow Phil 2:10. χαίρετε, υἱοί, ἐν ὀν. κυρίου greetings, my sons, as we call on the Lord’s name 1:1. ὁ ἐρχόμενος ἐν ὀν. κυρίου whoever comes, naming the Lord’s name (in order thereby to give evidence of being a Christian) D 12:1. ἀσπάζεσθαι ἐν ὀν. Ἰ. Χρ. greet, while naming the name of J. Chr. w. acc. of pers. or thing greeted IRo ins; ISm 12:2. Receive a congregation ἐν ὀν. θεοῦ IEph 1:3. συναχθῆναι ἐν τῷ ὀν. τοῦ κυρίου Ἰ. meet and call on the name of the Lord Jesus=as a Christian congregation 1 Cor 5:4. μόνον ἐν τῷ ὀν. Ἰ. Χρ. only (it is to be) while calling on the name of J. Chr. ISm 4:2.—Not far removed fr. these are the places where we render ἐν τῷ ὀν. with through or by the name (s. ἐν 4c); the effect brought about by the name is caused by its utterance ἀπελούσασθε, ἡγιάσθητε, ἐδικαιώθητε ἐν τῷ ὀν. τοῦ κυρίου Ἰ. Χρ. 1 Cor 6:11. ζωὴν ἔχειν ἐν τῷ ὀν. αὐτοῦ (=Ἰησοῦ) J 20:31. τηρεῖν τινα ἐν τῷ ὀν. (θεοῦ) 17:11f.—ἐν τῷ ὀν. at the command (of), commissioned by ἔργα ποιεῖν ἐν τῷ ὀν. τοῦ πατρός J 10:25 (but s. above). ἔρχεσθαι ἐν τῷ ὀν. τοῦ πατρός 5:43a; in contrast ἔρχ. ἐν τῷ ὀν. τῷ ἰδίῳ vs. 43b. εὐλογημένος ὁ ἐρχόμενος ἐν ὀν. κυρίου 12:13 (Ps 117:26). The Ps-passage prob. has the same sense (despite Heitmüller 53f) in Mt 21:9; 23:39; Mk 11:9; Lk 13:35; 19:38.—OMerlier, Ὄνομα et ἐν ὀνόματι dans le quatr. Év.: RevÉtGr 47, ’34, 180–204; RBratcher, BT 14, ’63, 72–80.
    ד. w. ἕνεκα (and the other forms of this word; s. ἕνεκα 1): of persecutions for one’s Christian faith ἀπάγεσθαι ἐπὶ βασιλεῖς ἕνεκεν τοῦ ὀν. μου Lk 21:12. πάσχειν or ὑποφέρειν εἵνεκα τοῦ ὀνόματος Hv 3, 1, 9; 3, 2, 1; Hs 9, 28, 5. ἕνεκεν τοῦ ὀν. (τοῦ) κυρίου v 3, 5, 2; Hs 9, 28, 6. ἀφιέναι οἰκίας … ἕνεκεν τοῦ ἐμοῦ ὀν. for my name’s sake Mt 19:29. ἔκτισας τὰ πάντα ἕνεκεν τοῦ ὀν. σου you created all things for your name’s sake, i.e. that God’s name might be praised for the benefits which the works of creation bring to humankind D 10:3.
    ה. w. ἐπί and the dat.: ἐπὶ τῷ ὀν. τινος when someone’s name is mentioned or called upon, or mentioning someone’s name (LXX; En 10:2; Just., D. 39, 6; Ath. 23, 1; s. Heitmüller 19ff; 43ff; s. also 47ff; 52ff; 87ff) in the NT only of the name of Jesus, and only in the synoptics and Ac. ἐλεύσονται ἐπὶ τῷ ὀν. μου they will come using my name Mt 24:5; Mk 13:6; Lk 21:8. κηρύσσειν ἐπὶ τῷ ὀν. αὐτοῦ μετάνοιαν 24:47. λαλεῖν ἐπὶ τῷ ὀν. τούτῳ to speak using this name Ac 4:17; 5:40. διδάσκειν 4:18; 5:28. ποιεῖν δύναμιν ἐπὶ τῷ ὀν. μου Mk 9:39. ἐπὶ τῷ ὀν. σου ἐκβάλλειν δαιμόνια Lk 9:49 v.l. ἐπὶ τῷ σῷ ὀν. τὰς θεραπείας ἐπετέλουν GJs 20:2 (codd.). Of the (spiritual) temple of God: οἰκοδομηθήσεται ναὸς θεοῦ ἐνδόξως ἐπὶ τῷ ὀν. κυρίου the temple of God will be gloriously built with the use of the Lord’s name 16:6f, 8 (quot. of uncertain orig.). βαπτίζεσθαι ἐπὶ τῷ ὀν. Ἰ. Χρ. Ac 2:38. Baptism is also referred to in καλεῖσθαι ἐπὶ τῷ ὀν. τοῦ υἱοῦ τοῦ θεοῦ receive a name when the name of God’s son is named Hs 9, 17, 4. The words δέχεσθαι (παιδίον) ἐπὶ τῷ ὀν. μου can also be classed here receive (a child) when my name is confessed, when I am called upon Mt 18:5; Mk 9:37; Lk 9:48 (s. Heitmüller 64); but s. also 3 below.—ἐπί w. acc.: πεποιθέναι ἐπὶ τὸ ὁσιώτατον τῆς μεγαλωσύνης αὐτοῦ ὄν. have confidence in (the Lord’s) most sacred and majestic name 1 Cl 58:1b; ἐλπίζειν ἐπὶ τὸ ὄν. hope in the name (of the Lord) 16:8b.
    ו. w. περί and the gen.: εὐαγγελίζεσθαι περὶ τοῦ ὀν. Ἰ. Χ. bring the good news about the name of J. Chr. Ac 8:12.—(W. acc.: ἔχομεν δέος τὸ ὄ. τοῦ θεοῦ Orig., C. Cels. 4, 48, 34).
    ז. w. πρός and acc.: πρὸς τὸ ὄν. Ἰησοῦ … πολλὰ ἐναντία πρᾶξαι do many things in opposing the name of Jesus Ac 26:9.
    ח. w. ὑπέρ and gen.: ὑπὲρ τοῦ ὀν. (Ἰησοῦ) ἀτιμασθῆναι Ac 5:41. πάσχειν 9:16; Hs 9, 28, 2. Cp. Ac 15:26; 21:13. The activity of the apostles takes place ὑπὲρ τοῦ ὀν. αὐτοῦ to the honor of (Jesus’) name Ro 1:5. Cp. 3J 7. Of thankful praying at the Lord’s Supper εὐχαριστοῦμεν σοι … ὑπὲρ τοῦ ἁγίου ὀν. σου, οὗ κατεσκήνωσας ἐν ταῖς καρδίαις ἡμῶν we thank you … for your holy name, which you caused to dwell in our hearts D 10:2.
    δ. ὄν. w. ref. to God or Christ not infreq. stands quite alone, simply the Name: Ac 5:41; Phil 2:9 (cp. Diod S 3, 61, 6); 3J 7; 2 Cl 13:1, 4; IEph 3:1; 7:1; IPhld 10:1; Hv 3, 2, 1; Hs 8, 10, 3; 9, 13, 2; 9, 28, 3; 5.
    a person (Phalaris, Ep. 128; POxy 1188, 8 [13 A.D.]; BGU 113, 11; Jos., Ant. 14, 22; other exx. in Dssm., NB 24f [BS 196f]; LXX) τὸ ποθητόν μοι ὄν. my dear friend: Alce ISm 13:2; IPol 8:3; Crocus IRo 10:1. Pl. (PThéad 41, 10; PSI 27, 22; Num 1:18 al.) people Ac 1:15; Rv 3:4. ὀνόματα ἀνθρώπων 11:13 (cp. Ael. Aristid. 50, 72 K.=26 p. 523 D.: ὀνόματα δέκα ἀνδρῶν). This is prob. the place for περὶ λόγου καὶ ὀνομάτων καὶ νόμου about teaching and persons and (the) law Ac 18:15.
    the classification under which one belongs, noted by a name or category, title, category (cp. Cass. Dio 38, 44; 42, 24 καὶ ὅτι πολλῷ πλείω ἔν τε τῷ σχήματι καὶ ἐν τῷ ὀνόματι τῷ τῆς στρατηγίας ὢν καταπράξειν ἤλπιζε=he hoped to effect much more by taking advantage of his praetorial apparel and title; ins: Sb 7541, 5 [II A.D.] Νύμφη ὄνομʼ ἐστί σοι; POxy 37 I, 17 [49 A.D.] βούλεται ὀνόματι ἐλευθέρου τὸ σωμάτιον ἀπενέγκασθαι=she claims to have carried off the infant on the basis of its being free-born; Jos., Ant. 12, 154 φερνῆς ὀνόματι; 11, 40; Just., A II, 6, 4 καὶ ἀνθρώπου καὶ σωτῆρος ὄνομα. Other exx. in Heitmüller 50); the possibility of understanding ὄν. as category made it easier for Greeks to take over rabb. לְשֵׁם (s. 1dγב above) in the sense with regard to a particular characteristic, then simply with regard to, for the sake of ὁ δεχόμενος προφήτην εἰς ὄν. προφήτου whoever receives a prophet within the category ‘prophet’, i.e. because he is a prophet, as a prophet Mt 10:41a; cp. vss. 41b, 42.—ὸ̔ς ἂν ποτίσῃ ὑμᾶς ἐν ὀνόματι, ὄτι Χριστοῦ ἐστε whoever gives you a drink under the category that you belong to Christ, i.e. in your capacity as a follower of Christ Mk 9:41. εἰ ὀνειδίζεσθε ἐν ὀν. Χριστοῦ if you are reviled for the sake of Christ 1 Pt 4:14. δοξαζέτω τὸν θεὸν ἐν τῷ ὀν. τούτῳ let the person praise God in this capacity (=ὡς Χριστιανός) vs. 16. δέδεμαι ἐν τῷ ὀν. I am imprisoned for the sake of the Name IEph 3:1.—δέχεσθαι (παιδίον) ἐπὶ τῷ ὀν. μου for my (name’s) sake Mt 18:5; Mk 9:37; Lk 9:48 (cp. Heitmüller 113. But s. 1dγה above).
    recognition accorded a person on the basis of performance, (well-known) name, reputation, fame (Hom. et al.; 1 Ch 14:17; 1 Macc 8:12) φανερὸν ἐγένετο τὸ ὄν. αὐτοῦ his fame was widespread Mk 6:14. ὄν. ἔχειν (Pla., Apol. 38c, Ep. 2, 312c) w. ὅτι foll. have the reputation of Rv 3:1 perh. also 3:5 (s. 1bα; JFuller, JETS 26, ’83, 297–306).
    name in terms of office held, office (POxy 58, 6) στασιαζουσῶν τ. φυλῶν, ὁποία αὐτῶν εἴη τῷ ἐνδόξῳ ὀνόματι κεκοσμημένη when the tribes were quarreling as to which one of them was to be adorned with that glorious office 1 Cl 43:2. τὸ ὄν. τῆς ἐπισκοπῆς the office of supervision 44:1.—B. 1263f. OEANE IV 91–96 on Mesopotamian practices. Schmidt, Syn. I 113–24. DELG. M-M. EDNT. TW. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > ὄνομα

  • 2 ὄνομα

    ὄνομα, [dialect] Aeol. and [dialect] Dor. [full] ὄνῠμα IG12(2).68.8 (Lesb.), GDI4992a iii 7 ([place name] Crete), SIG1122.8 ([place name] Selinus), Berl.Sitzb.1927.167 ([place name] Cyrene) ; [dialect] Lacon. *[full] ἔνυμα prob. in pr. nn.

    Ἐνυμακρατίδας IG5(1).213.45

    , Ἐνυμαντιάδας ib.97.20, 280.2 ; poet. also (metri gr.) [full] οὔνομα (v.infr.), which appears regularly in codd. of Hdt. (along with ὀνομάζω, as 2.50, 4.35, al.), and sts. in other [dialect] Ion. prose authors (v.l. in Hp.Prog.25, etc.), but is prob. not Ionic ; [dialect] Ion. Inscrr. have only ὄνομα, IG7.235.39 ([place name] Oropus), etc.: Hom. has

    οὔνομα Od.6.194

    , 9.355, Il.3.235,

    οὐνόματ' (α) 17.260


    ὄνομα Od.9.16

    , 364, 366, 19.183,

    ὄνομ' (α) 4.710

    et saep.:— name of a person or thing, in Hom. always of a person, exc.

    ἐρέω δέ τοι οὔνομα λαῶν Od.6.194

    and in Od.13.248 (v. infr. II) ;

    Οὖτις ἐμοί γ' ὄ. 9.366

    , cf. 18.5,19.183, 247;

    Ἀρήτη δ' ὄνομ' ἐστὶν ἐπώνυμον 7.54

    , cf. 19.409, Hes. Th. 144 : in Prose ὄνομα is used abs., by name,

    πόλις ὄ. Καιναί X.An. 2.4.28

    , etc.: also dat., πόλις Θάψακος ὀνόματι ib.1.4.11 (v. l.) ;

    ὀνόματι λέγειν

    by name,

    Pl.Ap. 21c


    ἐπ' ὀνόματος δηλοῦσθαι Plb.18.45.4

    , etc. ; κατ' ὄνομα by name, Strato Com.1.14, Epigr.Gr.983.4 ([place name] Philae) ; ἀσπάζου τοὺς φίλους κατ' ὄ. each by his name, 3 Ep.Jo.14.
    2 ὄ. τίθεσθαι or θέσθαι τινί give one a name, Od.19.403, 406, 8.554, A.Fr. 6, Ar.Av. 810 :—[voice] Pass., ὄ. κεῖταί τινι ib. 1291 ; ὄ. ἐστι or κεῖται ἐπί τινι, X.Mem.3.14.2, Cyr.2.2.12 ; so ὄ. φέρειν or ἐπιφέρειν ἐπί τι, Arist. EN 1119a33, HA 572a11.
    3 ὄνομα καλεῖν τινα call one by name,

    εἴπ' ὄνομ', ὅττι σε κεῖθι κάλεον Od. 8.550


    καλοῦσί με τοῦτο τὸ ὄ. X. Oec.7.3

    , cf. E. Ion 259, 800, Pl.Cra. 393e, etc.:—so in [voice] Pass.,

    ὄ. δ' ὠνομάζετο Ἕλενος S.Ph. 605

    , cf. El. 694 ;

    ὄ. δημοκρατία κέκληται Th.2.37


    τὸ ἐναντίον ὄ. ἀφροσύνη μετωνόμασται Id.1.122


    ὄ. ἓν κεκλημένους Σικελιώτας Id.4.64


    λεγόμενοι τοὔνομα γεωργικοί Pl.Lg. 842e

    ; but also

    ὀνόματί τινα προσαγορεύειν Antipho 6.40

    ; reversely, ὄνομα καλεῖν τινι give a name to, Pl.Plt. 279e, Cra. 385d ;

    ὄ. καλεῖν ἐπί τινι Id.Prm. 147d


    τύμβῳ δ' ὄ. σῷ κεκλήσεται.. Κυνὸς σῆμα E.Hec. 1271


    τοὔνομα προσηγορεύθη Anaxil.21.3

    II name, fame,

    Ἰθάκης γε καὶ ἐς Τροίην ὄνομ' ἵκει Od.13.248


    οὐδὲ θανὼν ὄνομ' ὤλεσας 24.93

    ; ὄ. ἔχειν or σχεῖν ἀπό τινος, Hdt.1.71, Pl.Hp.Ma. 282a ;

    τὸ μεγα ὄ. τῶν Ἀθηνῶν Th.7.64


    τῷ μέλλοντι χρόνῳ καταλιπεῖν ὄ. ὡς.. Id.5.16


    τοὔνομά τινος μεῖζον ἀφικνεῖται εἰς τὴν πόλιν X.An.6.1.20


    ὧν ὀνόματα μεγάλα λέγεται ἐπὶ σοφίᾳ Pl.Hp.Ma. 281c


    ὄ. μέγιστον ἔχειν Th.2.64

    ; ἐν ὀνόματι εἶναι to have a name, to be notable, Str.9.1.23 ;

    οἱ ἐν πράγμασιν ἐπ' ὀνόματος γεγονότες Plb.15.35.1


    παράσιτοι δ' ἐπ' ὀνόματος ἐγένοντο



    ; τῶν δι' ὀνόματος παρασίτων ib. 241a.
    III a name and nothing else, opp. the real person or thing,

    ἵνα μηδ' ὄνομ' αὐτοῦ ἐν ἀνθρώποισι λίπηται Od.4.710


    βοᾶς δ' ἔτι μηδ' ὄνομ' εἴη Theoc. 16.97

    ; opp. ἔργον, E.Or. 454, Hipp. 502 ;

    περὶ ὄ. μάχεσθαι Lys.33.3


    ἐκ τῶν ὀ. μᾶλλον ἢ τῶν πραγμάτων σκέψασθαι D.9.15

    ; ὀνόματι διαφέρεσθαι dispute about a word, Pl.Euthd. 285a, Lg. 644a.
    2 false name, pretence, pretext, ὀνόματι ἐννόμῳ ξυμμαχίας under the pretence.., Th.4.60 ;

    μετ' ὀνομάτων καλῶν Id.5.89


    χώρα καλῶν ὀ. καὶ προσχημάτων μεστή Pl.R. 495c

    , cf. Plb.11.5.4.
    IV in periphr. phrases, ὄ. τῆς σωτηρίας, = σωτηρία, E.IT 905, cf. ὄνομ' ὁμιλίας ἐμῆς (v. l. for ὄμμ') Id.Or. 1082 : with the names of persons, periphr. for the person,

    ὦ φίλτατον ὄ. Πολυνείκους Id.Ph. 1702

    2 of persons,

    ὄχλος ὀνομάτων Act.Ap.1.15

    ; ἕτερα ὀ. ἀντ' αὐτοῦ.. πέμψαι Wilcken Chr.28.19 (ii A. D.) ; in Accountancy, both of persons and things (cf. Lat. nomen), Hyp.Ath.6, 10 (both pl.), Jahresh.26 Beibl.13 (Ephes., ii A. D., pl.) ; βαρέσαι τὸ ἐμὸν ὄ. charge my account, POxy.126.8 (vi A. D.) ; τὸν τόκον τὸν ὀνόματί μου παραγραφέντα ib.513.22 (ii A. D.) ; in registers of titledeeds, etc., οἰκίας οὐ κειμένης ἐν ὀνόματι τῆς ἀποδομένης not booked under the name of the seller, PLips. 3 ii 25 (iii A. D.) ; ὀνόματι ἰδιωτικῆς under the head of private land, PCair.Preis.47.10 (iv A. D.);

    δικαιώματα.. ἑκάστῳ ὀνόματι παράκειται BGU113.11

    (ii A. D.); in tax-receipts, ἔσχον ὀνόματος Σομτοῦς on account of S., Ostr.Bodl. ii 39 (ii A. D.), cf. PFay.85.7 (iii A. D.), etc.
    V phrase, expression, esp. of technical terms,

    ὀ. τὰ ἐν τῇ ναυτικῇ X.Ath.1.19

    : generally, D.19.187.
    VI Gramm., word, opp. ῥῆμα (expression), Pl.Cra. 399b, cf. Ap. 17c, Smp. 198b, 199b, 221e, Isoc.9.9, 11, Arist.Rh. 1404b5, Aeschin.3.72, A.D.Synt.12.25, al., Demetr.Eloc.23, al. ; τὸ ἰλλαίνειν ὄ. the word ἰλλαίνειν, Gal.17(1).679.
    2 noun, opp. ῥῆμα (verb, predicate), Pl.Tht. 168b, Sph. 262a, 262b, cf. Arist.Po. 1457a10, Int. 16a19, al.; as one of five parts of speech, Chrysipp.Stoic.2.45 ; ὄ. κύριον a proper name, opp. προσηγορικόν, D.T.636.16, A.D.Pron.26.12, al. (so ὄ. alone, Ar.Nu. 681 sqq., Diog.Bab.Stoic.3.213) ; also of adjectives, S.E.M.1.222. (Cf. Goth. namo, gen. namins, Lat. nōmen, Skt. nāma.)

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > ὄνομα

  • 3 ὄνομα

    ὄνομα, τό, ion. u. poet. οὔνομα, äol. ὄνυμα (ὀ ist vorgeschlagen, die Wurzel ΓΝΟ = ΝΟ), 1) Name, die Benennung einer Person oder Sache; bei Hom. der Eigenname, mit dem eine Person genannt wird, οὕς κεν ἐϋ γνοίην καὶ τοὔνομα μυϑησαίμην, Il. 3, 235, wie τῶν ἄλλων τίς κεν ᾗσι φρεσὶν οὐνόματ' εἴποι, 17, 260 (sonst nicht in der Il.); auch bestimmter, Ἀρήτη δ' ὄνομ' ἐστὶν ἐπώνυμον, Od. 7, 54, vgl. 19, 403, der Name, mit dem sie genannt wird, ἐμοὶ δ' ὄνομα κλυτὸν Αἴϑων, 19, 183, Εὐρυβάτης δ' ὄνομ' ἔσκε, 247, öfter; ὄνομα τῇ κολάσει εὐϑῦναι, Plat. Prot. 326 d, wie ὄνομα αὐτῷ εἶναι Ἀγάϑωνα, 315 e; auch parenthetisch, Δίων ὄνομα αὐτῷ, Is. 6, 20; auch εἴπ' ὄνομ', ὅττι σε κεῖϑι κάλεον, mit dem sie dich nannten, Od. 8, 550, vgl. 9, 364; ὅπερ καλοῦμεν ὄνομα ἕκαστον, Plat. Crat. 383 e, vgl. 402 d; daher ὄνομα κέκληται δημοκρατία, Thuc. 2, 37; ὄνομα ϑεῖναί τινι, einen Namen geben, beilegen, Od. 19, 403; häufiger im med., ὄνομα τίϑεσϑαι, 19, 406; so Ar. Nubb. 66 Av. 809. 923; u. in Prosa, τούτοις ὄνομα ἀποικίαν τιϑέμενος, Plat. Legg. V, 736 a; ἀντὶ τοῦ ὀνόματος, οὗ ἔϑετο αὐτῷ ὁ πατὴρ Βοιωτόν, Dem. 40, 34; Folgde häufig; – ἐπ' ὀνόματος εἶναι, s. ἐπί; ὄνομα φέρειν, einen Namen tragen, Soph. O. C. 60; ὄνομα ἔχειν ἀπό τινος, von oder nach einem Andern den Namen haben, Plat. Hipp. mai. 282 a; Γαῖα, πολ λῶν όνομάτων μορφὴ μία, Aesch. Prom. 210, öfter; τύμβῳ ὄνομα σὸν κεκλήσεται, Eur. Hec. 1271; – πόλις Θάψακος ὀνόματι, mit Namen, Xen. An. 1, 4, 11; gewöhnlicher im absoluten accus., πόλις ὄνομα Καιναί, 2, 4, 28 u. öfter, u. Folgde; ἐπ' ὀνόματος καλεῖν τινα; bei Namen rufen, Pol. 5, 35, 2; namentlich, ἐπ' ὀνόματος δηλοῦν τὰς πόλεις, 18, 28, 4. – 2) wie bei uns, Name, Ruf, Ruhm; Hom., doch so, daß an den Eigennamen selbst zu denken ist, Ἰϑάκης γε καὶ ἐς Τροίην ὄνομ' ἵκει, Od. 13, 248; ἃς σὺ μὲν οὐδὲ ϑ ανων ὄνομ' ὤλεσας, dem nachher entspricht ἀλλά τοι αἰεὶ πάντας ἐπ' ἀνϑρώπους κλέος ἔσσεται ἐσϑλόν, 24, 93; Od. 4, 710 ἵνα μηδ' ὄνομ' αὐτοῦ ἐν ἀνϑρώποισι λίπηται, daß auch nicht der Name von ihm übrig bleibe; ὄνομα μόνον δείσαντες, den Ruf des Namens, Soph. O. C. 266; πολὺ τὸ σὸν ὄνομα διήκει πάντας, 307. – Auch in Prosa = berühmter Name, οὐδ' ἂν ἐγένετο Πρωταγόρου ὄνομα ἐν τοῖς Ἕλλησιν, Plat. Prot. 335 a; ὧν ὀνόματα μεγάλα λέγεται ἐπὶ σοφίᾳ, Hipp. mai. 281 c; καὶ τῷ μέλλοντι χρόνῳ καταλιπεῖν ὄνομα ὡς οὐδὲν σφήλας τὴν πόλιν διεγένετο, Thuc. 5, 16; ἀπὸ γὰρ τῆς μάχης τὸ τούτου ὄνομα μέγιστον ηὔξητο, Xen. Cyr. 4, 2, 3; ἐν ἀτίμῳ ὀνόματι, von unberühmtem Namen, Herkommen, An. 6, 4, 7; Sp., die auch ὄνομα καὶ δόξα, ὄνομα καὶ κλέος u. dgl. verbinden, Anth. – 3) der bloße Name in Ggstz der Person oder Sache, ὄνομα, ἔργον δ' οὐκ ἔχουσιν οἱ φίλοι, Eur. Or. 454, vgl. I. A. 128; ἐκ τῶν ὀνομάτων μᾶλλον ἢ τῶν πραγμάτων σκέπτεσϑαι, Dem. 9, 15. Daher auch der falsche Name, hinter dem man die Sache versteckt, Vorwand, καὶ πρόσχημα, Pol. 11, 6, 4; D. Hal. u. a. Sp.; vgl. auch Thuc. 4, 60. – 4) bes. bei Gramm. das nomen im Ggstz von ῥῆμα, verbum, auch im engeren Sinne Eigenname im Ggstz von προςηγορία, nomen appellativum (s. unter ῥῆμα). – Uebh. das Wort, der Ausdruck, ὀνόμασι διαϑέσϑαι, dem ἐνϑυμηϑῆναι entgegengesetzt, Isocr. 4, 9, der auch ὀνόματα = λέξις den ἐνϑυμήματα gegenüberstellt.

    Griechisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch > ὄνομα

  • 4 ὄνομα

    ὄνομα, τό, (1) Name, die Benennung einer Person oder Sache; der Eigenname, mit dem eine Person genannt wird; Ἀρήτη δ' ὄνομ' ἐστὶν ἐπώνυμον, der Name, mit dem sie genannt wird; εἴπ' ὄνομ', ὅττι σε κεῖϑι κάλεον, mit dem sie dich nannten; ὄνομα ϑεῖναί τινι, einen Namen geben, beilegen; ὄνομα φέρειν, einen Namen tragen; ὄνομα ἔχειν ἀπό τινος, von oder nach einem anderen den Namen haben; πόλις Θάψακος ὀνόματι, mit Namen; bei Namen rufen; namentlich. (2) wie bei uns, Name, Ruf, Ruhm; doch so, daß an den Eigennamen selbst zu denken ist; ἵνα μηδ' ὄνομ' αὐτοῦ ἐν ἀνϑρώποισι λίπηται, daß auch nicht der Name von ihm übrig bleibe; ὄνομα μόνον δείσαντες, den Ruf des Namens; berühmter Name; ἐν ἀτίμῳ ὀνόματι, von unberühmtem Namen, Herkommen. (3) der bloße Name in Ggstz der Person oder Sache. Daher auch der falsche Name, hinter dem man die Sache versteckt, Vorwand. (4) bes. bei Gramm. das nomen im Ggstz von ῥῆμα, verbum, auch im engeren Sinne Eigenname im Ggstz von προςηγορία, nomen appellativum (s. unter ῥῆμα). Übh. das Wort, der Ausdruck

    Wörterbuch altgriechisch-deutsch > ὄνομα

  • 5 ὄνομα

    -ατος + τό N 3 257-280-174-197-137=1045 Gn 2,; 3,20
    name Gn 2,11; class, genus Gn 2,20; name, fame Gn 21,23; name, reputation Gn 11,4; name, memory Dt 25,19; name, authority of [τινος] 1 Sm 25,9; name, family Na 1,14; name, person Nm 1,18
    ὄνομα πονηρόν a bad reputation Dt 22,14; υἱόν, ᾧ ὄνομα Εννων a son, whose name is Ennon Jb 42,17c; ἐν ἑνὶ ὀνόματι θανάτου by the one form of death or at once, in the time needed to pronounce the word death Wis 18,12
    *Is 42,4 ἐπὶ τῷ ὀνόματι αὐτοῦ in his name corr.? ἐπὶ τῷ νόμῳ αὐτοῦ for MT לתורתו in his law, see also
    Is 26,8; *Nm 4,27 ἐξ ὀνομάτων by name -מותשׁ/מ/ב
    for MT
    in their charge?; *Dt 17,12
    ὀνόματι (in the) name-םשֵׁ for MT םשָׁ there, see also Is 33,21, Ez 43,7, 48,35; *Zph 1,4 ὀνόματα name-םשׁ for MT ארשׁ remnant; *Ps 39(40),5 τὸ ὄνομα the name-םשׁ for MT םשׂ (who) puts; *Ps 71 (72),14 ὄνομα αὐτῶν their name-מםשׁ for MT דמם their blood; *Prv 27,16 ὀνόματι δέ and by name-םשׁו for MT מןשׁו and oil
    Cf. HEITMÜLLER 1903, 110-111; KOENIG 1982 232-233(Is 42,4); LARCHER 1985 1010(Wis 18,12); SHIPP
    1979, 416; WEVERS 1993 149.310. 463; 1995 393(Dt 25,7); →LSJ RSuppl(Wis 18,12); NIDNTT; PREISIGKE; TWNT

    Lust (λαγνεία) > ὄνομα

  • 6 παρ-εγ-γράφω

    παρ-εγ-γράφω, daneben einschreiben, καὶ τὸ αὑτοῦ ὄνομα, Plat. Legg. VI, 753 c; heimlich oder fälschlich einschreiben, Aesch. 3, 74; bes. in die Bürgerliste, παρεγγραφεὶς αἰσχρῶς πολίτης, 2, 76; vgl. Harpocr. v. διαψήφισις u. Luc. adv. ind. 19; daher ὁ παρεγγεγραμμένος in den VLL. ὁ μὴ ἀστός oder ὁ μὴ κατὰ νόμον τοῖς πολίταις τεταγμένος erklärt wird.

    Griechisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch > παρ-εγ-γράφω

  • 7 ἐπι-γράφω

    ἐπι-γράφω, 1) auf der Oberfläche ritzen, streifen, leicht verwunden, χρόα φωτός, Il. 4, 139. 13, 553; mit doppeltem acc., νῦν δέ μ' ἐπιγράψας ταρσόν 11, 388, wie Κτήσιππος δ' Εὔμαιον ἔγχεϊ ὦμον ἐπέγραψεν Od. 22, 280; ἄκροις δακτύλοις, darüber hinfahren, Luc. Amor. 42. So wird auch Il. 7, 187 ὅς μιν (κλῆρον) ἐπιγράψας κυνέῃ βάλε erkl.: nachdem er das Loos durch eingekratzte, eingeschnittene Merkmale bezeichnet hatte, ohne daß an eigentliche Buchstabenschrift zu denken ist. – Aber bei den Attikern – 2) daraufschreiben, eine Aufschrift machen, bes. auf Weihgeschenken, Grabmälern, Büchern; ἐπὶ τρίποδα Thuc. 1, 132; εἰς τὸν τρίποδα Dem. 59, 97; ἐπίγραμμα ὃ Μίδᾳ τῷ Φρυγί φασιν ἐπιγεγράφϑαι, welches auf den Midas gemacht sein soll, Plat. Phaedr. 264 c; τὸ αὑτοῦ ὄνομα Xen. An. 5, 3, 5; Aesch. 3, 183; wohin auch das med. ἐπεγράφοντο ὡς Θηβαῖοι Xen. Hell. 7, 5, 20 zu ziehen, sie bemalten, beschrieben sich, doch wohl die Schilder, als wären sie Thebaner. – Uebh. benennen, τὸ δρᾶμα τοῦτο Καλλίμαχος ἐπιγράφει Εὐνοῦχον Ath. XI, 496 f. – Dah. übtr., Jemandem Etwas zuschreiben, beimessen, ἐὰν δὲ αὐτόματόν τι συμβῇ, σαυτὸν ἐπὶ τὸ γεγενημένον ἐπιγράψεις; Aesch. 3, 167, wirst du dich für den Urheber des Geschehenen ausgeben? wie ἑαυτὸν τοῖς ἀλλοτρίοις πόνοις Ael. H. A. 8, 2; ϑεοῖς τὸ ἔργον Heliod. 8, 9; komisch Φοίβῳ τὰς ἀνίσους χεῖρας Antiphil. 18 (IX, 263), die Ungleichheit dem Phöbus zuschreiben; so im med., sich Etwas zuschreiben, zueignen, οἱ ἐπιγραφόμενοι ταῖς ἀλλοτρίαις γνώμαις, eigtl., die sich od. ihren Namen zu dem Vorschlage eines Andern aufschreiben lassen, also sich fremde Ansichten zueignen, Dem. 59, 43; u. pass., τὸν ἐπὶ τοῖς τῆς πόλεως ἀτυχήμασιν ἐπιγεγραμμένον, dem das Unglück des Staates zugeschrieben wird, Din. 1, 29; so auch Plut. Demetr. 42 Timol. 36, wobei die folgdn Beispiele zu vergleichen. – 31 auf-, einschreiben, bes. auf öffentliche Dokumente seinen Namen setzen, z. B. auf ein Dekret, ἐπιγραφομένων τοιούτων ῥητόρων ἐπὶ τὰς τοῦ δήμου γνώσεις Aesch. 1, 188; οἱ ἐπιγραφόμενοι τοῖς δόγμασιν, unterschreiben, D. Hal. 6, 84; u. in Listen, z. B. εἰς τοὺς πράκτορᾳς, in die Schuldregister der Praktoren eintragen, Andoc. 1, 77; vgl. οἱ πρόεδροι μέχρι πεντήκοντα δραχμῶν καϑ' ἕκαστον ἀδίκημα τοῖς πράκτορσι ἐπιγράφειν κυριευέτωσαν Aesch. 1, 35, im Gesetz; πολίτας ἐπεγράψαντο πολλούς, in die Bürgerrollen, Thuc. 5, 4. – In der attischen Gerichtssprache, – a) wie es vom Gesetzgeber heißt τὰ μέγιστα ἐπιτίμια ἐπιγράψας, die größte Strafe im Gesetz hinzufügen, Aesch. 1, 14, u. mit veränderter Structur προςτίμοις μεγάλοις ἐπέγραψε τοὺς ἁμαρτάνειν μέλλοντας D. Sic. 12, 12, so in der Klageschrift die Strafe abschätzen, den Strafantrag hinzusetzen, τὴν διπλασίαν τοῦ ἐπιγραφέντος βλάβους τῷ ἀφαιρεϑέντι τινέτω Plat. Legg. XI, 915 a; ἐπιγεγραμμένον ἐπὶ τῇ παρανόμων γραφῇ τίμημα Din. 2, 12; vom Kläger das med., τίμημα ἐπιγραψάμενος Aesch. 1, 16; τῶν ἐπιγεγραμμένων ἐτίμησαν, die Richter schätzten oder bestimmten die Strafe nach dem Antrage, Dem. 29, 8. – b) in der Klageschrift Einen als Zeugen nennen, κλητῆρα, μάρτυρας, Dem. 53, 14. 54, 31. – c) Einen als Erben aufschreiben lassen, Dem. 43, 15; auch die gerichtlich in Anspruch genommene Erbschaft abschätzen, ὲπιγράφεσϑαι τίμημα τῷ κλήρῳ Is. 3, 2; auch = gerichtlich die Erbschaft in Anspruch nehmen, 4, 2. – d) Namen u. Vermögen der Bürger aufschreiben, um danach die Staatslasten zu vertheilen, u. med. sich aufzeichnen lassen, ἐπέγραψε τοῖς πλουσιωτάτοις αὐτῶν πλῆϑος τι ἀργυρίου Arist. Oec. 2, 29; ἐμαυτῷ μὲν ἐπέγραψα τὴν μεγίστην εἰςφοράν Isocr. 17, 41, vor Bekker ἐπεγραψάμην. – Im med. auch προστάτην, sich einen Vorstand nehmen und einschreiben lassen, Ar. Pax 684, wie die Metöken in der Liste einen athenischen Bürger zu ihrem Namen als Patron hinzuschreiben lassen mußten, vgl. Hermann Staatsalterth. §. 135, 2. So auch komisch Γοργόνα Ar. Aeh. 1095, die Gorgo zu seiner Patroninn machen; selten im act., wie Luc. Peregr. 11 προστάτην τινὰ ἐπιγράφειν. – Aehnlich Ἥμηρον, den Homer als seinen Gewährsmann nennen, Luc. Dem. encom. 2, und Πλάτωνα, den Platon seinen Lehrer nennen, sich zu seiner Schule halten, οἱ τὸν Πλάτωνα ἐπιγραφόμενοι, die Schüler des Platon, Hermotim. 14 Fugitiv. 16.

    Griechisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch > ἐπι-γράφω

  • 8 παρεγγραφω

        1) приписывать, надписывать

    (τὸ αὑτοῦ ὄνομα Plat.; τὸν στίχον τοῦτον Plut.)

        2) незаконно вписывать, вставлять

    (τι ἐν ψηφίσματι Aeschin.; ἑαυτὸν ταῖς διαθήκαις Luc.)

    ; незаконно зачислять

    Древнегреческо-русский словарь > παρεγγραφω

  • 9 παρεγγράφω

    παρεγ-γράφω [pron. full] [γρᾰ],
    A write by the side, subjoin,

    τὸ αὑτοῦ ὄνομα Pl.Lg. 753c

    2 in bad sense, mterpolate,

    τι ἐν ψηφίσματι Aeschin.3.74

    , cf. Plu.CG17, Gal.15.9 ([voice] Pass.), 17(1).606 ;

    ἔπος ἐν τῷ καταλόγῳ Str.9.1.10


    π. ἑαυτὸν ταῖς διαθήκαις Luc. Ind. 19

    ; enrol illegally among the citizens, εἰς τοὺς φυλέτας Id.Bis Acc.27 ;

    παρεγγραφεὶς πολίτης Aeschin.2.76


    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > παρεγγράφω

  • 10 καλέω

    καλέω impf. ἐκάλουν; fut. καλέσω (LXX; JosAs 17:5; 20:6; Jos., Ant. 11, 266.—W-S. §13, 5; B-D-F §74, 1; Mlt-H. 242); 1 aor. ἐκάλεσα; pf. κέκληκα. Mid.: fut. 3 sg. καλέσεται (Just., D. 43, 5). Pass. 1 fut. κληθῆσομαι (W-S. §15); 2 fut. 3 sg. κεκλήσεται Lev 13:45; Hos 12:1; 1 aor. ἐκλήθην; pf. κέκλημαι (Hom.+).
    to identify by name or attribute, call, call by name, name
    call (to someone) abs., with naming implied (opp. ὑπακούειν; cp. PHamb 29, 3 [89 A.D.] κληθέντων τινῶν καὶ μὴ ὑπακουσάντων; Just., D. 136, 2 οὔτε καλοῦντος αὐτοῦ ἀνέχεσθε οὔτε λαλοῦντος ἀκούετε) of God ἐκάλουν καὶ οὐχ ὑπηκούσατε 1 Cl 57:4 (Pr 1:24); w. obj. τὰ ἴδια πρόβατα καλεῖ κατʼ ὄνομα J 10:3 v.l.
    call, address as, designate as w. double acc. (Just., D. 3, 5 θεὸν σὺ τί καλεῖς; Hippol., Ref. 6, 20, 1) αὐτὸν καλῶμεν κύριον 2 Cl 4:1; cp. Mt 22:43, 45; 23:9 (here the sense supplies the second acc.: you are to call no one your father); Lk 20:44; Ac 14:12; Ro 9:25; Hb 2:11; 1 Pt 1:17 P72; 3:6. A voc. can take the place of the second acc. τί με καλεῖτε κύριε, κύριε; Lk 6:46. Pass. καλεῖσθαι ὑπὸ τῶν ἀνθρώπων ῥαββί Mt 23:7. ὑμεῖς μὴ κληθῆτε ῥαββί you are not to have people call you ‘rabbi’ vs. 8; vs. 10. Cp. Lk 22:25; Js 2:23. ὁ οἶκός μου οἶκος προσευχῆς κληθήσεται Mt 21:13; Mk 11:17 (both Is 56:7). κληθήσονται υἱοὶ θεοῦ Ro 9:26 (Hos 2:1).
    name, provide with a name w. double acc. (Iren. 1, 1, 1 [Harv. I 8, 3]) ἐκάλουν αὐτὸ … Ζαχαρίαν they were for naming him Z. Lk 1:59 (on ἐπὶ τῷ ὀνόματι τ. πατρός after his father[’s name] cp. 1 Esdr 5:38; Sir 36:11 and s. Hs 9, 17, 4).—Pass. be given a name, be named (Jos., Ant. 1, 34) κληθήσεται Ἰωάννης his name is to be John Lk 1:60; cp. vs. 62. σὺ κληθήσῃ Κηφᾶς J 1:42. Also of localities Mt 27:8; Ac 1:19; ApcPt Rainer (s. Ἀχερουσία).—Have as a name, be called (Lucian, Jud. Voc. 7 Λυσίμαχος ἐκαλεῖτο; Just., D. 1, 3 Τρύφων…καλοῦμαι; 63, 5 Χριστιανοὶ … καλούμεθα) ὸ̔ς καλεῖται τ. ὀνόματι τούτῳ who bears this name Lk 1:61. Also of localities (Appian, Bell. Civ. 3, 70 §289; 3, 91 §374; SIG 599, 5 τὸ φρούριον ὸ̔ καλεῖται Κάριον; Just., A I, 59, 6 τὸ καλούμενον Ἔρεβος) πόλις Δαυὶδ ἥτις καλεῖται Βηθλέεμ Lk 2:4. Cp. Ac 28:1; Rv 11:8.—Lk, Ac, Rv, GPt add to a pers. or thing the name or surname which he, she, or it bears, by means of the pres. pass. ptc. (cp. SIG 685, 39 νῆσον τὴν καλουμένην Λεύκην; 826e 22; 1063, 5; PPetr II, 45 II, 20; BGU 1000, 6; PCairGoodsp 9, 4; O. Wilck II, 1210, 4). The name: ἀδελφὴ καλουμένη Μαριάμ a sister named Mary Lk 10:39 (PCairMasp 23, 16 τ. ἀδελφὴν καλουμένην Πρόκλαν; TestJob 48:1 ἡ καλουμένη Ἡμέρα). Cp. 19:2; Ac 7:58; Rv 19:11, also 12:9. πόλις καλουμένη Ν. Lk 7:11; cp. 9:10; 19:29; 21:37; 23:33; Ac 1:12; 3:11; 8:10; 9:11; 10:1; 27:8, 14, 16; Rv 1:9; 16:16; GPt 6:24. The surname (2 Macc 10:12 Πτολεμαῖος ὁ καλούμενος Μάκρων; 1 Macc 3:1; Jos., Ant. 13, 367; TestJob 1:1 Ιωβ τοῦ καλουμένου Ιωβαβ): Σίμων ὁ κ. ζηλωτής Simon the Zealot Lk 6:15. Cp. 1:36; 8:2; 22:3 (s. ἐπικαλέω 2); Ac 1:23; 13:1; 15:22 (s. ἐπικαλέω), 37.—The example of the OT (Gen 17:19; 1 Km 1:20; Hos 1:9; 1 Macc 6:17) has influenced the expr. καλεῖν τὸ ὄνομά τινος, w. the name added in the acc. καλέσεις τὸ ὄνομα αὐτοῦ Ἰησοῦν Mt 1:21; GJs 11:3; 14:2. Cp. Mt 1:23 (Is 7:14), 25; Lk 1:13, 31. Pass. Lk 2:21; Rv 19:13.
    Very oft. the emphasis is to be placed less on the fact that names are such and such, than on the fact that the bearers of the name actually are what the name says about them. The pass. be named thus approaches closely the mng. to be, and it must be left to the sensitivity of the interpreter whether this transl. is to be attempted in any individual case (Quint. Smyrn. 14, 434 οὔτʼ ἔτι σεῖο κεκλήσομαι=I do not wish any longer to be yours, i.e. your daughter). Among such pass. are these: Ναζωραῖος κληθήσεται he is to be a Nazarene Mt 2:23. υἱοὶ θεοῦ κληθήσονται 5:9; cp. vs. 19ab. υἱὸς ὑψίστου κληθήσεται (in parallelism w. ἔσται μέγας) Lk 1:32; so GJs 11:3, but without the ref. to greatness; cp. Lk 1:35, 76; 2:23. οὐκέτι εἰμὶ ἄξιος κληθῆναι υἱός σου 15:19, 21. οὐκ εἰμὶ ἱκανὸς καλεῖσθαι ἀπόστολος 1 Cor 15:9. ἵνα τέκνα θεοῦ κληθῶμεν, καί ἐσμέν that we should be called children of God; and so we really are 1J 3:1 (sim. Eur., Ion 309 τ. θεοῦ καλοῦμαι δοῦλος εἰμί τε; cp. Just., D. 123, 9; καλεῖσθαι beside εἶναι as Plut., Demetr. 900 [25, 6]). οἱ κεκλημένοι ἐν ὀνόματι κυρίου those who are identified by the Lord’s name i.e. as Christians Hs 8, 1, 1. ἄχρις οὗ τὸ σήμερον καλεῖται as long as it is called ‘today’, as long as ‘today’ lasts Hb 3:13 (WLorimer, NTS 12, ’66, 390f, quoting Pla., Phd. 107c).—Here we may also class ἐν Ἰσαὰκ κληθήσεταί σοι σπέρμα in (through) Isaac you are to have your descendants Ro 9:7 and Hb 11:18 (Gen 21:12).
    to request the presence of someone at a social gathering, invite (Hom. et al.; pap; 2 Km 13:23; Esth 5:12; ISardRobert 1, ’64, p. 9, lines 1–4) τινά someone εἰς (τοὺς) γάμους to the wedding (Diod S 4, 70, 3; POxy 1487, 1 καλεῖ σε Θέων εἰς τοὺς γάμους) Mt 22:9; Lk 14:8, cp. vs. 10 (Syn. ἐρωτάω; s. three texts, invitations to the κλινή of Sarapis [ZPE 1, ’67, 121–26], two w. ἐ. and one w. καλέω New Docs 1, 5–9; on Luke’s compositional use of the meal context, s. XdeMeeûs, ETL 37, ’61, 847–70; cp. J 2:2; Rv 19:9. Abs. invite τινά someone 1 Cor 10:27 (Diog. L. 7, 184 of Chrysippus: ἐπὶ θυσίαν [sacrificial meal] ὑπὸ τῶν μαθητῶν κληθῆναι); priests to a child’s birthday GJs 6:2. Cp. Lk 7:39; 14:9, 12f, 16. οἱ κεκλημένοι the invited guests (Damox. Com. [IV/III B.C.] Fgm. 2, 26 K. in Athen. 3, 59, 102c τ. κεκλημένον; Jos., Ant. 6, 48; 52); Mt 22:3b (οἱ κεκλημένοι εἰς τ. γάμους as Diphilus Com. [IV/III B.C.] Fgm. 17, 1), 4, 8; Lk 14:7, 17; cp. vs. 24. ὁ κεκληκώς, the host 14:10 (s. above).—If αὐτοῦ Mk 2:15 refers to Jesus’ home, κ. in vs. 17 registers the double sense of an invitation to dinner and receipt of Messianic benefits, w. Jesus as host (s. AMcNeile, Mt ’57, 118); difft. Lk 5:27–32, s. 4 below. Of a follow-up invitation to guests upon completion of banquet preparations Mt 22:3a (cp. 3b below).
    to use authority to have a person or group appear, summon
    call together τινάς people: Workers to be paid Mt 20:8. Slaves to receive orders 25:14; Lk 19:13. Shepherds GJs 4:3. τὰς θυγατέρας τῶν Ἑβραίων for Mary’s diversion 6:1; 7:2. τὰς παρθένους Ox 404 recto, 21 (Hs 113, 5); GJs 10:1. Guests Mt 22:3a (s. 2 end).
    summon τινά someone (Appian, Bell. Civ. 4, 82 §347; 4, 86 §362; 1 Macc 1:6) ἀπέστειλαν πρὸς αὐτὸν καλοῦντες αὐτόν they sent to him to summon him Mk 3:31. Cp. Mt 2:7; 22:3a. Of Joseph ἐκάλεσεν αὐτήν GJs 13:2 (for the context cp. Mt 1:18f). Of God: the Israelites fr. Egypt (as a type of Christ) Mt 2:15. Call upon (Himerius, Or. 48 [=Or. 14], 10; 4 Macc 3:19) Hb 11:8.
    a legal t.t. call in, summon before a court (oft. pap) τινά someone (Jos., Ant. 14, 169) Ac 4:18; 24:2.—The transition to mng. 4 is well illustrated by Mt 4:21; Mk 1:20; Papias (8), where the summons is also a call to discipleship.
    From the mngs. ‘summon’ and ‘invite’ there develops the extended sense choose for receipt of a special benefit or experience, call (Paus. 10, 32, 13 οὓς ἂν ἡ ῏Ισις καλέσῃ διʼ ἐνυπνίων; Ael. Aristid. 30, 9 K.=10 p. 116 D.: ὑπὸ τοῦ θεοῦ κληθείς) καλούμενος ὑπὸ τοῦ θεοῦ Hb 5:4. τινὰ εἴς τι someone to someth., in the usage of the NT, as well as that of the LXX, of the choice of pers. for salvation: God (much more rarely Christ) calls εἰς τὴν ἑαυτοῦ βασιλείαν καὶ δόξαν 1 Th 2:12; εἰς τὴν αἰώνιον αὐτοῦ δόξαν 1 Pt 5:10. εἰς ζωὴν αἰώνιον 1 Ti 6:12. εἰς κοινωνίαν τοῦ υἱοῦ αὐτοῦ to fellowship with his son 1 Cor 1:9. ἐκ σκότους εἰς τὸ αὐτοῦ φῶς from darkness to his light 1 Pt 2:9. ἀπὸ σκότους εἰς φῶς 1 Cl 59:2. διὰ τ. χάριτος αὐτοῦ Gal 1:15. for this God called you through our proclamation, namely to obtain the glory 2 Th 2:14; cp. 1 Th 2:12. καλέσαντι … εἰς τὴν μερίδα τοῦ κλήρους τῶν ἁγίων Col 1:12 v.l. (for ἱκανώσαντι). Without further modification Ro 8:30; 9:24; 1 Cor 7:17f, 20–22, 24; Eph 1:11 v.l.; 2 Cl 9:5; 10:1.—κ. κλήσει ἁγίᾳ call with a holy calling 2 Ti 1:9. ἀξίως τῆς κλήσεως ἧς (attraction, instead of ἣν) ἐκλήθητε worthily of the calling by which you were called Eph 4:1 (on the constr. s. W-S. §24, 4b; Rob. 478). Of God: ὁ καλῶν τινά Gal 5:8; 1 Th 5:24. Abs. ὁ καλῶν Ro 9:12. ὁ καλέσας τινά Gal 1:6; 1 Pt 1:15; 2 Pt 1:3. Likew. of Christ ὁ καλέσας τινά 2 Cl 5:1 (Just., A I, 15, 7). Pass. οἱ κεκλημένοι those who are called Hb 9:15. κεκλημένοι ὑπὸ τοῦ θεοῦ διʼ αὐτοῦ (=Ἰ. Χρ.) 1 Cl 65:2. οἱ κεκλημένοι ὑπʼ αὐτοῦ (=υἱοῦ τ. θεοῦ) Hs 9, 14, 5. οἱ κληθέντες Hm 4, 3, 4. S. also 1d.—More closely defined: ἐν δικαιοσύνῃ B 14:7 (Is 42:6). ἐπʼ ἐλευθερίᾳ (s. ἐλευθερία) Gal 5:13. οὐκ ἐπὶ ἀκαθαρσίᾳ ἀλλʼ ἐν ἁγιασμῷ not for impurity, but in consecration 1 Th 4:7. ἐν εἰρήνῃ in peace 1 Cor 7:15. ἐκλήθητε ἐν μιᾷ ἐλπίδι τῆς κλήσεως ὑμῶν you were called in the one hope that you share in your call Eph 4:4. ἡμεῖς διὰ θελήματος αὐτου (=θεοῦ) ἐν Χριστῷ Ἰησοῦ κληθέντες 1 Cl 32:4. εἰς εἰρήνην τοῦ Χριστοῦ ἐν ἐνὶ σώματι Col 3:15. ἐν τῇ σαρκί 2 Cl 9:4. ἐν Ἰσαάκ Hb 11:18 (=Ro 9:7). πόθεν ἐκλήθημεν καὶ ὑπὸ τίνος καὶ εἰς ὸ̔ν τόπον 2 Cl 1:2. εἰς τοῦτο ἵνα for this reason, that 1 Pt 3:9; cp. 2:21. Of Christ: οὐκ ἦλθον καλέσαι δικαίους ἀλλὰ ἁμαρτωλούς (+ εἰς μετάνοιαν v.l.) Mt 9:13; Mk 2:17 (on a prob. double sense in this pass. s. 2); 2 Cl 2:4; cp. vs. 7 (cp. Just., A I, 40, 7 εἰς μετάνοιαν καλεῖ πάντας ὁ θεός); Lk 5:32 (ἐλήλυθα … εἰς μετάνοιαν). Of God: ἐκάλεσεν ἡμᾶς οὐκ ὄντας he called us when we did not exist 2 Cl 1:8. ὁ καλῶν τὰ μὴ ὄντα ὡς ὄντα the one who calls into being what does not exist Ro 4:17 (Philo, Spec. Leg. 4, 187 τὰ μὴ ὄντα ἐκάλεσεν εἰς τὸ εἶναι; cp. Is 41:4; 48:13).—Of the call to an office by God Hb 5:4.—JHempel, Berufung u. Bekehrung (also GBeer Festschr.) ’35; HWildberger, Jahwes Eigentumsvolk ’60.—B. 1276. DELG. EDNT. M-M. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > καλέω

  • 11 καί

    καί conjunction (Hom.+), found most frequently by far of all Gk. particles in the NT; since it is not only used much more commonly here than in other Gk. lit. but oft. in a different sense, or rather in different circumstances, it contributes greatly to some of the distinctive coloring of the NT style.—HMcArthur, ΚΑΙ Frequency in Greek Letters, NTS 15, ’68/69, 339–49. The vivacious versatility of κ. (for earlier Gk. s. Denniston 289–327) can easily be depressed by the tr. ‘and’, whose repetition in a brief area of text lacks the support of arresting aspects of Gk. syntax.
    marker of connections, and
    single words
    α. gener. Ἰάκωβος καὶ Ἰωσὴφ καὶ Σίμων καὶ Ἰούδας Mt 13:55. χρυσὸν καὶ λίβανον καὶ σμύρναν 2:11. ἡ ἐντολὴ ἁγία καὶ δικαία καὶ ἀγαθή Ro 7:12. πολυμερῶς κ. πολυτρόπως Hb 1:1. ὁ θεὸς κ. πατήρ God, who is also the Father 1 Cor 15:24; cp. 2 Cor 1:3; 11:31; Eph 1:3; Js 1:27; 3:9 al.—Connects two occurrences of the same word for emphasis (OGI 90, 19 [196 B.C.] Ἑρμῆς ὁ μέγας κ. μέγας; pap in Mayser II/1, 54) μείζων κ. μείζων greater and greater Hv 4, 1, 6. ἔτι κ. ἔτι again and again B 21:4; Hs 2, 6 (B-D-F §493, 1; 2; s. Rob. 1200).
    β. w. numerals, w. the larger number first δέκα καὶ ὁκτώ Lk 13:16. τεσσεράκοντα κ. ἕξ J 2:20. τετρακόσιοι κ. πεντήκοντα Ac 13:20.—The καί in 2 Cor 13:1 ἐπὶ στόματος δύο μαρτύρων καὶ τριῶν σταθήσεται πᾶν ῥῆμα=‘or’ ([v.l. ἢ τριῶν for καὶ τριῶν as it reads Mt 18:16]; cp. Js 4:13 v.l. σήμερον καὶ αὔριον=‘today or tomorrow’, but s. above all Thu. 1, 82, 2; Pla., Phd. 63e; X., De Re Equ. 4, 4 ἁμάξας τέτταρας καὶ πέντε; Heraclides, Pol. 58 τρεῖς καὶ τέσσαρας; Polyb. 3, 51, 12 ἐπὶ δυεῖν καὶ τρισὶν ἡμέραις; 5, 90, 6; Diod S 34 + 35 Fgm. 2, 28 εἷς καὶ δύο=one or two; schol. on Apollon. Rhod. 4, 1091 p. 305, 22 W. τριέτης καὶ τετραέτης) by the statement of two or three witnesses every charge must be sustained, as explained by Dt 19:15.
    γ. adding the whole to the part and in general (Aristoph., Nub. 1239 τὸν Δία καὶ τοὺς θεούς; Thu. 1, 116, 3; 7, 65, 1) Πέτρος καὶ οἱ ἀπόστολοι Peter and the rest of the apostles Ac 5:29. οἱ ἀρχιερεῖς κ. τὸ συνέδριον ὅλον the high priest and all the rest of the council Mt 26:59. Vice versa, adding a (specially important) part to the whole and especially (πᾶς Ἰουδὰ καὶ Ἰερουσαλήμ 2 Ch 35:24; cp. 32, 33; 1 Macc 2:6) τοῖς μαθηταῖς κ. τῷ Πέτρῳ Mk 16:7. σὺν γυναιξὶ κ. Μαριάμ Ac 1:14.
    δ. The expr. connected by καί can be united in the form of a hendiadys (Alcaeus 117, 9f D.2 χρόνος καὶ καρπός=time of fruit; Soph., Aj. 144; 749; Polyb. 6, 9, 4; 6, 57, 5 ὑπεροχὴ καὶ δυναστεία=1, 2, 7; 5, 45, 1 ὑπεροχὴ τῆς δυναστείας; Diod S 5, 67, 3 πρὸς ἀνανέωσιν καὶ μνήμην=renewal of remembrance; 15, 63, 2 ἀνάγκη καὶ τύχη=compulsion of fate; 16, 93, 2 ἐπιβουλὴ κ. θάνατος=a fatal plot; Jos., Ant. 12, 98 μετὰ χαρᾶς κ. βοῆς=w. a joyful cry; 17, 82 ἀκρίβεια κ. φυλακή) ἐξίσταντο ἐπὶ τῇ συνέσει καὶ ταῖς ἀποκρίσεσιν αὐτοῦ they were amazed at his intelligent answers Lk 2:47. δώσω ὑμῖν στόμα κ. σοφίαν I will give you wise utterance 21:15. τροφὴ κ. εὐφροσύνη joy concerning (your) food Ac 14:17. ἐλπὶς κ. ἀνάστασις hope of a resurrection 23:6 (2 Macc 3:29 ἐλπὶς καὶ σωτηρία; s. OLagercrantz, ZNW 31, ’32, 86f; GBjörck, ConNeot 4, ’40, 1–4).
    ε. A colloquial feature is the coordination of two verbs, one of which should be a ptc. (s. B-D-F §471; Rob. 1135f) ἀποτολμᾷ κ. λέγει = ἀποτολμῶν λέγει he is so bold as to say Ro 10:20. ἔσκαψεν κ. ἐβάθυνεν (=βαθύνας) Lk 6:48. ἐκρύβη κ. ἐξῆλθεν (=ἐξελθών) J 8:59. Sim. χαίρων κ. βλέπων I am glad to see Col 2:5. Linking of subordinate clause and ptc. Μαριὰμ ὡς ἦλθεν … καὶ ἰδοῦσα J 11:32 v.l. Cp. παραλαβών … καὶ ἀνέβη Lk 9:28 v.l.
    clauses and sentences
    α. gener.: ἐν γαστρὶ ἕξει κ. τέξεται υἱόν Mt 1:23 (Is 7:14). εἰσῆλθον … κ. ἐδίδασκον Ac 5:21. διακαθαριεῖ τὴν ἅλωνα αὐτοῦ κ. συνάξει τὸν σῖτον Mt 3:12. κεκένωται ἡ πίστις καὶ κατήργηται ἡ ἐπαγγελία Ro 4:14 and very oft. Connecting two questions Mt 21:23, or quotations (e.g. Ac 1:20), and dialogue (Lk 21:8), or alternate possibilities (13:18).
    β. Another common feature is the practice, drawn fr. Hebrew or fr. the speech of everyday life, of using κ. as a connective where more discriminating usage would call for other particles: καὶ εἶδον καὶ (for ὅτι) σεισμὸς ἐγένετο Rv 6:12. καὶ ἤκουσεν ὁ βασιλεὺς … καὶ (for ὅτι) ἔλεγον and the king learned that they were saying Mk 6:14 (s. HLjungvik, ZNW 33, ’34, 90–92; on this JBlinzler, Philol. 96, ’43/44, 119–31). τέξεται υἱὸν καὶ καλέσεις τὸ ὄνομα αὐτοῦ (for οὗ τὸ ὄνομα καλ.) Mt 1:21; cp. Lk 6:6; 11:44. καλόν ἐστιν ἡμᾶς ὧδε εἶναι καὶ ποιήσωμεν σκηνάς Mk 9:5. Esp. freq. is the formula in historical narrative καὶ ἐγένετο … καὶ (like וַ … וַיְהִי) and it happened or came about … that Mt 9:10; Mk 2:15; Lk 5:1 v.l. (for ἐγένετο δὲ … καὶ; so also the text of 6:12), 12, 17; 14:1; 17:11 al. (Gen 7:10 al.; JosAs 11:1; 22:1). S. MJohannessohn, Das bibl. Καὶ ἐγένετο u. seine Geschichte, 1926 (fr. ZVS 35, 1925, 161–212); KBeyer, Semitische Syntax im NT I, 1 ’62, 29–62; Mlt-Turner 334f; ÉDelebecque, Études Grecques sur L’Évangile de Luc ’76, 123–65; JVoelz, The Language of the NT: ANRW II/25/2, 893–977, esp. 959–64.—As in popular speech, κ. is used in rapid succession Mt 14:9ff; Mk 1:12ff; Lk 18:32ff; J 2:13ff; 1 Cor 12:5f; Rv 6:12ff; 9:1ff. On this kind of colloquial speech, which joins independent clauses rather than subordinating one to the other (parataxis rather than hypotaxis) s. B-D-F §458; Rdm.2 p. 222; Rob. 426; Dssm., LO 105ff (LAE 129ff), w. many references and parallels fr. secular sources. This is a favorite, e.g., in Polyaenus 2, 3, 2–4; 2, 4, 3; 3, 9, 10; 3, 10, 2; 4, 6, 1; 7, 36 al.
    γ. It is also coordination rather than subordination when κ. connects an expr. of time with that which occurs in the time (Od. 5, 362; Hdt. 7, 217; Thu. 1, 50, 5; Pla., Symp. 220c; Aeschin. 3, 71 νὺξ ἐν μέσῳ καὶ παρῆμεν; s. B-D-F §442, 4; KBrugmann4-AThumb, Griechische Gramm. 1913, 640*): ἤγγικεν ἡ ὥρα κ. παραδίδοται the time has come when he is to be given up Mt 26:45. κ. ἐσταύρωσαν αὐτόν when they crucified him Mk 15:25. κ. ἀνέβη εἰς Ἰεροσόλυμα when he went up to Jerusalem J 2:13. κ. συντελέσω when I will make Hb 8:8 (Jer 38:31); cp. J 4:35; 7:33; Lk 19:43; 23:44; Ac 5:7.
    δ. καί introducing an apodosis is really due to Hebr./LXX infl. (B-D-F §442, 7; Abel §78a, 6 p. 341; Mlt-H. 422; KBeyer, Semitische Syntax im NT I, 1 ’62, 66–72; but not offensive to ears trained in good Gk.: s. Il. 1, 478; Hdt. 1, 79, 2; sim.Thu. 2, 93, 4 ὡς ἔδοξεν αὐτοῖς, καὶ ἐχώρουν εὐθύς; 8, 27, 5; Herm. Wr. 13, 1 …, καὶ ἔφης; Delebecque [s. above in β] 130–32) καὶ ὅτε ἐπλήσθησαν ἡμέραι ὀκτὼ …, κ. ἐκλήθη τὸ ὄνομα αὐτοῦ Lk 2:21; cp. Rv 3:20. Also κ. ἰδού in an apodosis Lk 7:12; Ac 1:10.
    ε. connecting negative and affirmative clauses Lk 3:14. οὔτε ἄντλημα ἔχεις κ. τὸ φρέαρ ἐστὶ βαθύ you have no bucket, and the well is deep J 4:11; cp. 3J 10 (οὔτε … καί Eur., Iph. Taur. 591f; Longus, Past. 1, 17; 4, 28; Aelian, NA 1, 57; 11, 9; Lucian, Dial. Meretr. 2, 4 οὔτε πάντα ἡ Λεσβία, Δωρί, πρὸς σὲ ἐψεύσατο καὶ σὺ τἀληθῆ ἀπήγγελκας Μυρτίῳ ‘It wasn’t all lies that Lesbia told you, Doris; and you certainly reported the truth to Myrtium’). After a negative clause, which influences the clause beginning w. καί: μήποτε καταπατήσουσιν … κ. στραφέντες ῥήξωσιν ὑμᾶς Mt 7:6; cp. 5:25; 10:38; 13:15 (Is 6:10); 27:64; Lk 12:58; 21:34; J 6:53; 12:40 (Is 6:10); Ac 28:27 (Is 6:10); 1 Th 3:5; Hb 12:15; Rv 16:15.
    ζ. to introduce a result that comes fr. what precedes: and then, and so Mt 5:15; 23:32; Mk 8:34; 2 Cor 11:9; Hb 3:19; 1J 3:19. καὶ ἔχομεν and so we have 2 Pt 1:19. Esp. after the impv., or expr. of an imperatival nature (Soph., Oed. Col. 1410ff θέσθε … καὶ … οἴσει, El. 1207; Sir 2:6; 3:17) δεῦτε ὀπίσω μου καὶ ποιήσω and then I will make Mt 4:19. εἰπὲ λόγῳ, κ. ἰαθήσεται ὁ παῖς μου speak the word, and then my servant will be cured Mt 8:8; Lk 7:7; cp. Mt 7:7; Mk 6:22; Lk 10:28; J 14:16; Js 4:7, 10; Rv 4:1.—καί introduces a short clause that confirms the existence of someth. that ought to be: ἵνα τέκνα θεοῦ κληθῶμεν, καὶ ἐσμέν that we should be called children of God; and so we really are (καλέω 1d) 1J 3:1 (Appian, Bell. Civ. 2, 40 §161 they were to conquer Sardinia, καὶ κατέλαβον=and they really took it; 4, 127 §531 one day would decide [κρίνειν] the fate of Rome, καὶ ἐκρίθη).
    η. emphasizing a fact as surprising or unexpected or noteworthy: and yet, and in spite of that, nevertheless (Eur., Herc. Fur. 509; Philostrat., Her. 11 [II 184, 29 Kayser] ῥητορικώτατον καὶ δεινόν; Longus, Past. 4, 17 βουκόλος ἦν Ἀγχίσης καὶ ἔσχεν αὐτὸν Ἀφροδίτη) κ. σὺ ἔρχῃ πρὸς μέ; and yet you come to me? Mt 3:14; cp. 6:26; 10:29; Mk 12:12; J 1:5, 10; 3:11, 32; 5:40; 6:70; 7:28; 1 Cor 5:2; 2 Cor 6:9; Hb 3:9 (Ps 94:9); Rv 3:1. So also, connecting what is unexpected or otherw. noteworthy with an attempt of some kind (JBlomqvist, Das sogennante και adversativum ’79): but ζητεῖ κ. οὐχ εὑρίσκει but he finds none (no resting place) Mt 12:43. ἐπεθύμησαν ἰδεῖν κ. οὐχ εἶδαν but did not see (it) 13:17; cp. 26:60; Lk 13:7; 1 Th 2:18. Cp. GJs 18:3 (not pap). Perhaps Mk 5:20. Introducing a contrasting response καὶ ἀποδώσεις μοι Hv 2, 1, 3.
    θ. to introduce an abrupt question, which may often express wonder, ill-will, incredulity, etc. (B-D-F §442, 8. For older lit. exx. of this usage s. Kühner-G. II p. 247f; for later times EColwell, The Gk. of the Fourth Gospel ’31, 87f): κ. πόθεν μοι τοῦτο; how have I deserved this? Lk 1:43. κ. τίς; who then? Mk 10:26; Lk 10:29; J 9:36. καὶ τί γέγονεν ὅτι … ; how does it happen that … ? 14:22. καὶ πῶς σὺ λέγεις … ; how is it, then, that you say … J 14:9 v.l. W. a protasis εἰ γὰρ ἐγὼ λυπῶ ὑμᾶς, κ. τίς ὁ εὐφραίνων με; for if I make you sad, who then will cheer me up? 2 Cor 2:2 (cp. Ps.-Clem., Hom. 2, 43; 44 εἰ [ὁ θεὸς] ψεύδεται, καὶ τίς ἀληθεύει;). Thus Phil 1:22 is prob. to be punctuated as follows (s. ADebrunner, GGA 1926, 151): εἰ δὲ τὸ ζῆν ἐν σαρκί, τοῦτο μοι καρπὸς ἔργου, καὶ τί αἱρήσομαι; οὐ γνωρίζω but if living on here means further productive work, then which shall I choose? I really don’t know. καὶ πῶς αὐτοῦ υἱός ἐστιν; how, then, is he his son? Lk 20:44 (cp. Gen 39:9).
    ι. to introduce a parenthesis (Eur., Orest. 4, Hel. 393; X., Equ. 11, 2.—B-D-F §465, 1; Rob. 1182) κ. ἐκωλύθην ἄρχι τοῦ δεῦρο but so far I have been prevented Ro 1:13.
    oft. explicative; i.e., a word or clause is connected by means of καί w. another word or clause, for the purpose of explaining what goes before it and so, that is, namely (PPetr II, 18 [1], 9 πληγὰς … καὶ πλείους=blows … indeed many of them.—Kühner-G. II 247; B-D-F §442, 9; Rob. 1181; Mlt-Turner 335) χάριν κ. ἀποστολήν grace, that is, the office of an apostle Ro 1:5. ἀπήγγειλαν πάντα καὶ τὰ τ. δαιμονιζομένων they told everything, namely what had happened to those who were possessed Mt 8:33. καὶ χάριν ἀντὶ χάριτος that is, grace upon grace J 1:16. Cp. 1 Cor 3:5; 15:38.—Mt 21:5.—Other explicative uses are καὶ οὗτος, καὶ τοῦτο, καὶ ταῦτα (the first and last are in earlier Gk.: Hdt., X. et al.; s. Kühner-G. I 647; II 247) and, also ascensive and indeed, and at that Ἰ. Χρ., καὶ τοῦτον ἐσταυρωμένον J. Chr., (and) indeed him on the cross 1 Cor 2:2. καὶ τοῦτο Ro 13:11; 1 Cor 6:6, 8; Eph 2:8. καὶ ταῦτα w. ptc. and to be sure Hb 11:12. See B-D-F §290, 5; 425, 1; 442, 9.—The ascensive force of καί is also plain in Ῥωμαῖον καὶ ἀκατάκριτον a Roman citizen, and uncondemned at that Ac 22:25. ἔρχεται ὥρα καὶ νῦν ἐστιν an hour is coming, indeed it is already here J 5:25. προσέθηκεν καὶ τοῦτο ἐπὶ πᾶσιν καὶ κατέκλεισεν τὸν Ἰωάννην ἐν φυλακῇ added this on top of everything else, namely to put John in prison Lk 3:20.
    After πολύς and before a second adj. καί is pleonastic fr. the viewpoint of modern lang. (earlier Gk.: Hom. et al. [Kühner-G. II 252, 1]; cp. Cebes 1, 1 πολλὰ καὶ ἄλλα ἀναθήματα; 2, 3; B-D-F §442, 11) πολλὰ … κ. ἄλλα σημεῖα many other signs J 20:30 (cp. Jos., Ant. 3, 318). πολλὰ κ. βαρέα αἰτιώματα many severe charges Ac 25:7. πολλὰ … καὶ ἕτερα Lk 3:18 (cp. Himerius, Or. 40 [=Or. 6], 6 πολλὰ καὶ ἄλλα). πολλοὶ καὶ ἀνυπότακτοι Tit 1:10.
    introducing someth. new, w. loose connection: Mt 4:23; 8:14, 23, 28; 9:1, 9, 27, 35; 10:1; 12:27; Mk 5:1, 21; Lk 8:26; J 1:19 and oft.
    καί … καί both … and, not only …, but also (Synes., Dreams 10 p. 141b καὶ ἀπιστεῖν ἔξεστι καὶ πιστεύειν.—B-D-F §444, 3; Rob. 1182; Mlt-Turner 335) connecting single expressions Mt 10:28; Mk 4:41; Ro 11:33; Phil 2:13; 4:12. κ. ἐν ὀλίγῳ κ. ἐν μεγάλῳ Ac 26:29. κ. ἅπαξ κ. δίς (s. ἅπαξ 1) Phil 4:16; 1 Th 2:18. Connecting whole clauses or sentences: Mk 9:13; J 7:28; 9:37; 12:28; 1 Cor 1:22. Introducing contrasts: although … yet (Anthol. VII, 676 Δοῦλος Ἐπίκτητος γενόμην καὶ σῶμʼ ἀνάπηρος καὶ πενίην ῏Ιρος καὶ φίλος ἀθανάτοις ‘I was Epictetus, a slave; crippled in body and an Iros [a beggar in Hom., Od.] in poverty, but dear to the Immortals’) J 15:24; Ac 23:3. καὶ … κ. οὐ Lk 5:36; J 6:36. καὶ οὐ … καί 17:25; κ. … κ. now … now Mk 9:22. On τὲ … καί s. τέ 2c. Somet. w. ἤ q.v. 1aβ.—HCadbury, Superfluous καί in the Lord’s Prayer (i.e. Mt 6:12) and Elsewhere: Munera Studiosa (=WHatch Festschr.) ’46.
    marker to indicate an additive relation that is not coordinate to connect clauses and sentences, also, likewise, funct. as an adv.
    simply κ. τὴν ἄλλην the other one also Mt 5:39; cp. vs. 40; 6:21; 12:45; Mk 1:38; 2:26; 8:7 and oft. Freq. used w. pronouns κἀγώ (q.v.). καὶ σύ Mt 26:73. κ. ὑμεῖς 20:4, 7; Lk 21:31; J 7:47 and oft. κ. αὐτός (s. αὐτός 1f).
    intensive: even Mt 5:46f; 10:30; Mk 1:27; Lk 10:17; J 14:9 v.l.; Ac 5:39; 22:28; Ro 9:24 (ἀλλὰ καί); 1 Cor 2:10; 2 Cor 1:8; Gal 2:17; Eph 5:12; Phlm 21; Hb 7:25; 1 Pt 4:19 (but s. d below); Jd 23; Hs 5, 2, 10; 7:1; ἔτι καὶ νῦν Dg 2:3. CBlackman, JBL 87, ’68, 203f would transl. Ro 3:26b: even in the act of declaring righteous (cp. the gen. abs. Polemon Soph. B 14 Reader καὶ Δάτιδος ἀποπλέοντος=even though Datis was sailing away). In formulas expressing a wish: ὄφελον καί if only, would that Gal 5:12. In connection w. a comparative: κ. περισσότερον προφήτου one who is even more than a prophet Mt 11:9. κ. μείζονα ποιήσει J 14:12.
    In sentences denoting a contrast καί appears in var. ways, somet. in both members of the comparison, and oft. pleonastically, to our way of thinking καθάπερ …, οὕτως καί as …, thus also 2 Cor 8:11. ὥσπερ …, οὕτως καί (Hyperid. 1, 2, 5–8) Ro 5:19; 11:30f; 1 Cor 11:12; 15:22; Gal 4:29. ὡς …, οὕτως καί Ro 5:15, 18. ὸ̔ν τρόπον …, οὕτως καί 2 Ti 3:8.—οὕτως καί thus also Ro 6:11. ὡσαύτως καί in the same way also 1 Cor 11:25. ὁμοίως καί (Jos., Bell. 2, 575) J 6:11; Jd 8. ὡς καί Ac 11:17; 1 Cor 7:7; 9:5. καθὼς καί Ro 15:7; 1 Cor 13:12; 2 Cor 1:14; Eph 4:17. καθάπερ καί Ro 4:6; 2 Cor 1:14.—καί can also stand alone in the second member w. the mng. so also, so. ὡς … καί Mt 6:10; Ac 7:51; Gal 1:9; Phil 1:20. καθὼς … καί Lk 6:31 v.l.; J 6:57; 13:15; 1 Cor 15:49.—οἷος …, τοιοῦτος καί 1 Cor 15:48. After a comp. ὅσῳ καί by so much also Hb 8:6. καί is found in both members of the comparison (s. Kühner-G. II 256; 2 Macc 2:10; 6:14) Ro 1:13; 1 Th 2:14. καθὼς καὶ … οὕτως καί Col 3:13 (cp. Hyperid. 1, 40, 20–25 ὥσπερ καὶ … οὕτω καί; 3, 38).
    w. expressions that introduce cause or result, here also pleonastic to a considerable degree διὰ τοῦτο καί for this reason (also) Lk 11:49; J 12:18. διὸ καί Lk 1:35; Ac 10:29; Ro 4:22; Hb 13:12. εἰς τοῦτο καί 2 Cor 2:9. ὥστε καί 1 Pt 4:19 (but this pass. may well fit in b). ὅθεν καί Hb 7:25; 11:19.
    after an interrogative (as Thu., X., et al.; s. Kühner-G. II 255. S. also B-D-F §442, 14) at all, still ἱνατί καὶ τ. γῆν καταργεῖ; Lk 13:7. τί καί; (Hyperid. 3, 14 τί καὶ ἀδικεῖ; what kind of wrong, then, is he committing?) τί καὶ ἐλπίζει; why does he still (need to) hope? Ro 8:24. v.l. τί καὶ βαπτίζονται; why are they baptized (at all)? 1 Cor 15:29; cp. vs. 30.
    used w. a relative, it oft. gives greater independence to the foll. relative clause: Mk 3:14; Lk 10:30; J 11:2 v.l.; Ac 1:3, 11; 7:45; 10:39; 11:30; 12:4; 13:22; 28:10; Ro 9:24; 1 Cor 11:23; Gal 2:10; Col 1:29 al.
    used pleonastically w. prep.
    α. μετά (BGU 412, 6 μετὰ καὶ τ. υἱοῦ) Phil 4:3.
    β. σύν (ins in PASA III 612; PFay 108; BGU 179, 19; 515, 17) 1 Cl 65:1.—Dssm., NB 93 (BS 265f).
    w. double names ὁ καί who is also called … (the earliest ex. in a fragment of Ctesias: 688 Fgm. 15, 51 p. 469, 23 Jac. ῏Ωχος καὶ Δαρειαῖος [s. Hatch 141]; OGI 565; 574; 583; 589; 603; 604; 620; 623; 636; POxy 45; 46; 54; 101; 485; 1279; PFay 30; BGU 22, 25; 36, 4; Jos., Ant. 1, 240; 5, 85; 12, 285; 13, 320; 18, 35. Further material in WSchmid, Der Atticismus III 1893, 338; Dssm., B 181ff [BS 313–17]. Lit. in B-D-F §268, 1) Σαῦλος, ὁ καὶ Παῦλος Ac 13:9. Ἰγνάτιος, ὁ καὶ Θεοφόρος ins of all the letters of Ign.
    with other particles
    α. καὶ γάρ for (s. γάρ 1b).—καὶ γὰρ … ἀλλά (or granted that … but) 2 Cor 13:4; Phil 2:27.—καὶ γὰρ οὐ(κ): neither 1 Cor 11:9; for even … not 2 Cor 3:10.
    β. καί γε (without intervening word [opp. earlier Gk, e.g. Pla., Phd. 58d; Rep. 7, 531a]: Hippocr., Septim. 9, VII 450 Littré; Cornutus p. 40, 12; Περὶ ὕψους 13, 2; Rhetor Apsines [III A.D.] p. 332, 17 Hammer; TestReub 4:4 al.; for גָּם always in Theod. [DBarthélemy, Les devanciers d’Aquila ’63, 31ff]), weakened force: (if) only or at least Lk 19:42 v.l.; intensive: indeed (Jos. Ant 29, 19) Ac 2:18 (J 3:2 v.l.; Mel., P. 30, 207); Hm 8:5; 9:9. καί γε οὐ μακράν= and indeed God is not far Ac 17:27.—Kühner-G. II 176b; Schwyzer II 561; B-D-F §439, 2; Rdm.2 35–37.
    γ. καὶ … δέ and also, but also (s. δέ 5b).
    δ. καίτοι (Il. 13, 267 et al., ins, pap; 4 Macc 2:6; 5:18; 7:13; Ath. 8, 1 al.; Mel., P. 58, 422) particle (B-D-F §425, 1; 450, 3; Rob. 1129 and 1154) w. finite verb (Chion, Ep. 3, 1; Jos. Ant. 5, 78) yet, on the other hand Ac 14:17. W. gen. abs. foll. (BGU 850, 4 [76 A.D.] καίτοι ἐμοῦ σε πολλὰ ἐρωτήσαντος; 898, 26; Philo, Vi. Mos. 1, 20; Jos., Ant. 2, 321; Ath. 19, 2; 25, 2) Hb 4:3.—καίτοι γε or καί τοι γε (since Aristoph., Ach. 611; but esp. in later Gk. [cp. Schwyzer II 561; MMeister, De Aiocho dial., Breslau diss. 1915 p. 31, 5]; Ps.-Pla., Axioch. 364b; Jos., Bell. 1, 7, Ant. 5, 36; Epict. 3, 24, 90; Just., A II, 11, 2; D. 7, 3; Ath. 3, 1; 22, 7; SIG 685, 76 and 82 [139 B.C.]) although J 4:2; Ac 14:17 v.l.; Dg 8:3. W. part. foll. (Jos., C. Ap. 1, 230; Mel., P. 58, 422) AcPt Ox 849, 18.—Kühner-G. II 151f; B-D-F §439, 1; 450, 3.—For ἀλλὰ κ., δὲ και, ἐὰν κ., εἰ κ., ἢ κ. s. ἀλλά, δέ, ἐάν, εἰ, ἤ.—ERobson, KAI-Configurations in the Gk. NT, 3 vols. diss. Syracuse ’79. LfgrE s.v. καί col. 1273f (lit.). DELG. M-M. EDNT.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > καί

  • 12 πιστεύω

    πιστεύω (Trag.+) impf. ἐπίστευον; 1 aor. ἐπίστευσα; pf. πεπίστευκα; plpf. πεπιστεύκειν Ac 14:23 (on the omission of the augment s. B-D-F §66, 1; Mlt-H. 190). Pass.: fut. 3 pl. πιστευθήσονται Gen 42, 20; 1 aor. ἐπιστεύθην; pf. πεπίστευμαι (the word does not occur in Phlm, 2 Pt, 2 and 3J, Rv, MPol, or D. But it is a special favorite of J and 1J, where it is found 96 times and 9 times respectively; πίστις is not found in the gospel at all, and occurs in 1J only once, 5:4. Our lit. uses it quite predominantly in a transcendent sense, or at least w. transcendent coloring).
    to consider someth. to be true and therefore worthy of one’s trust, believe
    believe (in) someth., be convinced of someth., w. that which one believes (in) indicated
    α. by acc. of thing (Soph., Oed. Rex 646 τάδε; Aristot., Analyt. Pr. 2, 23, 68b, 13 ἅπαντα; PSI 494, 14 μηθέν; UPZ 70, 29 [152/151 B.C.] π. τὰ ἐνύπνια; ApcEsdr 7:12 p. 32, 26 τὸ βιβλίον τοῦτο) ἡ ἀγάπη πάντα πιστεύει 1 Cor 13:7. πεπιστεύκαμεν τὴν ἀγάπην we believe in the love 1J 4:16. πιστεύεις τοῦτο; J 11:26b. Cp. Ac 13:41 (Hab 1:5). Pass. ἐπιστεύθη τὸ μαρτύριον ἡμῶν our testimony was believed 2 Th 1:10b (cp. Aristot., EN 10, 2 p. 1172b, 15 ἐπιστεύοντο οἱ λόγοι; Gen 42:20).
    β. by means of a ὅτι-clause believe that (Plut., Mor. 210d; Aelian, VH 1, 16 p. 8, 9; Herm. Wr. 4, 4: Porphyr., Ad Marcellam 24; PLond III, 897, 12 p. 207 [I A.D.]; Tob 10:8 S; Job 9:16; 15:31; 39:12; La 4:12; 4 Macc 7:19; TestAbr A 18 p. 100, 18 [Stone p. 48]; ParJer 6:7; Just., A I, 18, 2 al.; Orig., C. Cels. 4, 89, 16) μακαρία ἡ πιστεύσασα ὅτι ἔσται τελείωσις Lk 1:45 (ὅτι here may=for: s. ὅτι 4b).—Mk 11:23; cp. vs. 24; J 8:24 (ὅτι ἐγώ εἰμι as Is 43:10); 11:27, 42; 13:19; 14:10; 16:27, 30; 17:8, 21; 20:31a; Ac 9:26; Ro 6:8; 10:9; 1 Th 4:14; Hb 11:6; Js 2:19a; 1J 5:1, 5; Hv 3, 8, 4; 4, 2, 4; m 1:1; 6, 2, 10b; Hs 2:5.—[ὅτι εἷς θεός] καὶ εἷς χριστός AcPl Ha 1, 17; AcPlCor 1:8. π. περί τινος ὅτι believe concerning someone that J 9:18 (M. Ant. 1, 15, 5 πιστεύειν περὶ ὧν λέγοι ὅτι οὕτως φρονεῖ=believe concerning whatever he might say, that it was what he actually thought; Just., D. 10, 1 π. ἡμῶν• ὅτι ἐσθίομεν ἀνθρώπους.—π. περί τινος as Plut., Lyc. 19, 4; Jos., Ant. 14, 267).
    γ. by the acc. and inf. (pres. Pla., Gorg. 524a; PTebt 314, 3 [II A.D.]; 4 Macc 5:25; Jos., C. Ap. 2, 160; Just., A I, 8, 2 al.; Ath. 20, 3) πιστεύω τὸν υἱὸν τοῦ θεοῦ εἶναι τὸν Ἰησοῦν Ac 8:37b.—GMary 463, 8.—IRo 10:2.—By the inf. (Thu 2, 22, 1; Job 15:22; AscIs 2:10 εἰς οὐρανὸν ἀναβῆναι) πιστεύομεν σωθῆναι Ac 15:11 (difft. JNolland, NTS 27, ’80, 112f [inf. of result: ‘we believe (in order) to be saved’]).—By the acc. and ptc. ἐν σαρκὶ αὐτὸν πιστεύω ὄντα I believe that he was in the flesh ISm 3:1.
    δ. by means of the dat. of thing give credence to, believe (Aeschyl., Pers. 786 θεῶν θεσφάτοισιν; Soph., Phil. 1374 τοῖς ἐμοῖς λόγοις, El. 886; Pla., Phd. 88c, Leg. 7, 798d; Polyb. 5, 42, 9; 9, 33, 1; Herodian 7, 5, 5 ἐλπίδι κρείττονι; BGU 674, 6 τῷ λόγῳ; 2 Ch 9:6 τοῖς λόγοις; Ps 105:24; Pr 14:15; Sir 19:15; En 104:13 ταῖς βίβλοις; Philo, Leg. All. 3, 229 τοῖς κενοῖς λογισμοῖς, Virt. 68 the sayings of God; Jos., C. Ap. 2, 286, Ant. 10, 39 τ. λόγοις; Tat. 18, 2 ὕλης οἰκονομία; Ath. 30, 2 ταῖς γοναῖς τοῦ Διό; Iren. 1, 10, 2 [Harv. I 92, 4] ἡ ἐκκλησία … π. τούτοις [sc. κήρυγμα and πίστις]) οὐκ ἐπίστευσας τοῖς λόγοις μου Lk 1:20 (cp. Iambl., ViPyth. 28, 148 περὶ θεῶν μηδὲν θαυμαστὸν ἀπιστεῖν ‘concerning the gods nothing is so marvelous that it should occasion unbelief’). τῇ γραφῇ καὶ τῷ λόγῳ J 2:22. Cp. 4:50; 5:47ab. τοῖς γεγραμμένοις Ac 24:14 (Diod S 16, 52, 7 πιστεύσαντες τοῖς γεγραμμένοις). τῇ ἐπαγγελίᾳ τοῦ θεοῦ 2 Cl 11:1 (Diod S 1, 53, 10 τῇ τοῦ προρρήσει πιστεύειν; 19, 90, 3). τῷ ψεύδει, τῇ ἀληθείᾳ 2 Th 2:11, 12. τῇ καταλαλιᾷ Hm 2:2. τῇ ἀκοῇ ἡμῶν (Is 53:1; cp. Jos., C. Ap. 2, 14 π. ἀκοῇ πρεσβυτέρων) J 12:38; Ro 10:16; 1 Cl 16:3. τοῖς ἔργοις J 10:38b (=their testimony); Hm 6, 2, 10a (that they are good and must be followed).—Pass. ἐπιστεύθη τῷ λόγῳ μου they believed my word Hm 3:3.
    ε. w. prepositional expressions: εἰς Ro 4:18, if εἰς τὸ γενέσθαι αὐτόν here is dependent on ἐπίστευσεν. πιστεύειν εἰς τὴν μαρτυρίαν believe in the witness 1J 5:10c. ὁ Χριστιανισμὸς οὐκ εἰς Ἰουδαϊσμὸν ἐπίστευσεν the Christian way of life/Christianity did not commit itself to the Judean way/Judaism (s. Hdb. ad loc.) I Mg 10:3a; cp. b (Χριστιανισμόν, εἰς ὸ̔ν πᾶσα γλῶσσα πιστεύσασα). On πιστεύειν εἰς τὸ ὄνομά τινος s. 2aβ below. πιστεύετε ἐν τῷ εὐαγγελίῳ believe in the gospel (so Ps 105:12 ἐπίστευσαν ἐν τοῖς λόγοις αὐτοῦ. Rather in the sense ‘put one’s trust in’ Sir 32:21 μὴ πιστεύσῃς ἐν ὁδῷ ἀπροσκόπῳ. See B-D-F §187, 6; Rob. 540. ALoisy, Les Évangiles synopt. I 1907, 430; 434; comm.) Mk 1:15 (Hofmann understands it as ‘on the basis of’, Wohlenberg ‘bei’; Lohmeyer is undecided; Dssm. and Mlt. 67f ‘in the sphere of’; s. p. 235). ἐν τῷ εὐαγγελίῳ οὐ πιστεύω IPhld 8:2 (s. Bihlmeyer ad loc.).—ἐπί τινι: πιστεύειν ἐπὶ πᾶσιν οἷς ἐλάλησαν οἱ προφῆται Lk 24:25; Ro 9:33 (Is 28:16).
    w. the pers. to whom one gives credence or whom one believes, in the dat. (Demosth. 18, 10; Aristot., Rhet. 2, 14 p. 1390a, 32; Polyb. 15, 26, 6 τοῖς εἰδόσι τὴν ἀλήθειαν; Herodian 2, 1, 10; PHib 72, 18; POxy 898, 29; PTebt 418, 15; Ex 4:1, 5; 3 Km 10:7; 2 Ch 32:15; Tob 2:14; Jer 47:14; JosAs 13:10; Philo, Praem. 49; Just., A I, 33, 5, D 7, 2 al.) τοῖς θεασαμένοις αὐτὸν ἐγηγερμένον οὐκ ἐπίστευσαν they did not believe those who saw him after he was raised from the dead Mk 16:14. Cp. Mt 21:25, 32abc; Mk 11:31; 16:13; Lk 20:5; J 5:46a; Ac 8:12; 26:27a (τ. προφήταις as Jos., Ant. 11, 96); 1J 4:1; Hm 6, 1, 2ab.—Also of Jesus and God whom one believes, in that one accepts their disclosures without doubt or contradiction: Jesus: Mt 27:42 v.l.; J 5:38, 46b; 6:30; 8:45, 46; 10:37, 38a. God: J 5:24; Ro 4:3 (Gen 15:6), 17 κατέναντι οὗ ἐπίστευσεν θεοῦ (= κατέναντι θεοῦ ᾧ ἐπίστευσεν); Gal 3:6; Js 2:23; 1 Cl 10:6 (all three Gen 15:6). ὁ μὴ πιστεύων τῷ θεῷ ψεύστην πεποίηκεν αὐτόν 1J 5:10b. AcPl Ha 3, 7.
    w. pers. and thing added π. τινί τι believe someone with regard to someth. (X., Apol. 15 μηδὲ ταῦτα εἰκῇ πιστεύσητε τῷ θεῷ) Hm 6, 2, 6.—W. dat. of pers. and ὅτι foll. (ApcEsdr 4:35 p. 29, 12 Tdf.): πιστεύετέ μοι ὅτι ἐγὼ ἐν τῷ πατρί J 14:11a. Cp. 4:21; Ac 27:25.
    abs. (in which case the context supplies the obj., etc.; cp. ParJer 7:19 γέγονε δὲ τοῦτο, ἵνα πιστεύσωσιν) ἐάν τις ὑμῖν εἴπῃ• ἰδοὺ ὧδε ὁ Χριστός, μὴ πιστεύσητε do not believe (him or it [the statement]) Mt 24:23; cp. vs. 26; Mk 13:21; Lk 22:67; J 3:12ab; 10:25f; 12:47 v.l.; 14:29; 16:31; 19:35; 20:8, 25; cp. GJs 19:3. J 20:29ab πιστεύσαντες those who have nevertheless believed (it=the fact of the Resurrection); Ac 4:4; 26:27b; 1 Cor 11:18 πιστεύω I believe (it=that there are divisions among you); 15:11; Js 2:19b even the daemons believe this; Jd 5. Pass. καρδίᾳ πιστεύεται with (or in) the heart men believe (it=that Jesus was raised fr. the dead) Ro 10:10.
    believe = let oneself be influenced κατά τινος against someone Pol 6:1.
    πιστεύομαι I am believed, I enjoy confidence (X., An. 7, 6, 33; Diod S 5, 80, 4 τοῖς μάλιστα πιστευομένοις ἐπηκολουθήσαμεν; 17, 32, 1; 1 Km 27:12; Jos., Ant. 10, 114; PGM 12, 279 πιστευθήσῃ=you will be believed) of Eve παρθένος πιστεύεται people believe that she is a virgin Dg 12:8, or perh. a virgin is entrusted (to someone without fear). S. 3 below.
    to entrust oneself to an entity in complete confidence, believe (in), trust, w. implication of total commitment to the one who is trusted. In our lit. God and Christ are objects of this type of faith that relies on their power and nearness to help, in addition to being convinced that their revelations or disclosures are true. The obj. is
    α. in the dat. (cp. Soph., Philoct. 1374 θεοῖς πιστ.; X., Mem. 1, 1, 5; Ps.-Pla., Epinom. 980c πιστεύσας τοῖς θεοῖς εὔχου; Ptolem. Lagi [300 B.C.]: 138 Fgm. 8 Jac.; Maximus Tyr. 3, 8k τῷ Ἀπόλλωνι; Epict., app. E, 10 p. 488 Sch. θεῷ; Himerius, Or. 8 [=23], 18 πῶς Διονύσῳ πιστεύσω; how can I trust D.?; UPZ 144, 12 [164 B.C.] τ. θεοῖς; Jdth 14:10; Wsd 16:26; 4 Macc 7:21 al. in LXX; Philo, Leg. All. 3, 229 πιστεύειν θεῷ, Rer. Div. Her. 92 μόνῳ θεῷ, Op. M. 45, Sacr. Abel. 70 τῷ σωτήρι θεῷ, Abr. 269, Mos. 1, 225, Virt. 216 [on faith in Philo s. Bousset, Rel.3 446ff; EHatch, Essays in Biblical Gk. 1889, 83ff; ASchlatter, D. Glaube im NT4 1927; EBréhier, Les idées philosophiques et religieuses de Philon d’Alexandrie 1908, 21925; HWindisch, Die Frömmigkeit Philos 1909, 23ff; HWolfson, Philo ’47 I, 143–56, esp. II, 215–18; WPeisker, D. Glaubensbegriff bei Philon, diss. ’36]; Jos., Ant. 2, 117; 333; 3, 309; 20, 48, Bell. 3, 387 [s. ASchlatter, D. Theol. d. Judentums nach d. Bericht des Jos. ’32, 104ff]; Just., A I, 18, 6 al.). Some of the passages referred to in 1b above, end, are repeated, since they may be classified here or there w. equal justification. Of God: π. τῷ θεῷ (Orig., C. Cels. 4, 89, 15) Ac 16:34; 13:12 D; Tit 3:8; PtK 4 p. 16, 2; B 16:7; Hm 12, 6, 2; Hs 5, 1, 5. Cp. m 1:2; AcPl Ha 10, 13f. τῷ κυρίῳ (Sir 11:21; 2:8) Hv 4, 2, 6. οἱ πιστεύσαντες τῷ κυρίῳ διὰ τοῦ υἱοῦ αὐτοῦ Hs 9, 13, 5. τῷ θεῷ w. ὅτι foll. m 9:7; cp. Hs 1:7.—Of Christ: Mt 27:42 v.l. (for ἐπʼ αὐτόν); J 6:30 (σοί=vs. 29 εἰς ὸ̔ν ἀπέστειλεν ἐκεῖνος); J 8:31 (αὐτῷ=vs. 30 εἰς αὐτόν, but see Mlt. 67f; JSwetnam argues for a plpf. sense here: Biblica 61, ’80, 106–9); Ac 5:14; 18:8a (both τῷ κυρίῳ); Ro 10:14b (οὗ οὐκ ἤκουσαν = τούτῳ [about equivalent to εἰς τοῦτον; cp. vs. 14a] οὗ οὐκ ἤκ.); 2 Ti 1:12; ITr 9:2; Hs 8, 3, 2.—Pass. be believed in (X., Cyr. 4, 2, 8; 6, 1, 39; Pla., Lach. 181b; Ps.-Demosth. 58, 44 al.; 1 Km 27:12; Just., D. 7, 3; Tat. 10, 2. S. B-D-F §312, 1; also s. Rob. 815f) ἐπιστεύθη ἐν κόσμῳ 1 Ti 3:16.—π. τῷ ὀνόματι τοῦ υἱοῦ believe in the name of the Son, i.e. believe in the Son and accept what his name proclaims him to be 1J 3:23.
    β. w. εἰς (cp. Hippol., Elench. 6, 19, 7 W. οἱ εἰς τὸν Σίμωνα καὶ τὴν Ἑλένην πεπιστευκότες; Just., D. 35, 8 al.) God (BGU 874, 11 π. εἰς τὸν θεόν): J 12:44b; 14:1a (cp. ET 21, 1910, 53–57; 68–70; 138f); 1 Pt 1:21 v.l.=Pol 2:1.—Christ: Mt 18:6; Mk 9:42; J 2:11; 3:15 v.l., 16, 18a, 36; 4:39; 6:29, 35, 40, 47 v.l.; 7:5, 31, 38f, 48; 8:30; 9:35f; 10:42; 11:25, 26a, 45, 48; 12:11, 36 (εἰς τὸ φῶς), 37, 42, 44a, 46; 14:1b, 12; 16:9; 17:20; Ac 10:43; 14:23; 18:8 D; 19:4; Ro 10:14a; Gal 2:16; Phil 1:29; 1 Pt 1:8; 1J 5:10a; AcPlCor 2:31; Hs 8, 3, 2.—εἰς τὸ ὄνομα Ἰησοῦ (or αὐτοῦ, etc.) J 1:12; 2:23; 3:18c; 1J 5:13 (s. ὄνομα 1dβ and s. 2aα above, end). π. εἰς τὸν θάνατον αὐτοῦ ITr 2:1. π. εἰς τὸ αἷμα Χριστοῦ ISm 6:1.
    γ. w. ἐπί and dat., of God Ac 11:17 D. Of Christ: Mt 27:42 v.l.; J 3:15 v.l.; Ro 9:33; 10:11; 1 Pt 2:6 (the last three Is 28:16); 1 Ti 1:16.
    δ. w. ἐπί and acc. (Wsd 12:2; Just., D. 46, 1 al.) of God: Ac 16:34 D; Ro 4:5, 24; PtK 3 p. 15, 12. Of Christ: Mt 27:42; J 3:15 v.l.; Ac 9:42; 11:17; 16:31; 22:19.
    ε. π. ἔν τινι believe in someone (Jer 12:6; Da 6:24 Theod.; Ps 77:22) is questionable in our lit.: in J 3:15 the best rdg. is ἐν αὐτῷ and is prob. to be construed w. ἔχῃ (in J πιστεύω usually takes the prep. εἰς when expressing the obj. of belief, as in 3:16); in Eph 1:13 both occurrences of ἐν ᾧ are prob. to be construed w. ἐσφραγίσθητε (=‘in connection with whom you have been sealed’ [cp. 4:30]); the acts of hearing and believing are coordinate, and πιστεύσαντες, along w. ἀκούσαντες, is used abs. (so REB; less clearly NRSV). But s. 1aε above: π. ἐν τῷ εὐαγγελίῳ Mk 1:15; IPhld 8:2.
    not expressed at all (the abs. πιστεύειν in a transcendent sense: Aeschin., In Ctesiph. 1 ἐγὼ πεπιστευκὼς ἥκω πρῶτον τοῖς θεοῖς; Aristot., Rhet. 2, 17, 1391b, 1ff; Plut., Mor. 170f; Porphyr., Ad Marcellam 24 πιστεῦσαι δεῖ, ὅτι [=because] μόνη σωτηρία ἡ πρὸς τὸν θεὸν ἐπιστροφή; Herm. Wr. 9, 10ab ἐπίστευσε καὶ ἐν τῇ καλῇ πίστει ἐπανεπαύσατο; cp. 1, 32 πιστεύω καὶ μαρτυρῶ=PapBerl 9795 [RReitzenstein, Studien z. antiken Synkretismus 1926, p. 161, 2]; Num 20:12; Ps 115:1; Is 7:9; Sir 2:13; 1 Macc 2:59; Philo, Rer. Div. Her. 14; 101, Deus Imm. 4, Mut. Nom. 178; τότε πιστεύσεις θέλων καὶ μὴ θέλων Theoph. Ant. 1, 8 [p. 74, 7]) Mk 15:32; 16:16f; Lk 8:12f; J 1:7, 50; 3:15, 18b; 4:41f, 48, 53; 5:44; 6:36, 47, 64ab, perh. 69 (MEnslin, The Perf. Tense in the Fourth Gosp.: JBL 55, ’36, 121–31, esp. 128); 9:38; 10:26; 11:15, 40; 12:39; 20:31b; Ac 4:4; 8:13, 37a; 11:21; 13:12, 39, 48; 14:1; 15:5, 7; 17:12, 34; 18:8b, 27; 19:2; 21:25; Ro 1:16; 3:22; 4:11; 10:4; 13:11; 15:13; 1 Cor 1:21; 3:5; 15:2; Gal 3:22; Eph 1:13, 19; 1 Th 2:10, 13; Hb 4:3; 1 Pt 2:7; 1 Cl 12:7; 2 Cl 17:3; 20:2; B 9:3; B 11:11; ISm 3:2; Hs 8, 10, 3; 9, 17, 4; 9, 22, 3. τὸ πιστεύειν faith IMg 9:2. ἐν ἀγάπῃ πιστεύειν IPhld 9:2 (ἐν ἀγάπῃ is here used adv.).—Participles in the var. tenses are also used almost subst.: (οἱ) πιστεύοντες (the) believers, (the) Christians (Orig., C. Cels. 1, 13, 34; Did., Gen. 106, 6) Ac 2:44; Ro 3:22; 1 Cor 14:22ab (opp. οἱ ἄπιστοι); 1 Th 1:7; Hs 8, 3, 3. (οἱ) πιστεύσαντες (those) who made their commitment = (those) who became believers, (the) Christians, Ac 2:44 v.l.; 4:32; 2 Th 1:10a; 2 Cl 2:3; Hs 9, 19, 1. οἱ πεπιστευκότες those who became (and remained) believers Ac 19:18; 21:20 (Just., D. 122, 2).—οἱ μέλλοντες πιστεύειν future believers 1 Cl 42:4; Hm 4, 3, 3a. οἱ νῦν πιστεύσαντες those who have just come to believe ibid. 4, 3, 3b.
    A special kind of this faith is the confidence that God or Christ is in a position to help suppliants out of their distress, have confidence (some of the passages already mentioned might just as well be classified here) abs. ὡς ἐπίστευσας γενηθήτω σοι may it be done to you in accordance with the confidence you have Mt 8:13. ὅσα ἂν αἰτήσητε πιστεύοντες whatever you pray for with confidence 21:22. Cp. Mk 5:36; 9:23f; Lk 8:50; 2 Cor 4:13a (Ps 115:1), b. W. ὅτι foll.: πιστεύετε ὅτι δύναμαι τοῦτο ποιῆσαι; do you have confidence that I am able to do this? Mt 9:28.—Mk 11:23.
    entrust τινί τι someth. to someone (X., Mem. 4, 4, 17; Plut., Mor. 519e; Athen. 8, 341a; Lucian, Dial. Deor. 25, 1; SIG2 845, 7, see for numerous other examples index VI p. 384b. Cp. Wsd 14:5; 1 Macc 8:16; 4 Macc 4:7; TestJob 11:11; Jos., Bell. 4, 492; Hippol., Ref. 9, 12, 6) τὸ ἀληθινὸν τίς ὑμῖν πιστεύσει; Lk 16:11. αὐτῷ τοσούτων πιστευο̣μ̣έ̣ν̣ω̣ν̣ since so many (or so much) were ( was) entrusted to him AcPl Ha 7, 21 (connection uncertain). αὐτόν (so N. and Tdf.; v.l. ἑαυτόν) τινι trust oneself to someone (Brutus, Ep. 25; Plut., Mor. 181d ἀνδρὶ μᾶλλον ἀγαθῷ πιστεύσας ἑαυτὸν ἢ ὀχυρῷ τόπῳ=entrusting himself to a good man rather than to a stronghold; EpArist 270; Jos., Ant. 12, 396) J 2:24 (EStauffer, CDodd Festschr., ’56, 281–99.—Diod S 34 + 35 Fgm. 39a οὐ τοῖς τυχοῦσι φίλοις ἑαυτὸν ἐπίστευσεν=he did not trust himself to casual friends).—Pass. πιστεύομαί τι (B-D-F §159, 4) I am entrusted with someth. (Pla., Ep. 1, 309a; Polyb. 8, 17, 5; 31, 26, 7; Diod S 20, 19, 2; Appian, Bell. Civ. 2, 136 §568 ἃ ἐπιστεύθην; ins; pap [e.g. PLond I, 121, 608 p. 203]; Jos., Bell. 5, 567, Vi. 137; Ath. 24, 3. Cp. Esth 8:12e.—Dssm., LO 320f [LAE 379]). ἐπιστεύθησαν τὰ λόγια τοῦ θεοῦ Ro 3:2. πεπίστευμαι τὸ εὐαγγέλιον Gal 2:7 (PGM 13, 140 ὁ ὑπό σου πάντα πιστευθείς; 446); cp. 1 Th 2:4; 1 Ti 1:11.—Tit 1:3. οἰκονομίαν πεπίστευμαι 1 Cor 9:17; cp. Dg 7:1. S. also 7:2; IMg 6:1; IPhld 9:1ab. πιστεύομαί τι παρά τινος I am entrusted by someone with someth. (Polyb. 3, 69, 1; Jos., Bell. 1, 667): οἱ πιστευθέντες παρὰ θεοῦ ἔργον τοιοῦτο 1 Cl 43:1.
    be confident about, a unique use found in ὸ̔ς μὲν πιστεύει φαγεῖν πάντα, someth. like the one is confident about eating anything Ro 14:2 (a combination of two ideas: ‘the pers. is so strong in the faith’ and: ‘the pers. is convinced that it is permissible to eat anything’; in brief: not cultically fussy. See Ltzm., Hdb. ad loc.; but also B-D-F §397, 2). Another probability is the sense
    think/consider (possible), in Ro 14:2 perh. holds everything possible; cp. J 9:18 οὐκ ἐπίστευσαν they refused to entertain the possibility, and Ac 9:26. S. 4 above.—For lit. s. πίστις, end. DELG s.v. πείθομαι. M-M. EDNT. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > πιστεύω

  • 13 ἐπί

    ἐπί prep. w. gen., dat., or acc.; s. the lit. on ἀνά, beg. (Hom.+). The basic idea is ‘upon’ (opp. ὑπό) Kühner-G. I 495; s. also Rob 600–605. (In the foll. classifications case use is presented seriatim; in earlier editions of this lexicon all sections, except 13, 17, and 18 [of time], were included under the general rubric ‘Place’.)
    marker of location or surface, answering the question ‘where?’ on, upon, near
    w. gen., marking a position on a surface ἐ. (τῆς) γῆς on (the) earth (cp. En 9:1; 98:1; ἐ. γῆς 25:6; PsSol 17:2) Mt 6:10, 19; 9:6; 23:9; Mk 6:47 al. (Ar. 12, 1; Just., A I, 54, 7 al.). ἐ. τῆς θαλάσσης on the sea (cp. Job 9:8; Dio Chrys. 10 [11], 129 βαδίζειν ἐ. τῆς θαλ.; Lucian, Philops. 13 βαδίζειν ἐφʼ ὕδατος, VH 2, 4; Artem. 3, 16 ἐ. τ. θαλάσσης περιπατεῖν; schol. on Nicander, Ther. 15 p. 5, 26ff relying on the testimony of Hesiod: Orion was given a gift [δωρεά] by the gods καὶ ἐ. κυμάτων πορεύεσθαι καὶ ἐ. τῆς γῆς) Mt 14:26; Mk 6:48f; J 6:19 (w. acc. P75; s. 4bβ below). ἐ. τῶν νεφελῶν on the clouds Mt 24:30; 26:64 (Da 7:13; cp. Philo, Praem. 8). ἐ. κλίνης 9:2; Lk 17:34. ἐ. τοῦ δώματος on the roof vs. 31; Mt 24:17; 10:27 foll. by pl. W. verbs: κάθημαι ἐ. τινος sit on someth. (Job 2:8; ἐ. τοῦ ἅρματος GrBar 6:2; cp. JosAs 27:1 ἐ. τοῦ ὀχήματος καθεζόμενος; Just., D. 90, 5 ἐ. λίθου καθεζόμενος) Mt 24:3; 27:19; Ac 8:28; Rv 6:16; 9:17 (the same prep. used in Rv w. κάθημαι and dat. s. bα below, and w. acc. cα). ἑστηκέναι ἐ. τινος stand on someth. Ac 21:40; Rv 10:5, 8 (Just., D. 86, 2 ἐστηρίχθαι). With parts of the body: ἐ. χειρῶν αἴρειν carry on (i.e. in/with) their hands Mt 4:6; Lk 4:11 (both Ps 90:12). ἐ. κεφαλῆς on the head (Hdt. 5, 12, 4) J 20:7; 1 Cor 11:10; Rv 12:1. ἐ. τοῦ μετώπου Rv 7:3; 9:4. ἐ. γυμνοῦ on the naked body Mk 14:51. Cp. use of ἐπί w. καθίζω and gen., and ἐπί w. κάθημαι and acc. Mt 19:28.—In a gener. and fig. sense Ac 21:23.
    w. dat., gener. suggesting contiguity on, in, above.
    α. answering the question ‘where?’ (Hom. et al.; ins, pap, LXX; Just., D. 105, 5 ἐ. τῷ σταυρῷ; Tat., 9:1 ἐ. τοῖς ὄρεσι; Ath. 20, 1 ἐ. τῷ μετώπῳ; Mel., P. 19, 131 ἐ. σάκκῳ καὶ σποδῷ) ἐ. πίνακι on a platter Mt 14:8, 11; Mk 6:25, 28. ἀνακλῖναι ἐ. τῷ χλωρῷ χόρτῳ on the green grass 6:39. ἐ. τοῖς κραβάττοις vs. 55. ἐπέκειτο ἐπʼ αὐτῷ lay on it (or before it) J 11:38. καθήμενος ἐ. τῷ θρόνῳ Rv 4:9 (cp. gen. w. καθ. 1a above, and acc. cα below) 5:13; 7:10 and oft. ἐφʼ ἵπποις λευκοῖς on white horses 19:14. ἐ. σανίσιν on planks Ac 27:44. ἐ. τῇ στοᾷ in the colonnade 3:11. τὰ ἐ. τοῖς οὐρανοῖς what is above (or in) the heavens Eph 1:10. ἐπʼ αὐτῷ above him, at his head Lk 23:38 (=Mt 27:37 ἐπάνω τ. κεφαλῆς αὐτοῦ).
    β. answering the question ‘whither?’ on, upon (Hom. et al.) w. verbs that indicate a direction: οἰκοδομεῖν ἐ. τινι build upon someth. Mt 16:18. ἐποικοδομεῖν Eph 2:20. ἐπιβάλλειν ἐπίβλημα ἐ. ἱματίῳ παλαιῷ put a patch on an old garment Mt 9:16. ἐπιπίπτειν ἐ. τινι Ac 8:16. ἐκάθισεν ἐ. τῷ θρόνῳ he sat down on the throne GJs 11:1. λίθον ἐπʼ αὐτῇ βαλέτω J 8:7 v.l. (cp. 12a below).
    w. acc., answering the question ‘where?’ (Hom. et al.; LXX; JosAs 29:2 φορῶν ἐ. τὸν μηρὸν αὐτοῦ ῥομφαίαν; Just., D. 53, 1 ζυγὸν ἐ. αὐχένα μὴ ἔχων)
    α. on, over someth. καθεύδειν ἐ. τι sleep on someth. Mk 4:38. καθῆσθαι ἐ. τι sit on someth. Mt 19:28 (in the same vs. καθίζω w. gen., s. a above) J 12:15; Rv 4:4; 6:2; 11:16 al.; cp. Lk 21:35b; κεῖσθαι ἐ. τι lie upon someth. 2 Cor 3:15. κατακεῖσθαι Lk 5:25. ἑστηκέναι ἐ. τὸν αἰγιαλόν stand on the shore Mt 13:2; cp. Rv 14:1. ἑστῶτας ἐ. τὴν θάλασσαν standing beside the sea 15:2. ἔστη ἐ. τὴν κεφαλὴν τοῦ παιδίου (the star) remained stationary over the head of the child GJs 21:3. σκηνοῦν ἐ. τινα spread a tent over someone Rv 7:15. ἐ. τὴν δεξιάν at the right hand 5:1. λίθος ἐ. λίθον stone upon stone Mt 24:2.
    β. ἐ. τὸ αὐτό at the same place, together (Ps.-X., Respublica Athen. [The Old Oligarch] 2, 2; Pla., Rep. 329a; SIG 736, 66 [92 B.C.]. In pap=‘in all’: PTebt 14, 20 [114 B.C.]; PFay 102, 6.—2 Km 2:13; En 100:2) εἶναι ἐ. τὸ αὐτό be together Lk 17:35; Ac 1:15; 2:1, 44. In 1 Cor 7:5 it is a euphemistic expr. for sexual union. κατοικεῖν ἐ. τὸ αὐτό live in the same place (Dt 25:5) Hm 5, 1, 4. Also w. verbs of motion (Sus 14 Theod.) συνέρχεσθαι ἐ. τὸ αὐτό come together to the same place 1 Cor 11:20; 14:23; cp. B 4:10 (Just., A I, 67, 3 συνέλευσις γίνεται). συνάγεσθαι (Phlegon of Tralles [Hadr.]: 257 Fgm. 36 III 9 Jac.; PsSol 2:2; TestJob 28:5 Jos., Bell. 2, 346) Mt 22:34; Ac 4:26 (Ps 2:2); 1 Cl 34:7. ἐ. τὸ αὐτὸ μίγνυσθαι be mixed together Hm 10, 3, 3. προσετίθει ἐ. τὸ αὐτό added to their number Ac 2:47.
    γ. at, by, near someone or someth. καθῆσθαι ἐ. τὸ τελώνιον sit at the tax-office Mt 9:9 (ἐ. τὰς ὡραίας πύλας GrBar prol. 2); Mk 2:14. ἑστηκέναι ἐ. τὴν θύραν stand at the door Rv 3:20. σὺ ἔστης ἐ. τὸ θυσιαστήριον you are standing (ἕστηκας deStrycker) as priest at the altar GJs 8:2. ἐφʼ ὑμᾶς among you 2 Th 1:10; cp. Ac 1:21.—Of pers., over whom someth. is done ὀνομάζειν τὸ ὄνομα Ἰησοῦ ἐ. τινα speak the name of Jesus over someone Ac 19:13. ἐπικαλεῖν τὸ ὄνομά τινος ἐ. τινα=to claim someone for one’s own (Jer 14:9; 2 Ch 7:14; 2 Macc 8:15) Ac 15:17 (Am 9:12); Js 2:7; Hs 8, 6, 4. προσεύχεσθαι ἐ. τινα pray over someone Js 5:14.
    marker of presence or occurrence near an object or area, at, near
    w. gen., of immediate proximity to things at, near (Hdt. 7, 115; X., An. 4, 3, 28 al.; LXX, Just.) ἐ. τ. θυρῶν at the gates (Plut., C. Gracch. 841 [14, 3]; PRyl 127, 8f [29 A.D.] κοιμωμένου μου ἐ. τῆς θύρας; 1 Macc 1:55; Just., D. 111, 4) Ac 5:23 (s. b below for dat. in 5:9). ἐ. τῆς θαλάσσης near the sea (Polyb. 1, 44, 4; Ex 14:2; Dt 1:40; 1 Macc 14:34) J 21:1. ἐ. τῆς ὁδοῦ by the road Mt 21:19. ἐσθίειν ἐ. τῆς πραπέζης τινός eat at someone’s table Lk 22:30 (cp. POxy 99, 14 [55 A.D.] τράπεζα, ἐφʼ ἧς Σαραπίων καὶ μέτοχοι; Da 11:27 LXX ἐ. μιᾶς τραπέζης). ἐ. τοῦ (τῆς) βάτου at the thornbush = in the passage about the thornbush (i.e. Ex 3:1ff) Mk 12:26; Lk 20:37.
    with dat., of immediate proximity at, near by (Hom.+) ἦν ἔτι ἐ. τῷ τόπῳ ὅπου was still at the place, where J 11:30 v.l. (for ἐν; cp. Just., D. 402). ἐ. τῇ θύρᾳ (ἐ. θύραις) at the door (Hom. et al.; Wsd 19:17; Jos., Ant. 17, 90; Just., D. 32, 3) Mt 24:33; Mk 13:29; Ac 5:9 (s. a above). ἐ. τοῖς πυλῶσιν Rv 21:12. ἐ. τῇ πηγῇ J 4:6 (Jos., Ant. 5, 58 ἐ. τινι πηγῇ; Just., A I, 64, 1 ἐ. ταῖς … πηγαῖς). ἐ. τῇ προβατικῇ (sc. πύλῃ) near the sheepgate 5:2; cp. Ac 3:10. ἐ. τῷ ποταμῷ near the river (since Il. 7, 133; Jos., Ant. 4, 176 ἐ. τ. Ἰορδάνῳ) Rv 9:14.—Of pers. (Diod S 14, 113, 6; Just., A I, 40, 7) ἐφʼ ὑμῖν among you 2 Cor 7:7; cp. Ac 28:14 v.l.
    marker of involvement in an official proceeding, before, w. gen., of pers., esp. in the language of lawsuits (Pla., Leg. 12, 943d; Isaeus 5, 1 al.; UPZ 71, 15; 16 [152 B.C.]; POxy 38, 11; Mitt-Wilck. I/2, 382, 23=BGU 909, 23; Jos., Vi. 258; Just., A II, 1, 1 ἐ. Οὐρβίκου). ἐ. τοῦ ἡγεμόνος in the governor’s presence Mt 28:14. ἐ. ἡγεμόνων καὶ βασιλέων Mk 13:9. ἐ. σου before you (the procurator) Ac 23:30. ἐ. Τερτούλλου Phlm subscr. v.l.; στάντος μου ἐ. τοῦ συνεδρίου Ac 24:20 (cp. Diod S 11, 55, 4 ἐ. τοῦ κοινοῦ συνεδρίου τ. Ἑλλήνων). γυναικὸς … διαβληθείσης ἐ. τοῦ κυρίου Papias (2:17). κρίνεσθαι ἐ. τῶν ἀδίκων go to law before the unrighteous 1 Cor 6:1. κριθήσεται ἐφʼ ὑμῶν before your tribunal D 11:11. μαρτυρεῖν ἐ. Ποντίου Πιλάτου testify before Pontius Pilate 1 Ti 6:13 (s. μαρτυρέω 1c). ἐ. τοῦ βήματος (POxy 37 I, 3 [49 A.D.]) ἑστὼς ἐ. τοῦ βήματος Καίσαρός εἰμι I am standing before Caesar’s tribunal Ac 25:10 (Appian says Prooem. c. 15 §62 of himself: δίκαις ἐν Ῥώμῃ συναγορεύσας ἐ. τῶν βασιλέων=I acted as attorney in lawsuits in Rome before the emperors).—Gener. in someone’s presence (Appian, Syr. 61 §324 ἐφʼ ὑμῶν=in your presence) ἐ. Τίτου before Titus 2 Cor 7:14. Cp.10 below.
    marker of movement to or contact w. a goal, toward, in direction of, on
    w. gen., marking contact with the goal that is reached, answering the question ‘whither?’ toward, on, at w. verbs of motion (Appian, Iber. 98 §427 ἀπέπλευσεν ἐπʼ οἴκου=he sailed [toward] home; PGM 4, 2468f ἀναβὰς ἐ. δώματος; JosAs 27:1 ἀνέδραμε … ἐ. πέτρας; Jos., Ant. 4, 91 ἔφευγον ἐ. τ. πόλεων; Tat. 33:3 Εὐρώπην ἐ. τοῦ ταύρου καθιδρύσαντος) βάλλειν τὸν σπόρον ἐ. τῆς γῆς Mk 4:26; also σπείρειν vs. 31. πίπτειν (Wsd 18:23; TestAbr A 3 p. 80, 11 [Stone p. 8]; JosAs 9:1) 9:20; 14:35. καθιέναι Ac 10:11. τιθέναι (Sir 17:4) Lk 8:16; J 19:19; Ac 5:15. ἔρχεσθαι Hb 6:7; Rv 3:10; γίνεσθαι ἐ. reach, be at J 6:21. γενόμενος ἐ. τοῦ τόπου when he reached the place Lk 22:40. καθίζειν take one’s seat ἐ. θρόνου (JosAs 7:1 al.) Mt 19:28 (s. 1a end); 23:2; 25:31; J 19:13 (ἐ. βήματος of Pilate as Jos., Bell. 2, 172; of Jesus Just., A I, 35, 6). κρεμαννύναι ἐ. ξύλου hang on a tree (i.e. cross) (Gen 40:19; cp. Just., D. 86, 6 σταυρωθῆναι ἐ. τοῦ ξύλου) Ac 5:30; 10:39; cp. Gal 3:13 (Dt 21:23).
    w. acc.
    α. specifying direction (En 24:2 ἐ. νότον ‘southward’ of position of the mountain) of motion that takes a particular direction, to, toward ἐκτείνας τ. χεῖρα ἐ. τοὺς μαθητάς Mt 12:49; cp. Lk 22:53 (JosAs 12:8). πορεύεσθαι ἐ. τὸ ἀπολωλός go after the one that is lost 15:4. ἐ. τὴν ῏Ασσον in the direction of Assos Ac 20:13. ἐπιστρέφειν ἐ. τι turn to someth. 2 Pt 2:22 (cp. Pr 26:11; En 99:5). ὡς ἐ. λῃστήν as if against a robber Mt 26:55; Mk 14:48; Lk 22:52.
    β. from one point to another across, over w. motion implied (Hom.+; LXX) περιπατεῖν, ἐλθεῖν ἐ. τ. θάλασσαν or ἐ. τ. ὕδατα Mt 14:25, 28f; J 6:19 P75. Of spreading across the land (PsSol 17:10): famine Ac 7:11; 11:28; darkness Mt 27:45; Lk 23:44. ἐ. σταδίους δώδεκα χιλιάδων across twelve thousand stades Rv 21:16 v.l. (Polyaenus 5, 44, 4 ἐ. στάδια δέκα); ἐ. πλεῖον further (1 Esdr 2:24; 2 Macc 10:27) Ac 4:17.
    γ. of goal attained (Hom. et al.; LXX) on, upon someone or someth. πέσατε ἐφʼ ἡμᾶς Lk 23:30 (Hos 10:8). ἔπεσεν ἐ. τὰ πετρώδη Mt 13:5; cp. Lk 13:4. ἔρχεσθαι ἐ. τινα come upon someone Mt 3:16; also καταβαίνειν fr. above J 1:33; cp. Rv 16:21. ἀναβαίνειν (Jos., Ant. 13, 138; Just., A II, 12, 7) Lk 5:19. ἐπιβαίνειν Mt 21:5 (Zech 9:9).—Ac 2:3; 9:4 al.; διασωθῆναι ἐ. τ. γῆν be brought safely to the land 27:44; cp. vs. 43; Lk 8:27. ἐ. τὸ πλοῖον to the ship Ac 20:13. ἀναπεσεῖν ἐ. τὴν γῆν lie down or sit down on the ground Mt 15:35. ἔρριψεν αὐτὸν χαμαὶ ἐ. τὸν σάκκον he threw himself down on the sackcloth GJs 13:1. τιθέναι τι ἐ. τι put someth. on someth. (JosAs 16:11) Mt 5:15; Lk 11:33; Mk 8:25 v.l.; likew. ἐπιτιθέναι (JosAs 29:5) Mt 23:4; Mk 8:25; Lk 15:5; J 9:6, 15; Ac 15:10. ἐπιβάλλειν τ. χεῖρας ἐ. τινα (Gen 22:12 al.) Mt 26:50; Lk 21:12; Ac 5:18. Mainly after verbs of placing, laying, putting, bringing, etc. on, to: ἀναβιβάζω, ἀναφέρω, βάλλω, γράφω, δίδωμι, ἐγγίζω, ἐπιβιβάζω, ἐπιγράφω, ἐποικοδομέω, ἐπιρ(ρ)ίπτω, θεμελιόω, ἵστημι, κατάγω, οἰκοδομέω, σωρεύω; s. these entries. Sim. βρέχειν ἐ. τινα cause rain to fall upon someone Mt 5:45 (cp. PsSol 17:18); also τ. ἥλιον ἀνατέλλειν ἐ. τινα cause the sun to rise so that its rays fall upon someone *ibid. τύπτειν τινὰ ἐ. τὴν σιαγόνα strike on the cheek Lk 6:29. πίπτειν ἐ. (τὸ) πρόσωπον (Jdth 14:6) on the face Mt 17:6; 26:39; Lk 5:12; 17:16; 1 Cor 14:25; Rv 7:11.To, upon w. acc. of thing πορεύεσθαι ἐ. τὴν ὁδόν go to the road Ac 8:26; cp. 9:11. ἐ. τὰς διεξόδους Mt 22:9. ἵνα μὴ πνέῃ ἄνεμος ἐ. πᾶν δένδρον so that no wind should blow upon any tree Rv 7:1.
    δ. of closeness to someth. or someone to, up to, in the neighborhood of, on ἐ. τὸ μνημεῖον up to the tomb Mk 16:2; Lk 24:1 v.l., 22, 24; cp. ἐ. τὸ μνῆμα Mk 16:2 v.l.; Lk 24:1. ἔρχεσθαι ἐ. τι ὕδωρ come to some water Ac 8:36. ἐ. τὴν πύλην τὴν σιδηρᾶν to the iron gate 12:10. καταβαίνειν ἐ. τὴν θάλασσαν go down to the sea J 6:16. ἐ. τὸν Ἰορδάνην Mt 3:13 (Just., D. 88, 3 al.). ἀναπίπτειν ἐ. τὸ στῆθος he leaned back on (Jesus’) breast J 13:25; 21:20. πίπτειν ἐ. τοὺς πόδας fall at (someone’s) feet Ac 10:25 (JosAs 14:10 ἔπεσεν ἐ πρόσωπον ἐ. τοὺς πόδας αὐτοῦ). ἐ. τ. ἀκάνθας among the thorns Mt 13:7.—W. acc. of pers. to someone ἐ. τὸν Ἰησοῦν ἐλθόντες they came to Jesus J 19:33; cp. Mt 27:27; Mk 5:21.
    ε. in imagery of goal or objective to, toward (Just., A II, 7, 6 ἐπʼ ἀμφότερα τρέπεσθαι) ἐπιστρέφειν, ἐπιστρέφεσθαι ἐ. τινα turn to (Dt 30:10; 31:20 al.; Ar. 2, 1 ἔλθωμεν καὶ ἐ. τὸ ἀνθρώπινον γένος ‘let us now turn to …’; Just., D. 56, 11 ἐ. τὰς γραφὰς ἐπανελθών) Lk 1:17; Ac 9:35; 11:21; 14:15; 26:20; Gal 4:9; 1 Pt 2:25.
    marker of manner, corresponding to an adv., w. dat. (Aeschyl., Suppl. 628 ἐπʼ ἀληθείᾳ; UPZ 162 VI, 3 [117 B.C.] κακοτρόπως καὶ ἐ. ῥαδιουργίᾳ; POxy 237 VI, 21 ἐ. τῇ τῶν ἀνθρ. σωτηρίᾳ; ἐφʼ ὁράσει En 14:8; Just., A I, 9, 3 ἐφʼ ὕβρει; 55, 7 ἐ. τούτῳ τῷ σχήματι ‘in this form’; Tat. 17, 1 ἐπʼ ἀκριβείᾳ; Ath. 33, 2 ἐφʼ ἑνὶ γάμῳ) ὁ σπείρων ἐπʼ εὐλογίαις (in contrast to ὁ σπείρων φειδομένως one who sows sparingly) one who sows in blessing (i.e. generously) 2 Cor 9:6. ἐπʼ εὐλογίαις θερίζειν reap generously ibid.
    marker of basis for a state of being, action, or result, on, w. dat. (Hom. et al.)
    ἐπʼ ἄρτῳ ζῆν live on bread Mt 4:4; Lk 4:4 (both Dt 8:3. cp. Ps.-Pla., Alcib. 1, 105c; Plut., Mor. 526d; Alciphron 3, 7, 5; SibOr 4, 154). ἐ. τῷ ῥήματί σου depending on your word Lk 5:5. οὐ συνῆκαν ἐ. τοῖς ἄρτοις they did not arrive at an understanding (of it) (by reflecting) on (the miracle of) the loaves Mk 6:52 (cp. Demosth. 18, 121 τί σαυτὸν οὐκ ἐλλεβορίζεις ἐ. τούτοις [sc. λόγοις];=why do you not come to an understanding concerning these words?). ἐ. τῇ πίστει on the basis of faith Ac 3:16; Phil 3:9. ἐπʼ ἐλπίδι on the basis of hope, supporting itself on hope Ac 2:26 (? s. ἐλπίς 1bα); Ro 4:18; 8:20; 1 Cor 9:10; Tit 1:2.—Ac 26:6 ἐπʼ ἐλπίδι gives the basis of the trial at law, as does ἐ. εὐεργεσίᾳ 4:9. ἀπολύειν τ. γυναῖκα ἐ. πορνείᾳ Mt 19:9 (cp. Dio Chrys. 26 [43], 10 ἀπολύειν ἐπʼ ἀργυρίῳ; Ath. 2, 3 κρίνεσθαι … μὴ ἐ. τῷ ὀνόματι, ἐ. δὲ τῷ ἀδικήματι). γυναικὸς ἐ. πόλλαις ἁμαρτίαις διαβληθείσης Papias (2:17). On the basis of the testimony of two witnesses (cp. Appian, Iber. 79 §343 ἤλεγχον ἐ. μάρτυσι) Hb 10:28 (Dt 17:6); sim. use of ἐ. τινί on the basis of someth.: 8:6; 9:10, 15 (here it may also be taken in the temporal sense; s. 18 below), 17. ἁμαρτάνειν ἐ. τῷ ὁμοιώματι τ. παραβάσεως Ἀδάμ Ro 5:14 (ὁμοίωμα 1). δαπανᾶν ἐ. τινι pay the expenses for someone Ac 21:24. ἀρκεῖσθαι ἐ. τινι be content w. someth. 3J 10.
    w. verbs of believing, hoping, trusting: πεποιθέναι (Wsd 3:9; Sus 35; 1 Macc 10:71; 2 Macc 7:40 and oft.) Lk 11:22; 18:9; 2 Cor 1:9; Hb 2:13 (2 Km 22:3). πιστεύειν Lk 24:25; Ro 9:33; 10:11; 1 Pt 2:6 (the last three Is 28:16). ἐλπίζειν (2 Macc 2:18; Sir 34:7) Ro 15:12 (Is 11:10); 1 Ti 4:10; 6:17; cp. 1J 3:3. παρρησιάζεσθαι Ac 14:3.
    after verbs which express feelings, opinions, etc.: at, because of, from, with (Hom. et al.) διαταράσσεσθαι Lk 1:29. ἐκθαυμάζειν Mk 12:17. ἐκπλήσσεσθαι Mt 7:28; Mk 1:22; Lk 4:32; Ac 13:12. ἐξίστασθαι (Jdth 11:16; Wsd 5:2 al.) Lk 2:47. ἐπαισχύνεσθαι (Is 1:29) Ro 6:21. εὐφραίνεσθαι (Sir 16:1; 18:32; 1 Macc 11:44) Rv 18:20. θαμβεῖσθαι Mk 10:24; cp. Lk 5:9; Ac 3:10. θαυμάζειν (Lev 26:32; Jdth 10:7 al.; Jos., Ant. 10, 277) Mk 12:17 v.l. μακροθυμεῖν (Sir 18:11; 29:8; 35:19) Mt 18:26, 29; Lk 18:7; Js 5:7. μετανοεῖν (Plut., Ag. 803 [19, 5]; Ps.-Lucian, Salt. 84; Prayer of Manasseh [=Odes 12] 7; Just., A I, 61, 10; D. 95, 3 al.) 2 Cor 12:21. ὀδυνᾶσθαι (cp. Tob 6:15) Ac 20:38. ὀργίζεσθαι Rv 12:17. σπλαγχνίζεσθαι Mt 14:14; Lk 7:13. συλλυπεῖσθαι Mk 3:5. στυγνάζειν 10:22. χαίρειν (PEleph 13, 3; Jos., Ant. 1, 294; Tob 13:15; Bar 4:33; JosAs 4:2; Ar. 15, 7) Mt 18:13; Lk 1:14; 13:17; Ro 16:19 al. χαρὰν καὶ παράκλησιν ἔχειν Phlm 7. χαρὰ ἔσται Lk 15:7; cp. vs. 10 (Jos., Ant. 6, 116 ἡ ἐ. τῇ νίκῃ χαρά). Also w. verbs that denote aroused feelings παραζηλοῦν and παροργίζειν make jealous and angry at Ro 10:19 (Dt 32:21). παρακαλεῖν 1 Th 3:7a (cp. Just., D. 78:8 παράκλησιν ἐχουσῶν ἐ.), as well as those verbs that denote an expression of the emotions ἀγαλλιᾶσθαι (cp. Tob 13:15; Ps 69:5) Lk 1:47; Hs 8, 1, 18; 9, 24, 2. καυχᾶσθαι (Diod S 16, 70; Sir 30:2) Ro 5:2. κοπετὸν ποιεῖν (cp. 3 Macc 4:3) Ac 8:2. ὀλολύζειν Js 5:1. αἰνεῖν (cp. X., An. 3, 1, 45 al.) Lk 2:20. δοξάζειν (Polyb. 6, 53, 10; cp. Diod S 17, 21, 4 δόξα ἐ. ἀνδρείᾳ=fame because of bravery) Ac 4:21; 2 Cor 9:13. εὐχαριστεῖν give thanks for someth. (s. εὐχαριστέω 2; UPZ 59, 10 [168 B.C.] ἐ. τῷ ἐρρῶσθαί σε τ. θεοῖς εὐχαρίστουν) 1 Cor 1:4; cp. 2 Cor 9:15; 1 Th 3:9.—ἐφʼ ᾧ = ἐπὶ τούτῳ ὅτι for this reason that, because (Diod S 19, 98; Appian, Bell. Civ. 1, 112 §520; Ael. Aristid. 53 p. 640 D.; Synes., Ep. 73 p. 221c; Damasc., Vi. Isid. 154; Syntipas p. 12, 9; 127, 8; Thomas Mag. ἐφʼ ᾧ ἀντὶ τοῦ διότι; cp. W-S. §24, 5b and 12f. S. WKümmel, D. Bild des Menschen im NT ’48, 36–40) Ro 5:12 (SLyonnet, Biblica 36, ’55, 436–56 [denies a causal sense here]. On the probability of commercial idiom s. FDanker, FGingrich Festschr. ’72, 104f, also Ro 5:12, Sin under Law: NTS 14, ’68, 424–39; against him SPorter, TynBull 41, ’90, 3–30, also NTS 39, ’93, 321–33; difft. JFitzmyer, Anchor Bible Comm.: Romans, ad loc. ‘w. the result that all have sinned’); 2 Cor 5:4; Phil 3:12; for, indeed 4:10.
    marker of addition to what is already in existence, to, in addition to. W. dat. (Hom. et al.; PEleph 5, 17 [284/283 B.C.] μηνὸς Τῦβι τρίτῃ ἐπʼ εἰκάδι; Tob 2:14; Sir 3:27; 5:5) προσέθηκεν τοῦτο ἐ. πᾶσιν he added this to everything else Lk 3:20 (cp. Lucian, Luct. [On Funerals], 24). ἐ. τ. παρακλήσει ἡμῶν in addition to our comfort 2 Cor 7:13. λύπη ἐ. λύπῃ grief upon grief Phil 2:27 v.l. (cp. Soph., Oed. C. 544, also Polyb. 1, 57, 1 πληγὴ ἐ. πληγῇ; Plut., Mor. 123f; Polyaenus 5, 52 ἐ. φόνῳ φόνον; Quint. Smyrn. 5, 602 ἐ. πένθει πένθος=sorrow upon sorrow; Sir 26:15). ἐ. τῇ σῇ εὐχαριστίᾳ to your prayer of thanks 1 Cor 14:16. So perh. also Hb 8:1. ἐ. πᾶσι τούτοις to all these Col 3:14; Lk 16:26 v.l. (X., Mem. 1, 2, 25 al.; Sir 37:15; cp. 1 Macc 10:42; Just., D. 133, 1 ἐ. τούτοις πᾶσι).—W. acc.: addition to someth. of the same kind Mt 6:27; Lk 12:25; Rv 22:18a. λύπην ἐ. λύπην sorrow upon sorrow Phil 2:27 (cp. Is 28:10, 13; Ezk 7:26; Ps 68:28).
    marker of perspective, in consideration of, in regard to, on the basis of, concerning, about, w. gen. (Antig. Car. 164 ἐ. τῶν οἴνων ἀλλοιοῦσθαι; 4 Macc. 2:9 ἐ. τῶν ἑτέρων … ἔστιν ἐπιγνῶναι τοῦτο, ὅτι …; Ath. 29, 2 τὰ ἐ. τῆς μανίας πάθη) ἐ. δύο ἢ τριῶν μαρτύρων on the evidence of two or three witnesses 1 Ti 5:19 (cp. TestAbr A 13 p. 92, 22ff. [Stone p. 32]). Sim. in the expr. ἐ. στόματος δύο μαρτύρων (Dt 19:15) Mt 18:16; 2 Cor 13:1. ἐπʼ αὐτῆς on the basis of it Hb 7:11. ἐπʼ ἀληθείας based on truth = in accordance w. truth, truly (Demosth. 18, 17 ἐπʼ ἀληθείας οὐδεμιᾶς εἰρημένα; POxy 255, 16 [48 A.D.]; Da 2:8; Tob 8:7; En 104:11) Mk 12:14, 32; Lk 4:25; 20:21; Ac 4:27. ἐφʼ ἑαυτοῦ based on himself = to or by himself (X., An. 2, 4, 10; Demosth. 18, 224 ἐκρίνετο ἐφʼ ἑαυτοῦ; Dionys. Hal., Comp. Verb. 16 ἐ. σεαυτοῦ. Cp. Kühner-G. I 498e) 2 Cor 10:7.—To introduce the object which is to be discussed or acted upon λέγειν ἐ. τινος speak of, about someth. (Pla., Charm., 155d, Leg. 2, 662d; Isocr. 6, 41; Aelian, VH 1, 30; Jer 35:8; EpArist 162; 170; Ath. 5:1 ἐ. τοῦ νοητοῦ … δογματίζειν) Gal 3:16. Do someth. on, in the case of (cp. 1 Esdr 1:22) σημεῖα ποιεῖν ἐ. τῶν ἀσθενούντων work miracles on the sick J 6:2.—On B 13:6 s. τίθημι 1bζ.—In ref. to someth. (Aristot., Pol. 1280a, 17; 4 Macc 12:5 τῶν ἐ. τῆς βασιλείας … πραγμάτων; Just., A I, 5, 1 ἐφʼ ἡμῶν ‘in our case’, D. 131, 4; Ath. 15, 3 ἐ. τῆς ὕλης καὶ τοῦ θεοῦ ‘as respects God and matter, so …’) ἐ. τινων δεῖ ἐγκρατεύεσθαι in certain matters one must practice self-control Hm 8:1. οὔτε … οἴδασι τὸν ἐ. τοῦ πυροῦ σπόρον nor do they comprehend (the figurative sense of) the sowing of wheat AcPlCor 2:26 (cp. 1 Cor 15:36f).
    marker of power, authority, control of or over someone or someth., over
    w. gen. (Hdt. 5, 109 al.; Mitt-Wilck. I/1, 124, 1=BGU 1120, 1 [5 B.C.] πρωτάρχῳ ἐ. τοῦ κριτηρίου; 287, 1; LXX; AscIs 2:5 τοῦ ἐ. τῶν πραγματε[ι] ῶν=Denis p. 109) βασιλεύειν ἐ. τινος (Judg 9:8, 10; 1 Km 8:7) Rv 5:10. ἔχειν βασιλείαν ἐ. τῶν βασιλέων 17:18. ἐξουσίαν ἔχειν ἐ. τινος have power over someone 20:6. διδόναι ἐξουσίαν ἐ. τινος 2:26. καθιστάναι τινὰ ἐ. τινος set someone over, put someone in charge, of someth. or someone (Pla., Rep. 5, 460b; Demosth. 18, 118; Gen 39:4f; 1 Macc 6:14; 10:37; 2 Macc 12:20 al.; EpArist 281; τεταγμένος En 20:5) Mt 24:45; Lk 12:42; Ac 6:3. εἶναι ἐ. τινος (Synes., Ep. 79 p. 224d; Tob 1:22; Jdth 14:13; 1 Macc 10:69) ὸ̔ς ἦν ἐ. πάσης τῆς γάζης αὐτῆς who was in charge of all her treasure 8:27. Of God ὁ ὢν ἐ. πάντων (Apollonius of Tyana [I A.D.] in Eus., PE 4, 13) Ro 9:5; cp. Eph 4:6. ὁ ἐ. τινος w. ὤν to be supplied (Demosth. 18, 247 al.; Diod S 13, 47, 6; Plut., Pyrrh. 385 [5, 7], Aemil. Paul. 267 [23, 6]; PTebt 5, 88 [118 B.C.] ὁ ἐ. τ. προσόδων; 1 Macc 6:28; 2 Macc 3:7; 3 Macc 6:30 al.; EpArist 110; 174) ὁ ἐ. τοῦ κοιτῶνος the chamberlain Ac 12:20.
    w dat. (X., Cyr. 1, 2, 5; 2, 4, 25 al., An. 4, 1, 13; Demosth. 19, 113; Aeschines 2, 73; Esth 8:12e; Just., A II, 5, 2 ἀγγέλοις οὓς ἐ. τούτοις ἔταξε; cp. Ath. 24, 3; Ath. 6, 4 τὸν ἐ. τῇ κινήσει τοῦ σώματος λόγον) Mt 24:47; Lk 12:44.
    w. acc. (X., Hell. 3, 4, 20 al.; Dionys. Byz. §56 θεῷ ἐ. πάντα δύναμις; LXX; PsSol 17:3, 32) βασιλεύειν ἐ. τινα rule over someone (Gen 37:8; Judg 9:15 B al.) Lk 1:33; 19:14, 27; Ro 5:14. καθιστάναι τινὰ ἐ. τινα set someone over someone (X., Cyr. 4, 5, 58) κριτὴν ἐφʼ ὑμᾶς as judge over you Lk 12:14; ἡγούμενον ἐπʼ Αἴγυπτον Ac 7:10; cp. Hb 2:7 v.l. (Ps 8:7); 3:6; 10:21. ἐξουσίαν ἔχειν ἐ. τι Rv 16:9. ἐξουσίαν διδόναι ἐ. τι (Sir 33:20) Lk 9:1; 10:19; Rv 6:8; cp. 22:14. φυλάσσειν φυλακὰς ἐ. τι Lk 2:8 (cp. En 100:5). ὑπεραίρεσθαι ἐ. τινα exalt oneself above someone 2 Th 2:4 (cp. Da 11:36); but here the mng. against is also poss. (s. 12b below). πιστὸς ἐ. τι faithful over someth. Mt 25:21, 23.
    marker of legal proceeding, before, w. acc. in the lang. of the law-courts ἐ. ἡγεμόνας καὶ βασιλεῖς ἄγεσθαι be brought before governors and kings Mt 10:18; cp. Lk 21:12 (cp. BGU 22, 36 [114 A.D.] ἀξιῶ ἀκθῆναι [=ἀχθῆναι] τ. ἐνκαλουμένους ἐ. σὲ πρὸς δέουσαν ἐπέξοδον; Just., A II, 2, 12 ἐ. Οὔρβικον). ὑπάγεις ἐπʼ ἄρχοντα you are going before the magistrate Lk 12:58; cp. Ac 16:19. ἤγαγον αὐτὸν ἐ. τὸν Πιλᾶτον Lk 23:1. ἐ. τοὺς ἀρχιερεῖς Ac 9:21. ἐ. Καίσαρα πορεύεσθαι come before the emperor 25:12. ἐ. τὰς συναγωγάς Lk 12:11. ἐ. τὸ βῆμα Ac 18:12. Cp. 3 above. Here the focus is on transfer to the judiciary.
    marker of purpose, goal, result, to, for, w. acc. (Demetr.: 722 Fgm. 2, 3 Jac. ἐ. κατοικίαν) ἐ. τὸ βάπτισμα for baptism=to have themselves baptized Mt 3:7 (cp. Just., A I, 61, 10 ἐ. τὸ λουτρόν; D. 56, 1 ἐ. τὴν … κρίσιν πεμφθεῖσι). ἐ. τὴν θεωρίαν ταύτην for (i.e. to see) this sight Lk 23:48 (sim. Hom. et al.; POxy 294, 18 [22 A.D.]; LXX; Tat. 23, 2 ἐ. τὴν θέαν). ἐ. τὸ συμφέρον to (our) advantage Hb 12:10 (cp. Tat. 6, 1; 34, 2 οὐκ ἐ. τι χρήσιμον ‘to no purpose’). ἐ. σφαγήν Ac 8:32 (Is 53:7); cp. Mt 22:5; ἐ. τ. τελειότητα Hb 6:1. ἐ. τοῦτο for this (X., An. 2, 5, 22; Jos., Ant. 12, 23) Lk 4:43. ἐφʼ ὅ; for what (reason)? Mt 26:50 v.l. (s. ὅς 1bα and 1iβ). Cp. 16.
    marker of hostile opposition, against
    w. dat. (Hom. et al.; 2 Macc 13:19; Sir 28:23 v.l.; fig. Ath. 22, 7 τοὺς ἐπʼ αὐτοῖς λόγους ‘counter-evidence’) Lk 12:52f (s. use of acc. b below); Ac 11:19. Cp. J 8:7 v.l. (1bβ above).
    w. acc. (Hdt. 1, 71; X., Hell. 3, 4, 20 al.; Jos., Ant. 13, 331; LXX; En; TestJud 3:1 al.; JosAs 19:2; Just., D. 103, 7; Tat. 36, 2) ὥρμησαν ἐ. αὐτόν Ac 7:57. ἔρχεσθαι Lk 14:31. ἐπαναστήσονται τέκνα ἐ. γονεῖς Mt 10:21; Mk 13:12; cp. ἔθνος ἐ. ἔθνος Mt 24:7; Mk 13:8. ἐφʼ ἑαυτόν divided against himself Mt 12:26; Mk 3:24f, 26; Lk 11:17f; cp. J 13:18 (s. Ps 40:10); Ac 4:27; 13:50 al.—Lk 12:53 (4 times; the first and third occurrences w. the acc. are prob. influenced by usage in Mic 7:6; the use of the dat. Lk 12:52f [s. a above] w. a verb expressing a circumstance is in accord with older Gk. [Il. et al.], which prefers the acc. with verbs of motion in ref. to hostility). Cp. 15.
    marker of number or measure, w. acc. (Hdt. et. al.; LXX; GrBar 3:6) ἐ. τρίς (CIG 1122, 9; PHolm α18) three times Ac 10:16; 11:10. So also ἐ. πολύ more than once Hm 4, 1, 8. ἐ. πολύ (also written ἐπιπολύ) in a different sense to a great extent, carefully (Hdt., Thu. et al.; Lucian, D. Deor. 6, 2; 25, 2; 3 Macc 5:17; Jos., Ant. 17, 107) B 4:1. ἐ. πλεῖον to a greater extent, further (Hdt., Thu. et al.; Diod S 11, 60, 5 al.; prob. 2 Macc 12:36; TestGad 7:2; Ar. 4, 3; Ath. 7, 1 ἐ. το πλεῖστον) 2 Ti 3:9; 1 Cl 18:3 (Ps 50:4). ἐ. τὸ χεῖρον 2 Ti 3:13. ἐφʼ ὅσον to the degree that, in so far as (Diod S 1, 93, 2; Maximus Tyr. 11, 3c ἐφʼ ὅσον δύναται; Hierocles 14 p. 451) Mt 25:40, 45; B 4:11; 17:1; Ro 11:13.
    marker indicating the one to whom, for whom, or about whom someth. is done, to, on, about
    w. dat. πράσσειν τι ἐ. τινι do someth. to someone Ac 5:35 (thus Appian, Bell. Civ. 3, 15 §51; cp. δρᾶν τι ἐ. τινι Hdt. 3, 14; Aelian, NA 11, 11); about γεγραμμένα ἐπʼ αὐτῷ J 12:16 (cp. Hdt. 1, 66). προφητεύειν ἐ. τινι Rv 10:11. μαρτυρεῖν bear witness about Hb 11:4; Rv 22:16. ἐ. σοὶ … φανερώσει κύριος τὸ λύτρον the Lord will reveal the salvation to you GJs 7:2.
    w. acc.
    α. ὁ ἄνθρωπος ἐφʼ ὸ̔ν γεγόνει τὸ σημεῖον the man on whom the miracle had been performed Ac 4:22 (cp. Just., D. 128, 1 κρίσεως γεγενημένης ἐ. Σόδομα). ἐφʼ ὸ̔ν λέγεται ταῦτα the one about whom this was said Hb 7:13 (cp. ἐ. πόρρω οὖσαν [γενεὰν] ἐγὼ λαλῶ En 1:2). γέγραπται ἐπʼ αὐτόν Mk 9:12f; cp. Ro 4:9; 1 Ti 1:18; βάλλειν κλῆρον ἐ. τι for someth. Mk 15:24; J 19:24 (Ps 21:19). ἀνέβη ὁ κλῆρος ἐ. Συμεών the lot came up in favor of Simeon GJs 24:4.
    β. of powers, conditions, etc., which come upon someone or under whose influence someone is: on, upon, to, over ἐγένετο ῥῆμα θεοῦ ἐ. Ἰωάννην the word of God came to John Lk 3:2 (cp. Jer 1:1). Of divine blessings (cp. En 1:8; ParJer 5:28) Mt 10:13; 12:28; Lk 10:6; 11:20; cp. 10:9; Ac 10:10. ἵνα ἐπισκηνώσῃ ἐπʼ ἐμὲ ἡ δύναμις τ. Χριστοῦ that the power of Christ may rest upon me 2 Cor 12:9. χάρις θεοῦ ἦν ἐπʼ αὐτό Lk 2:40. Various verbs are used in ref. to the Holy Spirit, either in pass. or act. role, in connection w. ἐ. τινα: ἐκχεῖν Ac 2:17f (Jo 3:1f); cp. 10:45; Tit 3:6. ἀποστέλλειν (ἐξαποστέλλειν v.l.) Lk 24:49. ἐπέρχεσθαι 1:35; Ac 1:8 (Just., D. 87, 3; cp. ἔρχεσθαι A I, 33, 6; D. 49, 7 ἀπὸ τοῦ Ἠλίου ἐ. τὸν Ἰωάννην ἐλθεῖν). ἐπιπίπτειν 10:44. καταβαίνειν Lk 3:22; J 1:33. τίθεσθαι Mt 12:18 (cp. Is 42:1). Also εἶναι Lk 2:25. μένειν J 1:32f. ἀναπαύεσθαι 1 Pt 4:14. Of unpleasant or startling experiences Lk 1:12, 65; 4:36; Ac 13:11; 19:17; Rv 11:11.—Lk 19:43; 21:35, cp. vs. 34; J 18:4; Eph 5:6; cp. Rv 3:3.—Ro 2:2, 9; 15:3 (Ps 68:10). Of the blood of the righteous, that comes over or upon the murderers Mt 23:35; 27:25; Ac 5:28. Of care, which one casts on someone else 1 Pt 5:7 (Ps 54:23).
    marker of feelings directed toward someone, in, on, for, toward, w. acc., after words that express belief, trust, hope: πιστεύειν ἐ. τινα, w. acc. (Wsd 12:2; Just., D. 16:4 al.) Ac 9:42; 11:17; 16:31; 22:19; Ro 4:24. πίστις Hb 6:1. πεποιθέναι (Is 58:14) Mt 27:43; 2 Th 3:4; 2 Cor 2:3. ἐλπίζειν (1 Ch 5:20; 2 Ch 13:18 al.; PsSol 9:10; 17:3; Just., D. 16:4 al.) 1 Pt 1:13; 1 Ti 5:5. After words that characterize an emotion or its expression: for κόπτεσθαι (Zech 12:10) Rv 1:7; 18:9. κλαίειν Lk 23:28; Rv 18:9 (cp. JosAs 15:9 χαρήσεται ἐ. σέ). σπλαγχνίζεσθαι Mt 15:32; Mk 8:2; 9:22; Hm 4, 3, 5; Hs 9, 24, 2. χρηστός toward Lk 6:35. χρηστότης Ro 11:22; Eph 2:7; cp. Ro 9:23. Esp. also if the feelings or their expressions are of a hostile nature: toward, against (cp. λοιδορεῖν Just., D. 137, 2) ἀποτομία Ro 11:22. μαρτύριον Lk 9:5. μάρτυς ἐ. τ. ἐμὴν ψυχήν a witness against my soul (cp. Dssm., LO 258; 355 [LAE 304; 417]) 2 Cor 1:23. ἀσχημονεῖν 1 Cor 7:36. μοιχᾶσθαι Mk 10:11. τολμᾶν 2 Cor 10:2 (En 7:4). βρύχειν τ. ὀδόντας Ac 7:54. Cp. 12.
    marker of object or purpose, with dat. in ref. to someth. (Hom., Thu. et al.; SIG 888, 5 ἐ. τῇ τῶν ἀνθρ. σωτηρίᾳ; PTebt 44, 6 [114 B.C.] ὄντος μου ἐ. θεραπείᾳ ἐν τῷ Ἰσιείω; LXX; TestJob 3:5 ὁ ἐ. τῇ σωτηρίᾳ τῆς ἐμῆς ψυχῆς ἐλθών; Jos., Ant. 5, 101; Just., A I, 29, 1 ἐ. παίδων ἀναστροφῇ; D. 91, 4 ἐ. σωτηρίᾳ τῶν πιστευόντων) καλείν τινα ἐ. τινι call someone for someth. Gal 5:13 (on ἐπʼ ἐλευθερίᾳ cp. Demosth. 23, 124; [59], 32); ἐ. ἀκαθαρσίᾳ for impurity, i.e. so that we should be impure 1 Th 4:7. κτισθέντες ἐ. ἔργοις ἀγαθοῖς for good deeds Eph 2:10. λογομαχεῖν ἐ. καταστροφῇ τῶν ἀκουόντων for the ruin of those who hear 2 Ti 2:14 (cp. Eur., Hipp. 511; X., Mem. 2, 3, 19 ἐ. βλάβη; Hdt. 1, 68 ἐ. κακῷ ἀνθρώπου; Polyb. 27, 7, 13 and PGM 4, 2440 ἐπʼ ἀγαθῷ=‘for good’). Cp. 11.
    marker in idiom of authorization, w. dat.: the formula ἐ. τῷ ὀνοματί τινος, in the name of someone, used w. many verbs (Just., D. 39, 6 w. γίνεσθαι, otherw. ἐ. ὀνόματος, e.g. A I, 61, 13; w. διὰ τοῦ ὀ. and in oaths κατὰ τοῦ ὀ. A II, 6, 6, D. 30, 3; 85, 2.—Ath. 23, 1 ἐ. ὀνόματι εἰδώλων.—ἐν τῷ ὀνόματι LXX; JosAs 9:1), focuses on the authorizing function of the one named in the gen. (cp. WHeitmüller [‘Im Namen Jesu’ 1903, 13ff], ‘in connection with, or by the use of, i.e. naming, or calling out, or calling upon the name’ [88]): βαπτίζειν Ac 2:38. δέχεσθαί τινα Mt 18:5; Mk 9:37; Lk 9:48. διδάσκειν Ac 4:18; 5:28. δύναμιν ποιεῖν Mk 9:39. ἐκβάλλειν δαιμόνια Lk 9:49 v.l. ἔρχεσθαι Mt 24:5; Mk 13:6; Lk 21:8. κηρύσσειν 24:47. λαλεῖν Ac 4:17; 5:40. Semantically divergent from the preceding, but formulaically analogous, is καλεῖν τινα ἐ. τῷ ὀν. τινος name someone after someone (2 Esdr 17:63) Lk 1:59.—ὄνομα 1dγג.—M-M.
    marker of temporal associations, in the time of, at, on, for
    w. gen., time within which an event or condition takes place (Hom.+) in the time of, under (kings or other rulers): in the time of Elisha Lk 4:27 (cp. Just., D. 46, 6 ἐ. Ἠλίου). ἐ. τῆς μετοικεσίας at the time of the exile Mt 1:11. Under=during the rule or administration of (Hes., Op. 111; Hdt. 6, 98 al.; OGI 90, 15; PAmh 43, 2 [173 B.C.]; UPZ 162 V, 5 [117 B.C.]; 1 Esdr 2:12; 1 Macc 13:42; 2 Macc 15:22; Jos., Ant. 12, 156 ἐ. ἀρχιερέως Ὀ.) ἐ. Ἀβιαθὰρ ἀρχιερέως under, in the time of, Abiathar the high priest Mk 2:26. ἐ. ἀρχιερέως Ἅννα καὶ Καιάφα Lk 3:2. ἐ. Κλαυδίου Ac 11:28 (Just., A I, 26, 2). ἐ. τῶν πατέρων in the time of the fathers 1 Cl 23:3. ἐπʼ ἐσχάτων τῶν ἡμερῶν in the last days (Gen 49:1; Num 24:14; Mi 4:1; Jer 37:24; Da 10:14) 2 Pt 3:3; Hs 9, 12, 3; cp. Hb 1:2. ἐπʼ ἐσχάτου τοῦ χρόνου in the last time Jd 18. ἐπʼ ἐσχάτου τῶν χρόνων at the end of the times/ages 1 Pt 1:20. ἐ. τῶν προσευχῶν μου when I pray, in my prayers (cp. PTebt 58, 31 [111 B.C.] ἐ. τ. διαλόγου, ‘in the discussion’; 4 Macc 15:19 ἐ. τ. βασάνων ‘during the tortures’; Sir 37:29; 3 Macc 5:40; Demetr.: 722, Fgm. 1, 14 Jac. ἐ. τοῦ ἀρίστου; Synes., Ep. 121 p. 258c ἐ. τῶν κοινῶν ἱερῶν) Ro 1:10; Eph 1:16; 1 Th 1:2; Phlm 4.
    w. dat., time at or during which (Hom. et al.; PTebt 5, 66 [118 B.C.]; PAmh 157; LXX; Just., A I, 13, 3 ἐ. χρόνοις Τίερίου) at, in, at the time of, during: ἐ. τοῖς νῦν χρόνοις in these present times 2 Cl 19:4. ἐ. τῇ πρώτῃ διαθήκῃ at the time of the first covenant Hb 9:15. ἐ. συντελείᾳ τ. αἰώνων at the close of the age 9:26 (Tat. 13, 1 ἐ. ς. τοῦ κόσμου; cp. Sir 22:10 and PLond III, 954, 18 p. 154 [260 A.D.] ἐ. τέλει τ. χρόνου; POxy 275, 20 [66 A.D.] ἐ. συνκλεισμῷ τ. χρόνου; En 27:3 ἐπʼ ἐσχάτοις αἰώσιν). ἐ. τῇ θυσίᾳ at the time of, together with, the sacrifice Phil 2:17. ἐ. πάσῃ τῇ μνείᾳ ὑμῶν at every remembrance of you Phil 1:3. ἐ. παροργισμῷ ὑμῶν during your wrath, i.e. while you are angry Eph 4:26. ἐ. πάσῃ τῇ ἀνάγκῃ in all (our) distress 1 Th 3:7b. ἐ. πάσῃ τῇ θλίψει 2 Cor 1:4. ἐ. τούτῳ in the meanwhile J 4:27 (Lucian, Dial. Deor. 17, 2, cp. Philops. 14 p. 41; Syntipas p. 76, 2 ἐφʼ ἡμέραις ἑπτα; 74, 6).
    w. acc.
    α. answering the question ‘when?’ on: ἐ. τὴν αὔριον (Sb 6011, 14 [I B.C.]; PRyl 441 ἐ. τὴν ἐπαύριον) (on) the next day Lk 10:35; Ac 4:5. ἐ. τὴν ὥραν τ. προσευχῆς at the hour of prayer 3:1 (Polyaenus 8, 17 ἐ. ὥραν ὡρισμένην).
    β. answering the qu. ‘how long?’ for, over a period of (Hom. et al.; Mitt-Wilck. II/2, 170, 8=BGU 1058, 9 [13 B.C.]; POxy 275, 9; 15 ἐ. τὸν ὅλον χρόνον; PTebt 381, 19 ἐφʼ ὸ̔ν χρόνον περίεστιν ἡ μήτηρ; LXX; En 106:15; TestJob 30:2 ἐ. ὥρας τρεῖς; TestJud 3:4; TestGad 5:11; Jos., Ant. 11, 2; Just., D. 142, 1 ἐ. ποσόν ‘for awhile’) ἐ. ἔτη τρία for three years (Phlegon: 257 Fgm. 36, 2, 1 Jac.) Lk 4:25. ἐ. τρεῖς ἡμέρας for three days (Diod S 13, 19, 2; Arrian, Anab. 4, 9, 4; GDI 4706, 119 [Thera] ἐπʼ ἀμέρας τρεῖς) GPt 8:30 al. ἐ. ἡμέρας πλείους over a period of many days (Jos., Ant. 4, 277) Ac 13:31.—16:18 (ἐ. πολλὰς ἡμέρας as Appian, Liby. 29 §124; cp. Diod S 3, 16, 4); 17:2; 19:8, 10, 34; 27:20; Hb 11:30. ἐ. χρόνον for a while (cp. Il. 2, 299; Hdt. 9, 22, 1; Apollon. Rhod. 4, 1257; Jos., Vi. 2) Lk 18:4. ἐ. πλείονα χρόνον (Diod S 3, 16, 6; Hero Alex. I p. 344, 17) Ac 18:20. ἐφʼ ὅσον χρόνον as long as Ro 7:1; 1 Cor 7:39; Gal 4:1. Also ἐφʼ ὅσον as long as Mt 9:15; 2 Pt 1:13 (for other mngs. of ἐφʼ ὅσον s. above under 13). ἐφʼ ἱκανόν (sc. χρόνον) for a considerable time (EpArist 109) Ac 20:11. ἐ. χρόνον ἱκανόν Qua. ἐ. πολύ for a long time, throughout a long period of time (Thu. 1, 7; 1, 18, 1; 2, 16, 1 al.; Appian, Liby. 5 §21; Arrian, Cyneg. 23, 1; Lucian, Toxar. 20; Wsd 18:20; Sir 49:13; JosAs 19:3; Jos., Vi. 66: Just., A I, 65, 3) Ac 28:6. ἐ. πλεῖον the same (schol. on Pind., N. 7, 56b; PLille 3, 16 [III B.C.]; Jdth 13:1; Sir prol. l. 7; Jos., Ant. 18, 150) Ac 20:9; any longer (Lucian, D. Deor. 5, 3; Appian, Hann. 54 §227; 3 Macc 5:8; Wsd 8:12; Ath. 12, 3) Ac 24:4; 1 Cl 55:1.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > ἐπί

  • 14 αὐτός [2]

    αὐτός, ή. ό. Am ausführlichsten hat über dies Pronomen gehandelt Herm. Opusc. I p. 308 ff, wovon ein Auszug Viger. p. 783 ff gegeben. Die Grundbedeutung ist se lb st, Hervorhebung eines Gegenstandes dadurch, daß man ihn allem Andern, was er nicht ist, entgegensetzt u. dies Andere ausschließt. Gewöhnlich unterscheidet man 3 Hauptfälle.

    I. Selbst, in eigener Person, u. zwar, 1) ohne weiteten Zusatz beim Verbum, so daß die Person durch dieses bestimmt wird, von Bernhardy Synt. p. 286 richtig ausgedrückt: ich – du er als einer u. derselbe mit Ausschluß eines Andern. Der Ggstz ist entweder bestimmt ausgedrückt, od. aus dem Zusammenhange leicht zu ergänzen, z. B. αὐτοὺς δέ, die Leiber, im Ggstz gegen die Seele, Il. 1, 4; Od. 11, 602 αὐτὸς δέ Herakles, im Gegensatze zu seinem εἴδωλον; das Hauptvolk gegen seine Bundesgenossen, Il. 11, 220; die Mutter gegen die Jungen Iliad. 2, 317, die Eltern gegen die Kinder 3, 301; der Mann gegen das Weib, Plat. Gorg. 511 e; die Krieger gegen die Rosse, Il. 2, 466. 762; die Cyclopen gegen die Heerden, Od. 9, 167; die Einwohner gegen die Stadt, 9, 40; das Ganze gegen einen Theil, Il. 7, 474; oft ehrend den Gebieter, Heerführer bezeichnend, 6, 18. 8, 4; αὐτὸς καὶ δμῶες Theocr. 24, 50; ohne Ggstz, der Herr, ἠρόμην ὅπου αὐτὸς εἴη Plat. Rep. I, 327 b; der Meister; so antwortet bei Ar. Nubb. 219 der Schüler auf die Frage, τίς οὗτος οὑπὶ τῆς κρεμάϑρας ἀνήρ; – αὐτός; so sagten die Pythagoräer αὐτὸς ἔφα, der Meister hat gesagt. Oft nimmt αὐτός den Hauptbegriff wieder auf, der dann durch καί erweitert wird, δίδωϑι δέ μοι κλέος ἐσϑλόν, αὐτῷ καὶ παίδεσσι καὶ αἰδοίῃ παρακοίτι Od. 3, 381; τειχίζειν δὲ πάντας πανδημεὶ τοὺς ἐν τῇ πόλει, καὶ αὐτοὺς, καὶ γυναῖκας καὶ παῖδας Thuc. 1, 90. Der Ggstz wird auch durch ein auf αὐτός bezogenes Particip ausgedrückt, αὐτή τε καὶ τὸν υἱὸν ἔχουσα, = καὶ ὁ υἱός, Xen. Cyr. 1, 3, 1; εἰ ἡμῖν ἀφίκοιτο εἰς τὴν πόλιν αὐτός τε καὶ τὰ ποιήματα βουλόμενος ἐπιδεῖξαι Plat. Rep. III, 398 a; – καὶ αὐτός, ebenfalls, wie et ipse, Thuc. 5, 8; Xen. An. 3, 4, 44. 7, 8, 17. – 2) mit hinzutretendem Pronomen, a) mit pron. pers., denen es zuweilen mit größerem Nachdruck vorgesetzt wird, αὐτὸν σέ, dich selbst, dichgerade, vgl. αὐτῷ ἐμοί Plat. Phaedr. 91 a; αὐτὸν ἐμέ Conv. 220 e; bei Hom. mit denenklitischen Formen, αὐτόν μιν Od. 4, 244, αὐτὸν μέν σε 17, 595; gewöhnlich aber steht es nach, u. zwar bei Hom. stets getrennt, ἐμέϑεν αὐτῆς Od. 23, 78, σέο αὐτοῦ, ἓ αὐτόν; in der Prosa u. bei att. Dichtern in den cass. obliquis des sing. das Reflexivum ἐμαυτοῦ, ῆς, ῷ, όν u. s. w.; wo es bei den Att. nachsteht, ist σὲ αὐτόν nachdrücklicher als σεαυτόν. Daß übrigens αὐτός allein nicht bloß im nom., sondern auch in den andern Casus die Stelle der pron. pers. vertreten kann, ergiebt sich aus 1), z. B., αὐτὸν ἐλέησον, sc. ἐμέ, Il. 24, 503; περὶ αὐτοῦ, = ἐμαυτοῦ, Od. 21, 249; ἀλλὰ Δία ξένιον δείσας αὐτόν τ' ἐλεαίρων 14, 389, = σέ. Wenn es die Stelle der Reflexiva vertritt, wird es gewöhnlich mit dem spirit. asper geschrieben, so daß also αὑτόν für ἐμαυτόν u. σεαυτόν, αὑτῶν für ἡμῶν (ὑμῶν) αὐτῶν steht; doch ist diese von Hermann zu Soph. Ts. 451 durchgeführte Ansicht von Bernhardy Synt. p. 287 nicht anerkannt, u. in den mss., welche freilich hier nicht allein entscheiden können, nicht befolgt. Spätere mochten hierin überh. ungenauer sein, wie Pol. 11, 29 οὐδ' ἐν αὐτοῖς εἴχετε τὰς ἐλπίδας für ἡμῖναὐτοῖς; βοηϑῶν τοῖς αὐτοῦσυμμάχοις, = ἐμοῖς, 17, 5 (Bekk. αὑτοῖς, αὑτοῦ); – der selbst bei genaueren Schriftstellern nicht seltenen Verwechselung von αὐτοῦ u. αὑτοῦ in der dritten Person nicht zu gedenken. – b) Dem pron. poss. wird es im gen, hinzugefügt, ἐμὸν αὐτοῦ χρεῖος, meine eigene Noth, Od. 2, 45; ϑρῆνον ἐμὸν τὸν αὐτῆς Aesch. Ag. 1296; τὸν ἐμὸν αὐτοῦ τοῦ ταλαιπώρου βίον Ar. Plut. 33; ἄπιτε ἐπὶ τὰ ὑμέτερα αὐτῶν Her. 6, 97; in att. Prosa nicht selten, z. B. τοῖς ἡμετέροις αὐτῶν φίλοις Xen. An. 7, 1, 29. – c) Beim pron. demonstr. nachdrücklich: gerade, eben, z. B. αὐτὸ τοῦτο τὸ Βυζάντιον, eben dies Byzanz, Xen. An. 7, 1, 27; αὐτὰ ταῦτ' ἦν τὰ λεχϑέντα Plat. Tim. 19 a, das gerade war; σοφώτερος κατ' αὐτό γε τοῠτο, gerade hierin, Phaedr. 243 b; adverbial., αὐτὸ τοῦτο, ἵνα, eben deshalb, Prot. 310 e; mit folgdm inf., αὐτὸ γὰρ τοῦτό ἐστι χαλεπὸν ἀμαϑία, τὸ δοκεῖν, weil es scheint, Conv. 2044, vgl. unten. Ebenso bei anderen Pronomen, αὐτὸς ἓκαστος, jeder für sich, Her. 8, 123 u. öfter; Thuc. 7, 70; αὐτοὶ ἑκάτεροι Her. 9, 26; wobei αὐτὸς immer voransteht; αὐτὴν αὐτήν, sie selbst, Plat. Crat. 439 a. – Hiebei ist noch ein doppelter Gebrauch zu merken: α) αὐτός steht allein zuweilen mit Nachdruck, wie im Deutschen ein betontes er, für αὐτὸς οὗτος, so daß man, besonders wenn ein Relativsatz folgt, es geradezu für οὗτος erklärt hat, was aber dem Satze eine andere Färbung geben würde, ἐγὼ τοίνυν ἡγοῠμαι, ὅσοι μὲν ἐν τῇ δημοκρατίᾳ ἄτιμοι ἦσαν, – προςήκειν αὐτοῖς, ich meine, wer zur Zeit der Volksherrschaft der bürgerlichen Ehre beraubt war, – ihnen allen kommt es zu, Lys. 25, 11; νομίσαντες δι' αὐτὸ οὐχ ἡσσᾶσϑαι, δι' ὅπερ οὐδ' οἱ ἕτεροι νικᾶν Thuc. 7, 34; ἐπ' αὐτὸ ἥκεις ἐρευνῶν, ὅτῳ διαφέρει ἡ σωφροσύνη Plat. Charm. 166 b; ἀπέπτυσ' αὐτὴν, ἥτις ἄνδρα ἄλλον φιλεῖ Eur. Troad. 668; αὐτὸ οὐκ εἴρηται, ὃ μάλιστα ἔδει ῥηϑῆναι, das gerade ist nicht gesagt, Plat. Rep. II, 362 d; ὃν ᾤετο πιστόν οἱ εἶναι, ταχὺ αὐτὸν εὗρεΚύρῳ φιλαίτερον Xen. An. 1, 9, 29, wie 2, 5, 27. 6, 2, 9; man vgl. noch ὅς κε ϑεοῖς ἐπιπείϑηται, μάλα τ' ἔκλυον αὐτοῦ Il. 1, 218. – β) Um das Häufen der Relativa, bes. in verschiedenen Casus zu vermeiden, setzt man für das zweite, den Satz eigentlich anaeoluthisch formend, αὐτός, z. B. ὃ φῂς σὺ μέγιστον ἀγαϑὸν εἶναι καὶ σὲ δημιουργὸν εἶναι αὐτοῦ Plat. Gorg. 452 d; ἣν ὅδε Αφροδίτην μὲν λέγεσϑαί φησι, τὸ δ' ἀληϑέστατον αὐτῆς ὄνομα Ἡδονὴν εἶναι Phil. 12 b; Rep. IX, 578 c; vgl. Xen. Cyr. 3, 1, 38; ἐκεῖνοι τοίνυν, οἷς οὐκ ἐχαρίζονϑ' οἱ λέγοντες οὐδ' ἐφίλουν αὐτούς Dem. 3, 24; ganz parenthetisch, Xen. Cyr. S, 1, 46. – γ) Des größeren Nachdruckes wegen wird es zum pron. reflexivum hinzugesetzt, das Subject hervorzuheben, οἱ δὲ καὶ αὐτοὶ σφῇσιν ἀτασϑαλίῃσιν – ἄλγε' ἔχουσιν Od. 1, 33, vgl. Sengebusch Aristonic. p. 23; αὐτὸς καϑ' αὑτοῠ τὴν ὕβριν μαντεύσεται, gegen sich selbst, Aesch. Sept. 408; αὐτὸς πρὸς αὑτοῦ ὄλωλεν Soph. Ant. 1177; τὸ γιγνώσκειν αὐτὸν αὑτόν Plat. Charm. 165 b; αὐτὸς αὑτὸν ἀπέκτεινεν Plut. Mar. 46; es tritt selbst zwischen den Artikel od. die Präposition u. das Reflexivum, τοῖς αὐτὸς αὑτοῠ πήμασιν βαρύνεται Aesch. Ag. 845; οὐ τὴν ὁτουοῠν μητέρα διενοεῖτο ἀποκτεῖναι, ἀλλὰ τὴν αὐτὸς αὑτοῠ Plat. Alc. II, 144 c. – 3) Beim Nomen, welches im Attischen dann mit Ausnahme der nom. propr. u. weniger ohne Artikel geläufiger Wörter, wie βασιλεύς vom Perserkönig, οὐρανός, ἥλιος, πατήρ, μήτηρ u. ä., immer den Artikel hat; πρὸς αὐτοῦ Ζηνός, bei Zeus selbst, Soph. Phil. 482; ὁ τλήμων αὐτός Phil. 161, wo die Stellung auch αὐτὸς ὁ τλήμων sein könnte (nicht ὁ αὐτὸς τλήμων). Mit besonderem Nachdruck, ἄκρον ὑπὸ λόφον αὐτόν, gerade unter, Il. 13, 615; οὔ μοι μέλει ἄλγος, οὔτ' αὐτῆς Ἑκάβης, selbst Hekabe's Schmerz bekümmert mich nicht, 6, 451; αὐτὸ τὸ περίορϑρον, gerade den Anbruch des Tages, Thuc. 2, 3; αὐτὰ τὰ ῥήματα, genau die Worte, Plat. Phaedr. 271 c; αὐτὸ τοὐναντίον, gerade das Gegentheil, sehr oft. Weil αὐτός andere Rücksichten ausschließt, so bedeutet es oft: etwas an u. für sich, def. im philosophischen Sprachgebrauche, wo gew. das neutr. αὐτό u. das nom. ohne Artikel steht, φαμέν τι εἶναι δίκαιον αὐτὸ ἢ οὐδέν Plat. Phaed. 65 d, gerecht an u. für sich, das absolut Gerechte; οὐκ αὐτὸ δικαιοσύνην ἐπαινοῠντες, nicht die Gerechtigkeit an u. für sich, als solche lobend, Rep. II, 363 a; vollständig, ἀδελφὸς αὐτὸ τοῠτο, ὅπερ ἐστί Conc. 199 e; ähnl. αὐτὴ κίνησις Soph. 256 b; αὐτῆς περὶ δικαιοσύνης, ὅτι ἐστί Phil. 62 a; seltener mit dem Artikel, τί ποτ' ἐστὶν αὐτὸ ἡ αρετή Prot. 360 e; μανϑάνων αὐτὴν τὴν ἀλήϑειαν, οἷόν ἐστιν Rep. IX, 582 a; Sp. bilden Composita der Art, so z. B. Arist. Top. 6, 8, 6, wo aber Bekker αὐτὸ βούλησις, αὐτὸ ἐπιϑυμία, αὐτὸ ἡδύ getrennt schreibt. – 4) Aus der Bdtg selbst gehen folgende hervor: a) vonselbst, auseigenem Antriebe, ἀλλά τις αὐτὸς ἴτω Il. 17, 254; οἱ δὲ καὶ αὐτοὶ παυέσϑων Od. 2, 168; ἥξει γὰρ αὐτά, κἂν ἐγὼ σιγῇ στέγω Soph. O. R. 342 ( Schol. αὐτόματα); οἳ καὶ τοῖς μὴ ἐπικαλουμένοις αὐτοὶ ἐπιστρατεύουσι Thuc. 4, 60; ὑπό τινος ἐρεϑισϑεὶς καὶ αὐτὸς ἀχϑεσϑείς Xen. An. 6, 7, 9; mit dem Zusatz αὐτοὶ ἐϑέλοντες 5, 10, 6. So αὐτὸ δείξει, das wird sich von selbst zeigen, Plat. Hipp. mai. 288 b; ὡς αὐτὸ δηλοῖ, wie von selbst erhellt, Prot. 329 b. – b) für sich selbst, ohne Andere, allein, αὐτός περ ἐών, obwohl er allein war, Il. 8, 99, Scholl. Aristonic. αὐτός: ἡ διπλῆ, ὅτι ἐν ἴσῳ τῷ μόνος; ἀλλ' οὔ πως ἅμα πάντα δυνήσεαι αὐτὸς ἑλέσϑαι 13, 729; αὐτοὶ καὶ οὐ μετὰ τῶν πλειόνων Thuc. 5, 60; τὰς ναῦς ταύτας πέμπειν ἢ αὐτὰς ἢ καὶ ἐλάσσους ἢ καὶ πλείους 8, 39; ἄνευ τοῦ σίτου, τὸ ὄψον αὐτὸ ἐσϑίειν Xen. Mem. 3, 14. 3; vgl. An. 2, 3, 7. 7, 3, 35; πλείους δίκαι εἰσὶν αὐτῶν τῶν Φασηλιτῶν ἢ τῶν ἄλλων άπάντων Dem. 35, 2; μηδὲν ἔχουσαν περιττὸν ἀλλ' αὐτὰ τὰ χρήσιμα καὶ ἀναγκαῖα Dion. Hal. iud. de Thuc. 23; τούτῳ αὐτῷ διαφέρουσι, nur hierin unterscheiden sie sich, Pol. 1, 42, u. öfter. Auch steht οἶος dabei, Od. 14, 450; u. bei den Attikern μόνος, αὐτὸ τοῠτο μόνον Plat. Gorg. 500 b; vgl. Lycurg. 139; Dem. 20, 84; αὐτὸ μόνον kommt bes. bei Sp. oft ganz adverbial. vor: gerade nur, kurz u. gut, vgl. Luc. Char. 6; αὐτὸ μόνον ἐργάτης Somm. 9. Hierher gehört noch αὐτοὶ γάρ ἐσμεν, wir sind unter uns, allein, Plat. Legg. VIII, 836 b; Ar. Ach. 478, u. öfter, wie Luc. Deor. D. 10, 2; ὥς γε ἐν ἡμῖν αὐτοῖς εἰρῆσϑαι Plat. Prot. 309 a. Aehnl. αὐτὸς καϑ' αὑτόν, ganz allein an u. für sich, αὐτὸ ἕκαστον, jedes Ding an u. für sich, vgl. 3) z. E. – 5) Wie in selbander, selbdritter, wird auch durch αὐτός bei Ordinalzahlen ein Zusammensein ausgedrückt, πέμπτος αὐτός, er selbst als der fünfte, also mit vier Anderen, Thuc. 1, 46; vgl. Xen. Hell. 2, 2, 17 u. sonst. Aehnl. wird – 6) durch αὐτός mit einem Nomen im dat. ein begleitender Umstand hervorgehoben, der sonst nicht gewöhnlich dabei ist. Hom. setzt σύν hinzu, αὐτῇ σὺν φόρμιγγι, mit sammt der Phorminx, ohne sie niederzulegen, Il. 9, 194; vgl. 12, 112; Ap. Rh. 4, 1590; Her. 2, 111; Eur. Cycl. 701; selten in Prosa, wie Plat. Rep. VIII, 564 c; Xen. Cyr. 2, 2, 9; D. Sic. 11, 19; gew. ohne σύν, schon bei Hom., αὐτῇ κεν γαίῃ ἐρύσαιμ' αὐτῇ δὲ ϑαλάσσῃ Il. 8, 24; αὐτοῖς ἵπποισι καὶ ἅρμασιν ἆσσον ἰόντες 23, 8; αὐτοῖς νεωςοίκοισι ὑποπρῆσαι Her. 3, 45; oft im Att.; die gewöhnlichsten Verbindungen ohne Artikel stehen B. A. p. 130, αὐτῇ νηΐ, αὐτοῖς ἵπποις, ἀνδράσι· ταῠτα χωρὶς ἄρϑρου; vgl. Aesch. Prom. 221. 1049 Spt. 533; αὐταῖς ποιμνίων ἐπιστάταις Soph. Ai. 27; αὐτοῖς τούτοις, sammt diesen, Thuc. 1, 121; sonst mit dem Artikel, αὐτοῖσι τοῖς πόρπαξι Ar. Equ. 849; αὐταῖς ταῖς τριήρεσιν ἡμᾶς καταδύσει Xen. An. 1, 3, 17; αὐτοῖς τοῖς στεφάνοις Cyr. 1, 4, 7; αὐτῷ τῷ στρατοπέδῳ Plut. Caes. 24. Erst Spätere setzen auch αὐτός nach, z. B. κέρασιν αὐτοῖς Long. Past. 2, 31; vgl. Lob. zu Phryn. p. 99 f. – 7) Scheinbar pleonastisch steht es, wenn das Nomen. worauf es sich bezieht, in demselben Satze steht und nach einem Zwischensatze der Deutlichkeit wegen wieder aufgenommen werden soll, πειράσομαι τῷ πάππῳ, ἀγαϑῶν ἱππέων κράτιστος ὢν ἱππεύς, συμμαχεῖν αὐτῷ Xen. Cyr. 1, 3, 15; Ξενοφῶντι, ὁρῶντι μέν –, ὁρῶντι δὲ καλὸν αὐτῷ ἐδόκει An. 5, 6, 15; vgl. 2, 4, 7, wo das dazwischen tretende οὐκ οἶδα ὅ τι δεῖ, u. Soph. Phil. 572 f, wo das Participium ἑλών die Wiederholung erleichtert. Auffallender ist οἷς Ὀλύμπιοι ϑεοὶ δοῖέν ποτ' αὐτοῖς Soph. Phil. 315; woraus Sp. sogar ὡν οἱ μὲν αὐτῶν machen, Callim. epigr. 5 (XII, 118); Nonn. D. 1, 187.

    II. Wie der nom. αὐτός oft nur ein betontes er ist, z. B. Il. 3, 282 αὐτὸς Ἑλένην ἐχέτω, ἡμεῖς δέ, so werden die casus obliqui geradezu ohne Nachdruck als pron. pers. der dritten Person, seiner, ihm, ihn, gebraucht, welche Formen nicht im Anfange des Satzes stehen dürfen, obwohl die Dichter sich solche Stellungen erlauben. Bei Hom. ist es in dieser Bdtg noch selten; Iliad. 14, 457 οὐ μὰν αὖτ' ὀίωἅλιον πηδῆσαι ἄκοντα, ἀλλά τις Ἀργείων κόμισε χροΐ καί μιν ὀίω αὐτῷ σκηπτόμενον κατίμεν δόμον Ἄιδος εἴσω; Od. 16, 473 νῆα ϑοὴν ἰδόμην κατιοῠσαν· πολλοὶ δ' ἔσαν ἄνδρες ἐν αὐτῇ. Als enclitisch wurde αὐτόν Iliad. 12, 204 berachtet, αἰετὸς ὑψιπέτης –, – δράκοντα φέρων ὀνύχεσσιζωόν. ἔτ' ἀσπαίροντα. καὶ οὔ πω λήϑετο χάρμης· κόψε γάρ αὐτον ἐχοντα κατα στῆϑος παρὰ δειρὴν ἰδνωϑεὶς ὀπίσω; s. Lehrs Quaestt. Epp. p. 124.

    III. Mit dem Artikel ὁ αὐτός, ἡ αὐτή, τὸ αὐτό, att. zsgzgn ἁὐτός, ἁὐτή, ταὐτό u. ταὐτόν (ταὐτό bei den Tragg. nur, wo die Endsylbe kurz sein muß, ταὐτόν vor Vocalen u. wo Position nöthig ist, in Prosa aber kann beim steten Schwanken der Handschriften noch kein Unterschied gemacht werden), ταὐτοῠ, ταὐτῷ, ταὐτά; ion. ὡὐτός, ὡὐτοί, τὠυτό, auch Pind. Ol. 1, 45; derselbe. Einzelne Beispiele schon Hom. Il. 6, 391 Od. 7, 55. 326, bei dem auch der Artikel fehlt, Il. 12, 225 Od. 8, 107. 10. 158, obwohl in ὅς ῥά μοι ὑψίκερων ἔλαφον εἰς ὁδὸν αὐτὴν ἧκεν auch erklärt werden kann: in den Weg selbst, gerade in den Weg. Bei den Attikern fehlt der Artikel nie, denn καὶ νῠν ἔτ' αὐτός εἰμι heißt: noch bin ich selbst, Soph. O. R. 557; ebenso ἀνὴρ ὅδ' οὐκέτ' αὐτός Eur. Phoen. 927; φανήσεται παισὶν ἀδελφὸς αὐτὸς καὶ πατήρ O. R. 459 u. A. Häufig steht dabei der dat., τὠυτὸ ὑμῖν ἐπρήσσομεν, wir thaten dasselbe, was ihr thatet, Her. 4, 119; οἱ αὐτοὶ ὄντες ἐκείνοις Plat. Menex. 244 b; ἐν τῷ αὐτῷ κινδύνῳ αἰωροῦμαι τοῖς φαυλοτάτοις Thuc. 7, 77; auffallender φέρε δὴ ἄλλην εἰκόνα σοι λέξω ἐκ τοῦ αὐτοῦ γυμνασίου τῇ νῦν, für ἐξ οὗ τὴν νῦν, Plat. Gorg. 493 d; seltener καί z. B. ἵνα μή σφισι αἱ αὐταὶ φυλαὶ ἔωσι καὶ Ἴωσι Her. 5, 69; vgl. 4, 109; ὥσπερ, εἴ τις διισχυρίζοιτο τῷ αὐτῷ λόγῳ, ὥσπερ σύ Plat. Phaed. 86 a; vgl. Lob. ad Phryn. p. 426 f. Bei Plat. Rep. III, 412 d steht τὸ ταὐτόν dem τὸ ἕτερον entgegen. Adverbial kommt oft vor ἐν ταὐτῷ εἶναι, μένειν u. dgl., τινί, an demselben Orte mit Einem sein, ohne τινί, zusammen bleiben; auch = an demselben Orte bleiben, nicht weiter kommen, d. i. nichts ausrichten, Plat. Euthyd. 288 a; ἐν ταὐτῷ γίγνεσϑαι ἀλλήλοις, zusammenkommen, Conv. 172 c: ebenso εἰς ταὐτὸν ἐλϑεῖν; – ἐκ τοῠ αὐτοῦ, von demselben Orte aus; ἐπὶ τῶν αὐτῶν διέμενον Pol. 1, 18, sie blieben in demselben Zustande; κατὰ τὸ αὐτό. zu derselben Zeit, auf einmal; aber κατ' αὐτό, eben, gerade; auch ὑπὸ τὸ αὐτό, um dieselbe Zeit, vgl. Hermann zu Viger. p. 735.

    Die Komiker haben auch einen comparat. αὐτότερος, Epicharm. bei Apollon. Pron. p. 340; u. einen superl. αὐτότατος, Ar. Plut. 83, er leibhaftig selbst.

    In der Composition bedeutet αὐτό 1) von selbst, von Natur, αὐτοφυής. – 2) allein, αὐτόσκηνος, bloß, nichts weiter, αὐτόξυλος. – 3) selbst, durch keinen Andern, freiwillig, αὐτομαϑής, αὐτόματος. – 4) leibhaftig, ähnlich, Αὐτοϑαΐς. – 5) sammt, αὐτόπρεμνος. – 6) Bezeichnung des Abstractums, f. I, 3.

    Griechisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch > αὐτός [2]

  • 15 αὐτός

    αὐτός (Cret. [full] ἀϝτός GDI4976, al.), αὐτή, αὐτό (also

    αὐτόν Leg.Gort. 3.4

    , al.), reflexive Pron., self:—in oblique cases used for the personal Pron., him, her, it:—with Art., ὁ αὐτός, ἡ αὐτή, τὸ αὐτό (also ταὐτόν), etc., the very one, the same.
    I self, myself, thyself, etc., acc. to the person of the Verb: freq. joined with ἐγώ, σύ, etc. (v. infr. 10),
    1 one's true self, the soul, not the body, Od.11.602; reversely, body, not soul, Il.1.4; oneself, as opp. others who are less prominent, as king to subject, 6.18; Zeus to other gods, 8.4; bird to young, 2.317; man to wife and children, Od.14.265; warrior to horses, Il.2.466, or to weapons, 1.47; shepherd to herd, Od.9.167, cf. Il.1.51; Trojans to allies, 11.220; seamen to ships, 7.338: generally, whole to parts, ib. 474; so later

    ἡ σίδη καὶ αὐτὴ καὶ τὰ φύλλα Thphr.HP4.10.7

    , cf. X.Ath.1.19, Pl.Grg. 511e, etc.;

    αὐτή τε Μανδάνη καὶ τὸν υἱὸν ἔχουσα X.Cyr.1.3.1


    αὐ. τε καὶ τὰ ποιήματα βουλόμενος ἐπιδεῖξαι Pl.R. 398a

    : abs., the Master, as in the Pythag. phrase Αὐτὸς ἔφα, Lat. Ipse dixit; so τίς οὗτος.. ;— Αὐτός, i.e. Socrates, Ar.Nu. 218; ἀναβόησον Αὐτόν ib. 219;

    ἀνοιγέτω τις δώματ'· Αὐτὸς ἔρχεται

    the Master,

    Id.Fr. 268

    , cf. Pl.Prt. 314d, Thphr.Char.2.4, Men.Sam.41:

    αὐ. ἀϋτεῖ Theoc.24.50

    : neut., αὐτὸ σημανεῖ the result will show, E.Ph. 623;

    αὐτὸ δηλώσει D.19.157


    αὐτὰ δηλοῖ Pl.Prt. 329b

    ; αὐτὸ διδάξει ib. 324a; esp.

    αὐτὸ δείξει Cratin. 177

    , Pl.Hp.Ma. 288b, cf. Tht. 200e; in full,

    τάχ' αὐτὸ δείξει τοὔργον S.Fr. 388


    τοὔργον τάχ' αὐτὸ δείξει Ar.Lys. 375

    ; redupl.,

    αὐτός θ' ὁ χρήσας αὐτὸς ἦν ὁ μαρτυρῶν A.Eu. 798

    ; of things, the very, ὑπὸ λόφον αὐτόν, i.e. just, exactly under.., Il.13.615; πρὸς αὐταῖς ταῖς θύραις close by the door, Lys.12.12; αὐτὸ τὸ δέον the very thing needed, X. An.4.7.7;

    αὐτὸ ὃ μάλιστα ἔδει ῥηθῆναι Pl.R. 362d

    ; αὐτὸ τὸ περίορθρον the point of dawn, Th.2.3; αὐτὰ τὰ ἐναντία the very opposite, X.Mem. 4.5.7;

    αὐτὰ τὰ χρήσιμα καὶ ἀναγκαῖα D.H.Th.23

    ; even,

    οὔ μοι μέλει ἄλγος οὔτ' αὐτῆς Ἑκάβης Il.6.451


    εἴ περ ἂν αὐταὶ Μοῦσαι ἀείδοιεν 2.597

    .—In these senses αὐτός in Prose either precedes both the Art. and Subst., or follows both, e.g. αὐτὸς ὁ υἱός or ὁ υἱὸς αὐτός. The Art. is sts. omitted with proper names, or Nouns denoting individuals,

    αὐτὸς Μένων X.An.2.1.5

    ; αὐτὸς βασιλεύς ib.1.7.11.
    2 of oneself, of one's own accord,

    ἀλλά τις αὐ. ἴτω Il.17.254


    σπεύδοντα καὶ αὐτὸν ὀτρύνεις 8.293


    καταπαύσομεν· οἱ δὲ καὶ αὐτοὶ παυέσθων Od.2.168


    ἥξει γὰρ αὐτά S.OT 341

    ; also, in person,

    τῶν πραγμάτων ὑμῖν.. αὐτοῖς ἀντιληπτέον D.1.2

    3 by oneself or itself, alone, αὐτός περ ἐών although alone, Il.8.99; αὐτὸς ἐγείναο παῖδ', i.e. without a mother, 5.880, cf. Hes.Th. 924;

    ἀνακομισθῆναι αὐτὸν ἐς Φάληρον

    by himself,


    ; αὐτοὶ γάρ ἐσμεν we are by ourselves, i.e. among friends, Ar.Ach. 504, cf. Th. 472, Pl.Prm. 137b, Herod.6.70, Plu.2.755c, Luc. DDeor.10.2;

    αὐτοῖς τοῖς ἀνδράσι.. ἢ καὶ τοῖς ἄλλοις X.An.2.3.7


    ἄνευ τοῦ σίτου τὸ ὄψον αὐτὸ ἐσθίειν Id.Mem.3.14.3


    τὸν τρίβωνα ὃν αὐτὸν φορεῖ Thphr.Char.22.13

    (prob.); αὐτὰ γὰρ ἔστιν ταῦτα these and no others, Emp.21.13, al.: strengthd., αὐτὸς κτήσατο οἶος himself alone, Od.14.450; αὐτὸς μόνος, v. μόνος II; αὐτὸς καθ' αὑτόν, v. ἑαυτοῦ.
    4 in Philosophy, by or in itself, of an abstract concept or idea,

    δίκαιον αὐτό Pl.Phd. 65d


    αὐτὸ τὸ ἕν Id.Prm. 143a

    , al., cf. Arist. Metaph. 997b8: neut., αὐτό is freq. in this sense, attached to Nouns of all genders,

    οὐκ αὐτὸ δικαιοσύνην ἐπαινοῦντες ἀλλὰ τὰς ἀπ' αὐτῆς εὐδοκιμήσεις Pl.R. 363a

    ; less freq. with Art.,

    τί ποτ' ἐστὶν αὐτὸ ἡ ἀρετή Id.Prt. 360e

    ; more fully, εἰ αὐτὸ τοῦτο πατέρα ἠρώτων, ἆρα ὁ πατήρ ἐστι πατήρ τινος, ἢ οὔ; Id.Smp. 199d; ἀδελφός, αὐτὸ τοῦτο ὅπερ ἔστιν the ideal, abstract brother, ibid.e: later, in compos., αὐτοαγαθόν, αὐτοάνθρωπος, etc. (q. v.), cf. Arist.Metaph. 1040b33; less freq. agreeing with the Subst.,

    ἵνα αὐτὴ δικαιοσύνη πρὸς ἀδικίαν αὐτὴν κριθείη Pl.R. 612c

    , etc.; doubled,

    ἐκ τῆς εἰκόνος μανθάνειν αὐτήν τε αὐτήν, εἰ καλῶς εἴκασται

    its very self,

    Id.Cra. 439a

    5 in dat. with Subst., in one, together, ἀνόρουσεν αὐτῇ σὺν φόρμιγγι he sprang up lyre in hand, Il.9.194; αὐτῇ σὺν πήληκι κάρη helmet and all, 14.498, cf. Od.13.118;

    αὐτῷ σὺν ἄγγει E. Ion 32

    , cf. Hipp. 1213; also without

    σύν, αὐτῇ κεν γαίῃ ἐρύσαι Il.8.24

    : so freq. in Prose and Poetry, αὐτοῖς ἀνδράσι men and all, Hdt.6.93; αὐτοῖσι συμμάχοισι allies and all, A.Pr. 223 (lyr.);

    αὐτοῖς μελάθροις διακναιομένους E.Med. 164

    : with Art.,

    αὐτοῖσι τοῖσι ἱματίοισι ἀπ' ὦν ἔβαψε ἑωυτόν Hdt.2.47


    αὐτοῖσι τοῖς πόρπαξι Ar.Eq. 849

    , etc.;

    αὐτοῖς τοῖς ἵπποις κατακρημνισθῆναι X.Cyr.1.4.7

    6 added to ordinal Numbers, e.g. πέμπτος αὐτός himself the fifth, i. e. himself with four others, Th.1.46, cf. 8.35, X.HG2.2.17, Apoc.17.11, etc.:— αὐτός always being the chief person.
    7 freq. coupled with

    οὗτος, τοῦτ' αὐτό ἐστι τὸ ζητηθέν Pl.Plt. 267c

    , etc.;

    αὐτὸ τοῦτο μόνον Id.Grg. 500b

    ; also

    λεγόντων ἄλλο μὲν οὐδέν.. αὐτὰ δὲ τάδε Th.1.139


    πόλεις ἄλλας τε καὶ αὐτὸ τοῦτο τὸ Βυζάντιον X.An.7.1.27

    ; ταῦτα ἥκω αὐτὰ ἵνα .. Pl.Prt. 310e.
    8 καὶ αὐτός himself too, Od.7.73, 14.45, X.An.5.5.9, etc.
    9 repeated in apodosi for emphasis,

    αὐτὸς ἐπαγγειλάμενος σώσειν.. αὐτὸς ἀπώλεσεν Lys.12.68

    , cf. A.Fr. 350, X.An.3.2.4.
    10 in connexion with the person. Pron.,

    ἐγὼν αὐτός Od.2.194


    σέθεν αὐτοῦ Il.23.312


    νωΐτερον αὐτῶν 15.39

    (always divisim in Hom.); folld. by an enclit. Pron.,

    αὐτόν μιν Od.4.244

    ; so

    αὐτὸν γάρ σε δεῖ Προμηθέως A.Pr.86

    ; also

    αὐτὸς ἔγωγε Pl.Phd. 59b

    , etc.:— after Hom. in the oblique cases αὐτός coalesces with the Pron., ἐμαυτοῦ, σεαυτοῦ (these not in Alc. or Sapph., A.D.Pron.80.10 sqq.), ἑαυτοῦ, etc. (q. v.).
    b with person. Pron. omitted, αὐτός.. ἧσθαι λιλαίομαι, for ἐγὼ αὐτός, Il.13.252; αὐτὸν ἐλέησον, for ἐμὲ αὐτόν, 24.503;

    αὐτῶν γὰρ ἀπωλόμεθ' ἀφραδίῃσιν Od.10.27

    ; in 2.33 οἱ αὐτῷ is simply a strengthd. form of οἱ; and so in [dialect] Att., when σὲ αὐτόν, ἐμοὶ αὐτῷ, etc., are read divisim, they are emphatic, not reflexive; in this case αὐτός generally precedes the person. Pron., cf. X.Cyr.6.2.25 with 6.1.14.
    c with the reflexive ἑαυτοῦ, αὑτοῦ, etc., to add force and definiteness,

    αὐτὸς καθ' αὑτοῦ A.Th. 406

    ; αὐτοὶ ὑφ' αὑτῶν ib. 194;

    αὐτοὶ καθ' αὑτούς X.Mem.3.5.4


    αὐτὸ καθ' αὑτό Pl.Tht. 201e

    ; sts. between the Art. and reflex. Pron.,

    τοῖς αὐτὸς αὑτοῦ πήμασιν βαρύνεται A.Ag. 836

    , cf. Pr. 762;

    τούς γ' αὐτὸς αὑτοῦ πολεμίους S.Aj. 1132

    : also κατ' αὐτὺ ([dialect] Boeot. for αὐτοὶ)

    αὐτῶν IG7.3172.121

    (Orchom. [dialect] Boeot.).
    11 αὐτός for ὁ αὐτός, the same, Il.12.225, Od.8.107, 16.138, Pi.N.5.1 (never in Trag.), and in later Prose,

    αὐταῖς ταῖς ἡμέραις IG 14.966

    (ii A. D.), cf. Ev.Luc.23.12.
    12 [comp] Comp.

    αὐτότερος Epich.5

    : [comp] Sup.


    his very self,


    : neut. pl. αὐτότατα dub. in Phld.Piet.80. Adv., [comp] Comp.

    αὐτοτέρως Gal.18(2).431

    II he, she, it, for the simple Pron. of 3 pers., only in oblique cases (exc. in later Gk., Ev.Luc.4.15, etc.), and rarely first in a sentence, Pl.La. 194e, and later, Ep.Eph.2.10, etc.: rare in [dialect] Ep., Il. 12.204 (where Hdn. treated it as enclitic), and mostly emphatic, ib.14.457, Od.16.388; so in Trag., E.Hel. 421: in Prose, to recall a Noun used earlier in the sentence,

    ἐγὼ μὲν οὖν βασιλέα.. οὐκ οἶδα ὅ τι δεῖ αὐτὸν ὀμόσαι X.An.2.4.7


    πειράσομαι τῷ πάππῳ.. συμμαχεῖν αὐτῷ Id.Cyr.1.3.15


    ἄνδρα δὴ.. εἰ ἀφίκοιτο εἰς τὴν πόλιν, προσκυνοῖμεν ἂν αὐτόν Pl.R. 398a

    ; after a Relative,

    ὅς κε θεοῖς ἐπιπείθηται.. ἔκλυον αὐτοῦ Il.1.218


    οὓς μὴ εὕρισκον, κενοτάφιον αὐτοῖς ἐποίησαν X.An.6

    . 4.9, cf. 1.9.29; esp. where a second Verb requires a change of case in the Pron.,

    οἳ ἂν ἐξελεγχθῶσι.. ὡς προδότας αὐτοὺς ὄντας τιμωρηθῆναι Id.An.2.5.27


    ἐκεῖνοι οἷς οὐκ ἐχαρίζονθ' οἱ λέγοντες οὐδ' ἐφίλουν αὐτούς D.3.24

    ; in subdivisions,

    ὅσοι.. οἱ μὲν αὐτῶν.. X.Cyr.1.1.1

    , cf. Pl.Chrm. 168e; later, pleonastically after a Relative,

    ὧν ὁ μὲν αὐτῶν Call.Epigr.43

    , cf. Ev.Luc.3.16, Apoc.7.2, etc.: in S.Ph. 316 αὐτοῖς is emphatic 'in their own persons'.
    III with Art. ὁ αὐτός, ἡ αὐτή, τὸ αὐτό, and [dialect] Att. [var] contr. αὑτός, αὑτή, ταὐτό and ταὐτόν (as required by the metre, cf. S.OT 734 with 325, and in Prose to avoid hiatus): gen. ταὐτοῦ, dat. ταὐτῷ, pl. neut. ταὐτά; [dialect] Ion. ὡυτός, τὠυτό:—the very one, the same, rare in Hom., Il. 6.391, Od.7.55, 326;

    ὁ αὐ. εἰμι τῇ γνώμῃ Th.3.38

    , cf. 5.75;

    ἐπὶ τὸ αὐ. αἱ γνῶμαι ἔφερον Id.1.79

    : c. dat., to denote sameness or agreement, esp. in Prose,

    τὠυτὸ ἂν ὑμῖν ἐπρήσσομεν Hdt.4.119


    τὸν αὐτὸν χῶρον ἐκλιπὼν ἐμοί A.Ch. 543

    ; ὁ αὐτὸς τῷ λίθῳ the same as the stone, Pl. Euthd. 298a; ἐν ταὐτῷ εἶναί τινι to be in the place with.., X.An.3.1.27; προσίεσθαί τινα ἐς ταὐτὸ ἑαυτῷ to have a person meet one, ib.30, cf. A.Ch. 210;

    κατὰ ταὐτὰ τῷ Νείλῳ Hdt.2.20


    τῇ αὐτῇ.. καί Id.4.109


    τὴν αὐτὴν διάνοιαν καὶ κατ' ἐκείνην ἡλικίαν Isoc.5.83


    ὁ αὐτός.. ὥσπερ Pl.Phd. 86a


    ἐς ταὐτὸν ἀλλήλοις

    face to face,


    2 in later Greek, the said, the above-named,

    Ἡρώδης ὁ αὐ. PLille23.8

    (iii B. C.), etc.
    IV Adverbial phrases:

    αὐτὸ μόνον

    simply, merely,

    Ph. 2.252

    , etc.;

    αὐ. μόνον ἐργάτης Luc.Somn.9


    αὐ. μόνον τὸ ὄνομα τῆς φωνῆς A.D.Synt.22.20

    2 αὐτό as Adv., = ἄρτι, Epigr.Gr.540.1 ([place name] Thrace).
    3 αὐτὸ τοῦτο as Adv., PGrenf.1.114 (ii B. C.), 2 Ep.Pet. 1.5;

    τῆς αὐτὸ τοῦτο κινουμένης σφαίρας Iamb. Comm.Math.17

    4 with Preps.,

    ἐπὶ τὸ αὐτό

    added together, making a total,


    (ii A. D.);

    κατὰ τὸ αὐτό

    together, at the same time,

    Act.Ap. 14.1

    , etc.; but

    κατ' αὐτό

    just then,


    V In Compos.:
    1 of or by oneself, self-.., as in αὐτοδίδακτος, αὐτογνώμων, αὐτόματος: and so, independently, as in αὐτοκράτωρ, αὐτόνομος.
    2 hence, as a second self, very.., bodily, as with proper names, Αὐτοθαΐς.
    3 in the abstract, the ideal, v. supr.1.4.
    4 precisely, as in αὐτόδεκα.
    5 rarely with reflex. sense of ἀλλήλων, as in αὐτοκτονέω.
    6 in one piece with, together with, as in αὐτόκωπος, αὐτοχείλης, αὐτόπρεμνος, αὐτόρριζος.
    7 by itself: hence, only, as in αὐτόξυλος, αὐτόποκος.—For αὐτοῦ, αὐτῶς, etc., v. the respective Arts.

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > αὐτός

  • 16 πνεῦμα

    πνεῦμα, ατος, τό (πνέω; Aeschyl., Pre-Socr., Hdt.+. On the history of the word s. Rtzst., Mysterienrel.3 308ff).
    air in movement, blowing, breathing (even the glowing exhalations of a volcanic crater: Diod S 5, 7, 3)
    wind (Aeschyl. et al.; LXX, EpArist, Philo; Jos., Ant. 2, 343; 349; SibOr 8, 297) in wordplay τὸ πνεῦμα πνεῖ the wind blows J 3:8a (EpJer 60 πνεῦμα ἐν πάσῃ χώρᾳ πνεῖ. But s. TDonn, ET 66, ’54f, 32; JThomas, Restoration Qtrly 24, ’81, 219–24). ὀθόνη πλοίου ὑπὸ πνεύματος πληρουμένη MPol 15:2. Of God ὁ ποιῶν τοὺς ἀγγέλους αὐτοῦ πνεύματα who makes his angels winds Hb 1:7; 1 Cl 36:3 (both Ps 103:4).
    the breathing out of air, blowing, breath (Aeschyl. et al.; Pla., Tim. 79b; LXX) ὁ ἄνομος, ὅν ὁ κύριος Ἰησοῦς ἀνελεῖ τῷ πνεύματι τοῦ στόματος αὐτοῦ 2 Th 2:8 (cp. Is 11:4; Ps 32:6).
    that which animates or gives life to the body, breath, (life-)spirit (Aeschyl. et al.; Phoenix of Colophon 1, 16 [Coll. Alex. p. 231] πν.=a breathing entity [in contrast to becoming earth in death]; Polyb. 31, 10, 4; Ps.-Aristot., De Mundo 4 p. 394b, 8ff; PHib 5, 54 [III B.C.]; PGM 4, 538; 658; 2499; LXX; TestAbr A 17 p. 98, 19 [Stone p. 44] al.; JosAs 19:3; SibOr 4, 46; Tat. 4:2) ἀφιέναι τὸ πνεῦμα give up one’s spirit, breathe one’s last (Eur., Hec. 571; Porphyr., Vi. Plotini 2) Mt 27:50. J says for this παραδιδόναι τὸ πν. 19:3 (cp. ApcMos 31 ἀποδῶ τὸ πν.; Just., D. 105, 5). Of the return of the (life-)spirit of a deceased person into her dead body ἐπέστρεψεν τὸ πν. αὐτῆς Lk 8:55 (cp. Jdg 15:19). εἰς χεῖράς σου παρατίθεμαι τὸ πν. μου into your hands I entrust my spirit 23:46 (Ps 30:6; for alleged focus on ἐλπίζειν s. EBons, BZ 38, ’94, 93–101). κύριε Ἰησοῦ, δέξαι τὸ πνεῦμά μου Ac 7:59; composite of both passages AcPl Ha 10, 23 (cp. ApcMos 42). τὸ πν. μου ὁ δεσπότης δέξεται GJs 23:3 (on the pneuma flying upward after death cp. Epicharm. in Vorsokrat. 23 [=13, 4th ed.], B 9 and 22; Eur., Suppl. 533 πνεῦμα μὲν πρὸς αἰθέρα, τὸ σῶμα δʼ ἐς γῆν; PGM 1, 177ff τελευτήσαντός σου τὸ σῶμα περιστελεῖ, σοῦ δὲ τὸ πνεῦμα … εἰς ἀέρα ἄξει σὺν αὑτῷ ‘when you are dead [the angel] will wrap your body … and take your spirit with him into the sky’). τὸ σῶμα χωρὶς πν. νεκρόν ἐστιν Js 2:26. πν. ζωῆς ἐκ τ. θεοῦ εἰσῆλθεν ἐν αὐτοῖς (i.e. the prophet-witnesses who have been martyred) Rv 11:11 (cp. Ezk 37:10 v.l. εἰσῆλθεν εἰς αὐτοὺς πνεῦμα ζωῆς; vs. 5). Of the spirit that animated the image of a beast, and enabled it to speak and to have Christians put to death 13:15.—After a person’s death, the πν. lives on as an independent being, in heaven πνεύματα δικαὶων τετελειωμένων Hb 12:23 (cp. Da 3:86 εὐλογεῖτε, πνεύματα καὶ ψυχαὶ δικαίων, τὸν κύριον). According to non-biblical sources, the πν. are in the netherworld (cp. En 22:3–13; Sib Or 7, 127) or in the air (PGM 1, 178), where evil spirits can prevent them from ascending higher (s. ἀήρ2b). τοῖς ἐν φυλακῇ πνεύμασιν πορευθεὶς ἐκήρυξεν 1 Pt 3:19 belongs here if it refers to Jesus’ preaching to the spirits of the dead confined in Hades (so Usteri et al.; s. also JMcCulloch, The Harrowing of Hell, 1930), whether it be when he descended into Hades, or when he returned to heaven (so RBultmann, Bekenntnis u. Liedfragmente im 1 Pt: ConNeot11, ’47, 1–14).—CClemen, Niedergefahren zu den Toten 1900; JTurmel, La Descente du Christ aux enfers 1905; JMonnier, La Descente aux enfers 1906; HHoltzmann, ARW 11, 1908, 285–97; KGschwind, Die Niederfahrt Christi in die Unterwelt 1911; DPlooij, De Descensus in 1 Pt 3:19 en 4:6: TT 47, 1913, 145–62; JBernard, The Descent into Hades a Christian Baptism (on 1 Pt 3:19ff): Exp. 8th ser., 11, 1916, 241–74; CSchmidt, Gespräche Jesu mit seinen Jüngern: TU 43, 1919, 452ff; JFrings, BZ 17, 1926, 75–88; JKroll, Gott u. Hölle ’32; RGanschinietz, Katabasis: Pauly-W. X/2, 1919, 2359–449; Clemen2 89–96; WBieder, Die Vorstellung v. d. Höllenfahrt Jesu Chr. ’49; SJohnson, JBL 79, ’60, 48–51; WDalton, Christ’s Proclamation to the Spirits ’65. S. also the lit. in Windisch, Hdb.2 1930, exc. on 1 Pt 3:20; ESelwyn, The First Ep. of St. Peter ’46 and 4c below.—This is prob. also the place for θανατωθεὶς μὲν σαρκὶ ζωοποιηθεὶς δὲ πνεύματι• ἐν ᾧ καὶ … 1 Pt 3:18f (some mss. read πνεύματι instead of πνεύμασιν in vs. 19, evidently in ref. to the manner of Jesus’ movement; πνεῦμα is that part of Christ which, in contrast to σάρξ, did not pass away in death, but survived as an individual entity after death; s. ἐν 7). Likew. the contrast κατὰ σάρκα … κατὰ πνεῦμα Ro 1:3f. Cp. 1 Ti 3:16.
    a part of human personality, spirit
    when used with σάρξ, the flesh, it denotes the immaterial part 2 Cor 7:1; Col 2:5. Flesh and spirit=the whole personality, in its outer and inner aspects, oft. in Ign.: IMg 1:2; 13:1a; ITr ins; 12:1; IRo ins; ISm 1:1; IPol 5:1; AcPl Ant 13, 18 (=Aa I 237, 3).—In the same sense beside σῶμα, the body (Simplicius, In Epict. p. 50, 1; Ps.-Phoc. 106f; PGM 1, 178) 1 Cor 5:3–5; 7:34.—The inner life of humans is divided into ψυχὴ καὶ πνεῦμα (cp. Ps.-Pla., Axioch. 10 p. 370c τὶ θεῖον ὄντως ἐνῆν πνεῦμα τῇ ψυχῇ=a divine spirit was actually in the soul; Wsd 15:11; Jos., Ant. 1, 34; Tat. 13, 2; 15, 1 et al.; Ath. 27, 1. S. also Herm. Wr. 10, 13; 16f; PGM 4, 627; 630. ἐκ τριῶν συνεστάναι λέγουσι τὸν ἄνθρωπον ἐκ ψυχῆς καὶ σώματος καὶ πνεύματος Did., Gen. 55, 14) Hb 4:12. Cp. Phil 1:27. τὸ πνεῦμα καὶ ἡ ψυχὴ καὶ τὸ σῶμα 1 Th 5:23 (s. GMilligan, Thess. 1908, 78f; EvDobschütz in Meyer X7 1909, 230ff; EBurton, Spirit, Soul, and Flesh 1918; AFestugière, La Trichotomie des 1 Th 5:23 et la Philos. gr.: RSR 20, 1930, 385–415; CMasson, RTP 33, ’45, 97–102; FGrant, An Introd. to NT Thought ’50, 161–66). σαρκί, ψυχῇ, πνεύματι IPhld 11:2.
    as the source and seat of insight, feeling, and will, gener. as the representative part of human inner life (cp. PGM 4, 627; 3 Km 20:5; Sir 9:9 al.; Just., D. 30, 1; Did., Gen. 232, 5) ἐπιγνοὺς ὁ Ἰησοῦς τῷ πν. αὐτοῦ Mk 2:8. ἀναστενάξας τῷ πν. αὐτοῦ λέγει 8:12 (s. ἀναστενάζω). ἠγαλλίασεν τὸ πν. μου Lk 1:47 (in parallelism w. ψυχή vs. 46, as Sir 9:9). ἠγαλλιάσατο τῷ πν. 10:21 v.l., Ἰησοῦς ἐνεβριμήσατο τῷ πν. J 11:33 (s. ἐμβριμάομαι 3); Ἰης. ἐταράχθη τῷ πν. 13:21. παρωξύνετο τὸ πν. αὐτοῦ ἐν αὐτῷ Ac 17:16; ζέων τῷ πν. with spirit-fervor 18:25 (s. ζέω). τὸ παιδίον ἐκραταιοῦτο πνεύματι Lk 1:80; 2:40 v.l.; ἔθετο ὁ Παῦλος ἐν τῷ πν. Paul made up his mind Ac 19:21 (some would put this pass. in 6c, but cp. Lk 1:66 and analogous formulations Hom. et al. in L-S-J-M s.v. τίθημι A6). προσκυνήσουσιν τῷ πατρὶ ἐν πνεύματι of the spiritual, i.e. the pure, inner worship of God, that has nothing to do w. holy times, places, appurtenances, or ceremonies J 4:23; cp. vs. 24b. πν. συντετριμμένον (Ps 50:19) 1 Cl 18:17; 52:4.—2 Cl 20:4; Hv 3, 12, 2; 3, 13, 2.—This usage is also found in Paul. His conviction (s. 5 below) that the Christian possesses the (divine) πνεῦμα and thus is different fr. all other people, leads him to choose this word in preference to others, in order to characterize a believer’s inner being gener. ᾧ λατρεύω ἐν τῷ πν. μου Ro 1:9. οὐκ ἔσχηκα ἄνεσιν τῷ πν. μου 2 Cor 2:13. Cp. 7:13. As a matter of fact, it can mean simply a person’s very self or ego: τὸ πνεῦμα συμμαρτυρεῖ τῷ πνεύματι ἡμῶν the Spirit (of God) bears witness to our very self Ro 8:16 (cp. PGM 12, 327 ἠκούσθη μου τὸ πνεῦμα ὑπὸ πνεύματος οὐρανοῦ). ἀνέπαυσαν τὸ ἐμὸν πν. καὶ τὸ ὑμῶν they have refreshed both me and you 1 Cor 16:18. ἡ χάρις τοῦ κυρίου ἡμῶν Ἰ. Χρ. μετά τοῦ πν. (ὑμῶν) Gal 6:18; Phil 4:23; Phlm 25. Cp. 2 Ti 4:22. Likew. in Ign. τὸ ἐμὸν πν. my (unworthy) self IEph 18:1; IRo 9:3; cp. 1 Cor 2:11a—On the relation of the divine Spirit to the believer’s spiritual self, s. SWollenweider, Der Geist Gottes als Selbst der Glaubenden: ZTK 93, ’96, 163–92.—Only a part of the inner life, i.e. that which concerns the will, is meant in τὸ μὲν πνεῦμα πρόθυμον, ἡ δὲ σὰρξ ἀσθενής Mt 26:41; Mk 14:38; Pol 7:2. That which is inferior, anxiety, fear of suffering, etc. is attributed to the σάρξ.—The mng. of the expr. οἱ πτωχοὶ τῷ πνεύματι Mt 5:3 is difficult to determine w. certainty (cp. Pla., Ep. 7, 335a πένης ἀνὴρ τὴν ψυχήν. The dat. as τῇ ψυχῇ M. Ant. 6, 52; 8, 51). The sense is prob. those who are poor in their inner life, because they do not have a misdirected pride in their own spiritual riches (s. AKlöpper, Über den Sinn u. die ursprgl. Form der ersten Seligpreisung der Bergpredigt bei Mt: ZWT 37, 1894, 175–91; RKabisch, Die erste Seligpreisung: StKr 69, 1896, 195–215; KKöhler, Die ursprgl. Form der Seligpreisungen: StKr 91, 1918, 157–92; JBoehmer, De Schatkamer 17, 1923, 11–16, TT [Copenhagen] 4, 1924, 195–207, JBL 45, 1926, 298–304; WMacgregor, ET 39, 1928, 293–97; VMacchioro, JR 12, ’32, 40–49; EEvans, Theology 47, ’44, 55–60; HLeisegang, Pneuma Hagion 1922, 134ff; Betz, SM 116 n. 178 for Qumran reff.).
    spiritual state, state of mind, disposition ἐν ἀγάπῃ πνεύματί τε πραΰτητος with love and a gentle spirit 1 Cor 4:21; cp. Gal 6:1. τὸ πν. τοῦ νοὸς ὑμῶν Eph 4:23 (s. νοῦς 2a). ἐν τῷ ἀφθάρτῳ τοῦ ἡσυχίου πνεύματος with the imperishable (gift) of a quiet disposition 1 Pt 3:4.
    an independent noncorporeal being, in contrast to a being that can be perceived by the physical senses, spirit (ELangton, Good and Evil Spirits ’42).
    God personally: πνεῦμα ὁ θεός J 4:24a (Ath. 16, 2; on God as a spirit, esp. in the Stoa, s. MPohlenz, D. Stoa ’48/49. Hdb. ad loc. Also Celsus 6, 71 [Stoic]; Herm. Wr. 18, 3 ἀκάματον μέν ἐστι πνεῦμα ὁ θεός).
    good, or at least not expressly evil spirits or spirit-beings (cp. CIG III, 5858b δαίμονες καὶ πνεύματα; Proclus on Pla., Cratyl. p. 69, 6; 12 Pasqu.; En 15:4; 6; 8; 10; TestAbr A 4 p. 81, 15f [Stone p. 10, 15f] πάντα τὰ ἐπουράνια πνεύματα; TestAbr B 13 p. 117, 26 [Stone p. 82] ὑψηλὸν πν.; PGM 3, 8 ἐπικαλοῦμαί σε, ἱερὸν πνεῦμα; 4, 1448; 3080; 12, 249) πνεῦμα w. ἄγγελος (cp. Jos., Ant. 4, 108; Ps.-Clem., Hom. 3, 33; 8, 12) Ac 23:8f. God is ὁ παντὸς πνεύματος κτίστης καὶ ἐπίσκοπος 1 Cl 59:3b.—Pl., God the μόνος εὐεργέτης πνεύματων 1 Cl 59:3a. Cp. 64 (s. on this Num 16:22; 27:16. Prayers for vengeance fr. Rheneia [Dssm., LO 351–55=LAE 423ff=SIG 1181, 2] τὸν θεὸν τὸν κύριον τῶν πνευμάτων; PGM 5, 467 θεὸς θεῶν, ὁ κύριος τῶν πν.; sim. the magic pap PWarr 21, 24; 26 [III A.D.]); the πατὴρ τῶν πνευμάτων Hb 12:9. Intermediary beings (in polytheistic terminology: δαίμονες) that serve God are called λειτουργικὰ πνεύματα Hb 1:14. In Rv we read of the ἑπτὰ πνεύματα (τοῦ θεοῦ) 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6; s. ASkrinjar, Biblica 16, ’35, 1–24; 113–40.— Ghost Lk 24:37, 39.
    evil spirits (PGM 13, 798; 36, 160; TestJob 27, 2; ApcSed [both Satan]; AscIs 3:28; Just., D. 39, 6 al.; Ath. 25, 3), esp. in accounts of healing in the Synoptics: (τὸ) πνεῦμα (τὸ) ἀκάθαρτον (Just., D. 82, 3) Mt 12:43; Mk 1:23, 26; 3:30; 5:2, 8; 7:25; 9:25a; Lk 8:29; 9:42; 11:24; Rv 18:2. Pl. (TestBenj 5:2) Mt 10:1; Mk 1:27; 3:11; 5:13; 6:7; Lk 4:36; 6:18; Ac 5:16; 8:7; Rv 16:13; ending of Mk in the Freer ms.—τὸ πν. τὸ πονηρόν Ac 19:15f. Pl. (En 99:7; TestSim 4:9; 6:6, TestJud 16:1; Just., D. 76, 6) Lk 7:21; 8:2; Ac 19:12f.—πν. ἄλαλον Mk 9:17; cp. vs. 25b (s. ἄλαλος). πν. πύθων Ac 16:16 (s. πύθων). πν. ἀσθενείας Lk 13:11. Cp. 1 Ti 4:1b. πνεῦμα δαιμονίου ἀκαθάρτου (s. δαιμόνιον 2) Lk 4:33. πνεύματα δαιμονίων Rv 16:14 (in effect = personified ‘exhalations’ of evil powers; for the combination of πν. and δαιμ. cp. the love spell Sb 4324, 16f τὰ πνεύματα τῶν δαιμόνων τούτων).—Abs. of a harmful spirit Mk 9:20; Lk 9:39; Ac 16:18. Pl. Mt 8:16; 12:45; Lk 10:20; 11:26.—1 Pt 3:19 (s. 2 above) belongs here if the πνεύματα refer to hostile spirit-powers, evil spirits, fallen angels (so FSpitta, Christi Predigt an die Geister 1890; HGunkel, Zum religionsgesch. Verständnis des NT 1903, 72f; WBousset, ZNW 19, 1920, 50–66; Rtzst., Herr der Grösse 1919, 25ff; Knopf, Windisch, FHauck ad loc.; BReicke, The Disobedient Spirits and Christian Baptism ’46, esp. 54–56, 69).—Hermas also has the concept of evil spirits that lead an independent existence, and live and reign within the inner life of a pers.; the Holy Spirit, who also lives or would like to live there, is forced out by them (cp. TestDan 4) Hm 5, 1, 2–4; 5, 2, 5–8; 10, 1, 2. τὸ πν. τὸ ἅγιον … ἕτερον πονηρὸν πν. 5, 1, 2. These πνεύματα are ὀξυχολία 5, 1, 3; 5, 2, 8 (τὸ πονηρότατον πν.); 10, 1, 2; διψυχία 9:11 (ἐπίγειον πν. ἐστι παρὰ τοῦ διαβόλου); 10, 1, 2; λύπη 10, 1, 2 (πάντων τῶν πνευμάτων πονηροτέρα) and other vices. On the complicated pneuma-concept of the Mandates of Hermas s. MDibelius, Hdb. exc. on Hm 5, 2, 7; cp. Leutzsch, Hermas 453f n. 133.
    God’s being as controlling influence, with focus on association with humans, Spirit, spirit as that which differentiates God fr. everything that is not God, as the divine power that produces all divine existence, as the divine element in which all divine life is carried on, as the bearer of every application of the divine will. All those who belong to God possess or receive this spirit and hence have a share in God’s life. This spirit also serves to distinguish Christians fr. all unbelievers (cp. PGM 4, 1121ff, where the spirit is greeted as one who enters devotees and, in accordance w. God’s will, separates them fr. themselves, i.e. fr. the purely human part of their nature); for this latter aspect s. esp. 6 below.
    the Spirit of God, of the Lord (=God) etc. (LXX; TestSim 4:4; JosAs 8:11; ApcSed 14:6; 15:6; ApcMos 43; SibOr 3, 701; Ps.-Phoc. 106; Philo; Joseph. [s. c below]; apolog. Cp. Plut., Numa 4, 6 πνεῦμα θεοῦ, capable of begetting children; s. παρθένος a) τὸ πν. τοῦ θεοῦ 1 Cor 2:11b, 14; 3:16; 6:11; 1J 4:2a (Just., D. 49, 3; Tat. 13, 3; Ath. 22, 3). τὸ τοῦ θεοῦ πν. 1 Pt 4:14 (Just., A I, 60, 6). τὸ πν. τὸ ἐκ τοῦ θεοῦ 1 Cor 2:12b. τὸ πν. κυρίου Ac 5:9; B 6:14; B 9:2 (cp. Mel., P. 32, 222). τὸ πνεῦμά μου or αὐτοῦ: Mt 12:18 (Is 42:1); Ac 2:17f (Jo 3:1f.—Cp. 1QS 4:21); 1 Cor 2:10a v.l.; Eph 3:16; 1 Th 4:8 (where τὸ ἅγιον is added); 1J 4:13.—τὸ πν. τοῦ πατρὸς ὑμῶν Mt 10:20. τὸ πν. τοῦ ἐγείραντος τὸν Ἰησοῦν Ro 8:11a.—Without the art. πν. θεοῦ (JosAs 4:9; Tat. 15:3; Theoph. Ant. 1, 5 [p. 66, 18]) the Spirit of God Mt 3:16; 12:28; Ro 8:9b, 14, 19; 1 Cor 7:40; 12:3a; 2 Cor 3:3 (πν. θεοῦ ζῶντος); Phil 3:3. πν. κυρίου Lk 4:18 (Is 61:1); Ac 8:39 (like J 3:8; 20:22; Ac 2:4, this pass. belongs on the borderline betw. the mngs. ‘wind’ and ‘spirit’; cp. Diod S 3, 60, 3 Ἕσπερον ἐξαίφνης ὑπὸ πνευμάτων συναρπαγέντα μεγάλων ἄφαντον γενέσθαι ‘Hesperus [a son of Atlas] was suddenly snatched by strong winds and vanished fr. sight’. S. HLeisegang, Der Hl. Geist I 1, 1919, 19ff; OCullmann, TZ. 4, ’48, 364); 1 Cl 21:2.
    the Spirit of Christ, of the Lord (=Christ) etc. τὸ πν. Ἰησοῦ Ac 16:7. τὸ πν. Χριστοῦ AcPlCor 2:32. τὸ ἐν αὐτοῖς πν. Χριστοῦ 1 Pt 1:11. πν. Χριστοῦ Ro 8:9c. πν. τοῦ Χριστοῦ AcPl Ha 8, 18. ἀπὸ τοῦ πν. τοῦ χριστοῦ AcPlCor 2:10. τὸ πν. Ἰης. Χριστοῦ Phil 1:19. τὸ πν. κυρίου 2 Cor 3:17b (JHermann, Kyrios und Pneuma, ’61). τὸ πν. τοῦ υἱοῦ αὐτοῦ (=θεοῦ) Gal 4:6. As possessor of the divine Spirit, and at the same time controlling its distribution among humans, Christ is called κύριος πνεύματος Lord of the Spirit 2 Cor 3:18 (s. Windisch ad loc.); but many prefer to transl. from the Lord who is the Spirit.—CMoule, OCullmann Festschr., ’72, 231–37.
    Because of its heavenly origin and nature this Spirit is called (the) Holy Spirit (cp. PGM 4, 510 ἵνα πνεύσῃ ἐν ἐμοὶ τὸ ἱερὸν πνεῦμα.—Neither Philo nor Josephus called the Spirit πν. ἅγιον; the former used θεῖον or θεοῦ πν., the latter πν. θεῖον: Ant. 4, 118; 8, 408; 10, 239; but ἅγιον πνεῦμα Orig. C. Cels 1, 40, 16).
    α. w. the art. τὸ πνεῦμα τὸ ἅγιον (Is 63:10f; Ps 50:13; 142:10 v.l.; cp. Sus 45 Theod.; TestAbr A 4 p. 81, 10 [Stone p. 10]; JosAs 8:11 [codd. ADE]; AscIs 3, 15, 26; Just., D. 36, 6 al.) Mt 12:32 = Mk 3:29 = Lk 12:10 (τὸ ἅγιον πνεῦμα; on the ‘sin against the Holy Spirit’ s. HLeisegang, Pneuma Hagion 1922, 96–112; AFridrichsen, Le péché contre le Saint-Esprit: RHPR 3, 1923, 367–72). Mk 12:36; 13:11; Lk 2:26; 3:22; 10:21; J 14:26; Ac 1:16; 2:33; 5:3, 32; 7:51; 8:18 v.l.; 10:44, 47; 11:15; 13:2; 15:8, 28; 19:6; 20:23, 28; 21:11; 28:25; Eph 1:13 (τὸ πν. τῆς ἐπαγγελίας τὸ ἅγιον); 4:30 (τὸ πν. τὸ ἅγιον τοῦ θεοῦ); Hb 3:7; 9:8; 10:15; 1 Cl 13:1; 16:2; 18:11 (Ps 50:13); 22:1; IEph 9:1; Hs 5, 5, 2; 5, 6, 5–7 (on the relationship of the Holy Spirit to the Son in Hermas s. ALink, Christi Person u. Werk im Hirten des Hermas 1886; JvWalter, ZNW 14, 1913, 133–44; MDibelius, Hdb. exc. following Hs 5, 6, 8 p. 572–76).—τὸ ἅγιον πνεῦμα (Wsd 9:17; OdeSol 11:2; TestJob 51:2; ApcEsdr 7:16; Just. D. 25, 1 al.) Mt 28:19; Lk 12:10 (s. above), 12; Ac 1:8; 2:38 (epexegetic gen.); 4:31; 9:31; 10:45; 13:4; 16:6; 1 Cor 6:19; 2 Cor 13:13; 1J 5:7 v.l. (on the Comma Johanneum s. λόγο 3); GJs 24:4 (s. χρηματίζω 1bα). As the mother of Jesus GHb 20, 61 (HLeisegang, Pneuma Hagion 1922, 64ff; SHirsch, D. Vorstellg. v. e. weibl. πνεῦμα ἅγ. im NT u. in d. ältesten christl. Lit. 1927. Also WBousset, Hauptprobleme der Gnosis 1907, 9ff).
    β. without the art. (s. B-D-F §257, 2; Rob. 761; 795) πνεῦμα ἅγιον (PGM 3, 289; Da 5:12 LXX; PsSol 17:37; AssMos Fgm. b; Just., D. 4, 1 al.; Ath. 24, 1. S. also Da Theod. 4:8, 9, 18 θεοῦ πνεῦμα ἅγιον or πνεῦμα θεοῦ ἅγιον) Mk 1:8; Lk 1:15, 35, 41, 67; 2:25; 4:1; 11:13; J 20:22 (Cassien, La pentecôte johannique [J 20:19–23] ’39.—See also 1QS 4:20f); Ac 2:4a; 4:8; 7:55; 8:15, 17, 19; 9:17; 10:38; 11:24; 13:9; 19:2ab; Hb 2:4; 6:4; 1 Pt 1:12 v.l.; 1 Cl 2:2; AcPl 6:18; 9:4 (restored after Aa I 110, 11); AcPlCor 2:5.—So oft. in combination w. a prep.: διὰ πνεύματος ἁγίου Ac 1:2; 4:25; Ro 5:5; 2 Ti 1:14; 1 Cl 8:1 (cp. διὰ πν. αἰωνίου Hb 9:14). διὰ φωνῆς πν. ἁγίου AcPl Ha 11, 6. ἐκ πνεύματος ἁγίου (Eus., PE 3, 12, 3 of the Egyptians: ἐκ τ. πνεύματος οἴονται συλλαμβάνειν τὸν γῦπα. Here πνεῦμα= ‘wind’; s. Horapollo 1, 11 p. 14f. The same of other birds since Aristot.—On the neut. πνεῦμα as a masc. principle cp. Aristoxenus, Fgm. 13 of the two original principles: πατέρα μὲν φῶς, μητέρα δὲ σκότος) Mt 1:18, 20; IEph 18:2; GJs 14:2; 19:1 (pap). ἐν πνεύματι ἁγίῳ (PsSol 17:37; ApcZeph; Ar. 15, 1) Mt 3:11; Mk 1:8 v.l.; Lk 3:16; J 1:33b; Ac 1:5 (cp. 1QS 3:7f); 11:16; Ro 9:1; 14:17; 15:16; 1 Cor 12:3b; 2 Cor 6:6; 1 Th 1:5; 1 Pt 1:12 (without ἐν v.l.); Jd 20. ὑπὸ πνεύματος ἁγίου 2 Pt 1:21. Cp. ἐν δυνάμει πνεύματος ἁγίου Ro 15:13, 19 v.l. (for πνεύματος θεοῦ). μετὰ χαρᾶς πνεύματος ἁγίου 1 Th 1:6. διὰ ἀνακαινώσεως πνεύματος ἁγίου Tit 3:5.
    α. w. the art. τὸ πνεῦμα. In this connection the art. is perh. used anaphorically at times, w. the second mention of a word (s. B-D-F §252; Rob. 762); perh. Mt 12:31 (looking back to vs. 28 πν. θεοῦ); Mk 1:10, 12 (cp. vs. 8 πν. ἅγιον); Lk 4:1b, 14 (cp. vs. 1a); Ac 2:4b (cp. vs. 4a).—As a rule it is not possible to assume that anaphora is present: Mt 4:1; J 1:32, 33a; 3:6a, 8b (in wordplay), 34; 7:39a; Ac 8:29; 10:19; 11:12, 28; 19:1 D; 20:3 D, 22; 21:4; Ro 8:23 (ἀπαρχή 1bβ; 2), 26a, 27; 12:11; 15:30; 2 Cor 1:22 and 5:5 (KErlemann, ZNW 83, ’92, 202–23, and s. ἀρραβών); 12:18 (τῷ αὐτῷ πν.); Gal 3:2, 5, 14 (ἐπαγγελία 1bβ); Eph 4:3 (gen. of the author); 6:17 (perh. epexegetic gen.); 1 Ti 4:1a; Js 4:5; 1J 3:24; 5:6ab (some mss. add καὶ πνεύματος to the words διʼ ὕδατος κ. αἵματος at the beg. of the verse; this is approved by HvSoden, Moffatt, Vogels, Merk, and w. reservations by CDodd, The Joh. Epistles ’46, TManson, JTS 48, ’47, 25–33), vs. 8; Rv 2:7, 11, 17, 29; 3:6, 13, 22; 14:13; 22:17; B 19:2, B 7= D 4:10 (s. ἐτοιμάζω b). ἐν τῷ πνεύματι (led) by the Spirit Lk 2:27.—Paul links this Spirit of God, known to every Christian, with Christ as liberating agent in contrast to legal constraint ὁ κύριος τὸ πνεῦμα ἐστιν the Lord means Spirit 2 Cor 3:17a (UHolzmeister, 2 Cor 3:17 Dominus autem Spiritus est 1908; JNisius, Zur Erklärung v. 2 Cor 3:16ff: ZKT 40, 1916, 617–75; JKögel, Ὁ κύριος τὸ πνεῦμά ἐστιν: ASchlatter Festschr. 1922, 35–46; C Guignebert, Congr. d’Hist. du Christ. II 1928, 7–22; EFuchs, Christus u. d. Geist b. Pls ’32; HHughes, ET 45, ’34, 235f; CLattey, Verb. Dom. 20, ’40, 187–89; DGriffiths ET 55, ’43, 81–83; HIngo, Kyrios und Pneuma, ’61 [Paul]; JDunn, JTS 21, ’70, 309–20).
    β. without the art. πνεῦμα B 1:3. κοινωνία πνεύματος Phil 2:1 (κοινωνία 1 and 2). πνεύματι in the Spirit or through the Spirit Gal 3:3; 5:5, 16, 18; 1 Pt 4:6. εἰ ζῶμεν πνεύματι, πνεύματι καὶ στοιχῶμεν if we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit Gal 5:25. Freq. used w. a prep.: διὰ πνεύματος 1 Pt 1:22 v.l. ἐξ (ὕδατος καὶ) πνεύματος J 3:5. ἐν πνεύματι in, by, through the Spirit Mt 22:43; Eph 2:22; 3:5; 5:18; 6:18; Col 1:8 (ἀγάπη ἐν πνεύματι love called forth by the Spirit); B 9:7. κατὰ πνεῦμα Ro 8:4f; Gal 4:29. ἐν ἁγιασμῷ πνεύματος 2 Th 2:13; 1 Pt 1:2 (s. ἁγιασμός).—In neg. expressions: οὔπω ἧν πνεῦμα the Spirit had not yet come J 7:39b. ψυχικοὶ πνεῦμα μὴ ἔχοντες worldly people, who do not have the Spirit Jd 19.—ἓν πνεῦμα one and the same Spirit 1 Cor 12:13; Eph 2:18; 4:4; one (in) Spirit 1 Cor 6:17.
    The Spirit is more closely defined by a gen. of thing: τὸ πν. τῆς ἀληθείας (TestJud 20:5) J 14:17; 15:26; 16:13 (in these three places the Spirit of Truth is the Paraclete promised by Jesus upon his departure); 1J 4:6 (opp. τὸ πνεῦμα τῆς πλάνης, as TestJud 20:1; PsSol 8:14 πλ. πλανήσεως; Just., D. 7, 3 πλάνου καὶ ἀκαθάρτου πνεύματος; cp. 1QS 4:23); τὸ τῆς δόξης πν. 1 Pt 4:14. τὸ πν. τῆς ζωῆς the Spirit of life Ro 8:2. το πν. τῆς πίστεως 2 Cor 4:13. πν. σοφίας καὶ ἀποκαλύψεως Eph 1:17 (cp. Just., D. 87, 4). πν. υἱοθεσίας Ro 8:15b (opp. πν. δουλείας vs. 15a). πν. δυνάμεως AcPl Ha 8, 25. πν. δυνάμεως καὶ ἀγάπης καὶ σωφρονισμοῦ 2 Ti 1:7 (opp. πν. δειλίας). τὸ πν. τῆς χάριτος (s. TestJud 24:2) Hb 10:29 (Zech 12:10); cp. 1 Cl 46:6.
    Of Christ ‘it is written’ in Scripture: (ἐγένετο) ὁ ἔσχατος Ἀδὰμ εἰς πνεῦμα ζῳοποιοῦν 1 Cor 15:45. The scripture pass. upon which the first part of this verse is based is Gen 2:7, where Wsd 15:11 also substitutes the words πνεῦμα ζωτικόν for πνοὴν ζωῆς (cp. Just., D. 6, 2). On the other hand, s. Philo, Leg. All. 1, 42 and s. the lit. s.v. Ἀδάμ ad loc.
    The (divine) Pneuma stands in contrast to everything that characterizes this age or the finite world gener.: οὐ τὸ πν. τοῦ κόσμου ἀλλὰ τὸ πν. τὸ ἐκ τοῦ θεοῦ 1 Cor 2:12; cp. Eph 2:2 and 1 Ti 4:1ab.
    α. in contrast to σάρξ, which is more closely connected w. sin than any other earthly material (Just., D. 135, 6): J 3:6; Ro 8:4–6, 9a, 13; Gal 3:3; 5:17ab; 6:8. Cp. B 10:9. πᾶσα ἐπιθυμία κατὰ τοῦ πνεύματος στρατεύεται Pol 5:3.
    β. in contrast to σῶμα (=σάρξ) Ro 8:10 and to σάρξ (=σῶμα, as many hold) J 6:63a (for τὸ πν. ἐστιν τὸ ζῳοποιοῦν cp. Philo, Op. Mund. 30; Herm. Wr. in Cyrill., C. Jul. I 556c=542, 24 Sc. the pneuma τὰ πάντα ζῳοποιεῖ καὶ τρέφει. S. also f above). Cp. Ro 8:11b.
    γ. in contrast to γράμμα, which is the characteristic quality of God’s older declaration of the divine will in the law: Ro 2:29; 7:6; 2 Cor 3:6ab, 8 (cp. vs. 7).
    δ. in contrast to the wisdom of humans 1 Cor 2:13.
    the Spirit of God as exhibited in the character or activity of God’s people or selected agents, Spirit, spirit (s. HPreisker, Geist u. Leben ’33).
    πνεῦμα is accompanied by another noun, which characterizes the working of the Spirit more definitely: πνεῦμα καὶ δύναμις spirit and power Lk 1:17; 1 Cor 2:4. Cp. Ac 10:38; 1 Th 1:5. πνεῦμα καὶ ζωή J 6:63b. πνεῦμα κ. σοφία Ac 6:3; cp. vs. 10 (cp. TestReub 2:6 πνεῦμα λαλίας). πίστις κ. πνεῦμα ἅγιον 6:5 (cp. Just., D. 135, 6). χαρὰ καὶ πνεῦμα ἅγ. 13:52.
    Unless frustrated by humans in their natural condition, the Spirit of God produces a spiritual type of conduct Gal 5:16, 25 and produces the καρπὸς τοῦ πνεύματος vs. 22 (s. Vögtle under πλεονεξία).
    The Spirit inspires certain people of God B 12:2; B 13:5, above all, in their capacity as proclaimers of a divine revelation (Strabo 9, 3, 5 the πνεῦμα ἐνθουσιαστικόν, that inspired the Pythia; Περὶ ὕψους 13, 2; 33, 5 of the divine πν. that impels prophets and poets to express themselves; schol. on Pla. 856e of a μάντις: ἄνωθεν λαμβάνειν τὸ πνεῦμα καὶ πληροῦσθαι τοῦ θεοῦ; Aristobulus in Eus., PE 8, 10, 4 [=Fgm. 2, 4 p. 136 Holladay] τὸ θεῖον πν., καθʼ ὸ̔ καὶ προφήτης ἀνακεκήρυκται ‘[Moses possessed] the Divine Spirit with the result that he was proclaimed a prophet’; AscIs 1:7 τὸ πν. τὸ λαλοῦν ἐν ἐμοί; AssMos Fgm. f εἶδεν πνεύματι ἐπαρθείς; Just., A I, 38, 1 al.; Ath. 10, 3 τὸ προφητικὸν πν. Cp. Marinus, Vi. Procli 23 of Proclus: οὐ γὰρ ἄνευ θείας ἐπινοίας … διαλέγεσθαι; Orig., C. Cels. 3, 28, 23). προφητεία came into being only as ὑπὸ πνεύματος ἁγίου φερόμενοι ἐλάλησαν ἀπὸ θεοῦ ἄνθρωποι 2 Pt 1:21; cp. Ac 15:29 v.l.; cp. 1 Cl 8:1. David Mt 22:43; Mk 12:36; cp. Ac 1:16; 4:25. Isaiah Ac 28:25. Moses B 10:2, B 9; the Spirit was also active in giving the tables of the law to Moses 14:2. Christ himself spoke in the OT διὰ τοῦ πνεύματος τοῦ ἁγίου 1 Cl 22:1. The ἱεραὶ γραφαί are called αἱ διὰ τοῦ πν. τοῦ ἁγίου 45:2.—The Christian prophet Agabus also ἐσήμαινεν διὰ τοῦ πν. Ac 11:28; cp. Ac 21:11. Likew. Ign. IPhld 7:2. In general the Spirit reveals the most profound secrets to those who believe 1 Cor 2:10ab.—1 Cl claims to be written διὰ τοῦ ἁγ. πν. 63:2. On Ac 19:21 s. 3b.
    The Spirit of God, being one, shows the variety and richness of its life in the different kinds of spiritual gifts which are granted to certain Christians 1 Cor 12:4, 7, 11; cp. vs. 13ab.—Vss. 8–10 enumerate the individual gifts of the Spirit, using various prepositions: διὰ τοὺ πν. vs. 8a; κατὰ τὸ πν. vs. 8b; ἐν τῷ πν. vs. 9ab. τὸ πν. μὴ σβέννυτε do not quench the Spirit 1 Th 5:19 refers to the gift of prophecy, acc. to vs. 20.—The use of the pl. πνεύματα is explained in 1 Cor 14:12 by the varied nature of the Spirit’s working; in vs. 32 by the number of persons who possess the prophetic spirit; on the latter s. Rv 22:6 and 19:10.
    One special type of spiritual gift is represented by ecstatic speaking. Of those who ‘speak in tongues’ that no earthly person can understand: πνεύματι λαλεῖ μυστήρια expresses secret things in a spiritual way 1 Cor 14:2. Cp. vss. 14–16 and s. νοῦς 1b. τὸ πνεῦμα ὑπερεντυγχάνει στεναγμοῖς ἀλαλήτοις the Spirit pleads in our behalf with groans beyond words Ro 8:26b. Of speech that is ecstatic, but expressed in words that can be understood λαλεῖν ἐν πνεύματι D 11:7, 8; cp. vs. 9 (on the subject-matter 1 Cor 12:3; Jos., Ant. 4, 118f; TestJob 43:2 ἀναλαβὼν Ἐλιφᾶς πν. εἶπεν ὕμνον). Of the state of mind of the seer of the Apocalypse: ἐν πνεύματι Rv 17:3; 21:10; γενέσθαι ἐν πν. 1:10; 4:2 (s. γίνομαι 5c, ἐν 4c and EMoering, StKr 92, 1920, 148–54; RJeske, NTS 31, ’85, 452–66); AcPl Ha 6, 27. On the Spirit at Pentecost Ac 2:4 s. KLake: Beginn. I 5, ’33, 111–21. κατασταλέντος τοῦ πν. τοῦ ἐν Μύρτῃ when the Spirit (of prophecy) that was in Myrta ceased speaking AcPl Ha 7, 9.
    The Spirit leads and directs Christian missionaries in their journeys (Aelian, NA 11, 16 the young women are led blindfolded to the cave of the holy serpent; they are guided by a πνεῦμα θεῖον) Ac 16:6, 7 (by dreams, among other methods; cp. vs. 9f and s. Marinus, Vi. Procli 27: Proclus ἔφασκεν προθυμηθῆναι μὲν πολλάκις γράψαι, κωλυθῆναι δὲ ἐναργῶς ἔκ τινων ἐνυπνίων). In Ac 16:6–7 τὸ ἅγιον πν. and τὸ πν. Ἰησοῦ are distinguished.
    an activating spirit that is not fr. God, spirit: πν. ἔτερον a different (kind of) spirit 2 Cor 11:4. Cp. 2 Th 2:2; 1J 4:1–3. Because there are persons activated by such spirits, it is necessary to test the var. kinds of spirits (the same problem Artem. 3, 20 περὶ διαφορᾶς μάντεων, οἷς δεῖ προσέχειν καὶ οἷς μή) 1 Cor 12:10; 1J 4:1b. ὁ διάβολος πληροῖ αὐτὸν αὐτοῦ πν. Hm 11:3. Also οὐκ οἴδατε ποίου πνεύματός ἐστε Lk 9:55 v.l. distinguishes betw. the spirit shown by Jesus’ disciples, and another kind of spirit.—Even more rarely a spirit divinely given that is not God’s own; so (in a quot. fr. Is 29:10) a πνεῦμα κατανύξεως Ro 11:8.
    an independent transcendent personality, the Spirit, which appears in formulas that became more and more fixed and distinct (cp. Ath. 12, 2; Hippol., Ref. 7, 26, 2.—Ps.-Lucian, Philopatr. 12 θεόν, υἱόν πατρός, πνεῦμα ἐκ πατρὸς ἐκπορευόμενον ἓν ἐκ τριῶν καὶ ἐξ ἑνὸς τρία, ταῦτα νόμιζε Ζῆνα, τόνδʼ ἡγοῦ θεόν=‘God, son of the father, spirit proceeding from the father, one from three and three from one, consider these as Zeus, think of this one as God’. The entire context bears a Christian impress.—As Aion in gnostic speculation Iren. 1, 2, 5 [Harv. I 21, 2]): βαπτίζοντες αὐτοὺς εἰς τὸ ὄνομα τοῦ πατρὸς καὶ τοῦ υἱοῦ καὶ τοῦ ἁγίου πνεύματος Mt 28:19 (on the text s. βαπτίζω 2c; on the subject-matter GWalther, Die Entstehung des Taufsymbols aus dem Taufritus: StKr 95, 1924, 256ff); D 7:1, 3. Cp. 2 Cor 13:13; 1 Cl 58:2; IEph 9:1; IMg 13:1b, 2; MPol 14:3; 22:1, 3; Epil Mosq 5. On this s. HUsener, Dreiheit: RhM 58, 1903, 1ff; 161ff; 321ff; esp. 36ff; EvDobschütz, Zwei-u. dreigliedrige Formeln: JBL 50, ’31, 116–47 (also Heinrici Festschr. 1914, 92–100); Norden, Agn. Th. 228ff; JMainz, Die Bed. der Dreizahl im Judentum 1922; Clemen2 125–28; NSöderblom, Vater, Sohn u. Geist 1909; DNielsen, Der dreieinige Gott I 1922; GKrüger, Das Dogma v. der Dreieinigkeit 1905, 46ff; AHarnack, Entstehung u. Entwicklung der Kirchenverfassung 1910, 187ff; JHaussleiter, Trinitarischer Glaube u. Christusbekenntnis in der alten Kirche: BFCT XXV 4, 1920; JLebreton, Histoire du dogme de la Trinité I: Les origines6 1927; RBlümel, Pls u. d. dreieinige Gott 1929.—On the whole word FRüsche, D. Seelenpneuma ’33; HLeisegang, Der Hl. Geist I 1, 1919; EBurton, ICC Gal 1921, 486–95; PVolz, Der Geist Gottes u. d. verwandten Erscheinungen im AT 1910; JHehn, Zum Problem des Geistes im alten Orient u. im AT: ZAW n.s. 2, 1925, 210–25; SLinder, Studier till Gamla Testamentets föreställningar om anden 1926; AMarmorstein, Der Hl. Geist in der rabb. Legende: ARW 28, 1930, 286–303; NSnaith, The Distinctive Ideas of the OT ’46, 229–37; FDillistone, Bibl. Doctrine of the Holy Spirit: Theology Today 3, ’46/47, 486–97; TNicklin, Gospel Gleanings ’50, 341–46; ESchweizer, CDodd Festschr., ’56, 482–508; DLys, Rûach, Le Souffle dans l’AT, ’62; DHill, Gk. Words and Hebr. Mngs. ’67, 202–93.—HGunkel, Die Wirkungen des Hl. Geistes2 1899; HWeinel, Die Wirkungen des Geistes u. der Geister im nachap. Zeitalter 1899; EWinstanley, The Spirit in the NT 1908; HSwete, The Holy Spirit in the NT 1909, The Holy Spirit in the Ancient Church 1912; EScott, The Spirit in the NT 1923; FBüchsel, Der Geist Gottes im NT 1926; EvDobschütz, Der Geistbesitz des Christen im Urchristentum: Monatsschr. für Pastoral-theol. 20, 1924, 228ff; FBadcock, ‘The Spirit’ and Spirit in the NT: ET 45, ’34, 218–21; RBultmann, Theologie des NT ’48, 151–62 (Eng. tr. KGrobel, ’51, I 153–64); ESchweizer, Geist u. Gemeinde im NT ’52, Int 6, ’52, 259–78.—WTosetti, Der Hl. Geist als göttliche Pers. in den Evangelien 1918; HLeisegang, Pneuma Hagion. Der Ursprung des Geistbegriffs der Syn. Ev. aus der griech. Mystik 1922; AFrövig, Das Sendungsbewusstsein Jesu u. der Geist 1924; HWindisch, Jes. u. d. Geist nach Syn. Überl.: Studies in Early Christianity, presented to FCPorter and BWBacon 1928, 209–36; FSynge, The Holy Spirit in the Gospels and Acts: CQR 120, ’35, 205–17; CBarrett, The Holy Spirit and the Gospel Trad. ’47.—ESokolowski, Die Begriffe Geist u. Leben bei Pls 1903; KDeissner, Auferstehungshoffnung u. Pneumagedanke bei Pls 1912; GVos, The Eschatological Aspect of the Pauline Conception of the Spirit: Bibl. and Theol. Studies by the Faculty of Princeton Theol. Sem. 1912, 209–59; HBertrams, Das Wesen des Geistes nach d. Anschauung des Ap. Pls 1913; WReinhard, Das Wirken des Hl. Geistes im Menschen nach den Briefen des Ap. Pls 1918; HHoyle, The Holy Spirit in St. Paul 1928; PGächter, Z. Pneumabegriff des hl. Pls: ZKT 53, 1929, 345–408; ASchweitzer, D. Mystik des Ap. Pls 1930, 159–74 al. [Mysticism of Paul the Apostle, tr. WMontgomery ’31, 160–76 al.]; E-BAllo, RB 43, ’34, 321–46 [1 Cor]; Ltzm., Hdb. exc. after Ro 8:11; Synge [s. above], CQR 119, ’35, 79–93 [Pauline epp.]; NWaaning, Onderzoek naar het gebruik van πνεῦμα bij Pls, diss. Amsterd. ’39; RJewett, Paul’s Anthropological Terms, ’71, 167–200.—HvBaer, Der Hl. Geist in den Lukasschriften 1926; MGoguel, La Notion joh. de l’Esprit 1902; JSimpson, The Holy Spirit in the Fourth Gospel: Exp., 9th ser., 4, 1925, 292–99; HWindisch, Jes. u. d. Geist im J.: Amicitiae Corolla (RHarris Festschr.) ’33, 303–18; WLofthouse, The Holy Spirit in Ac and J: ET 52, ’40/41, 334–36; CBarrett, The Holy Spirit in the Fourth Gospel: JTS 1 n.s., ’50, 1–15; FCrump, Pneuma in the Gospels, diss. Catholic Univ. of America, ’54; GLampe, Studies in the Gospels (RHLightfoot memorial vol.) ’55, 159–200; NHamilton, The Holy Spirit and Eschatology in Paul, ’57; WDavies, Paul and the Dead Sea Scrolls, Flesh and Spirit: The Scrolls and the NT, ed. KStendahl, ’57, 157–82.—GJohnston, ‘Spirit’ and ‘Holy Spirit’ in the Qumran Lit.: NT Sidelights (ACPurdy Festschr.) ’60, 27–42; JPryke, ‘Spirit’ and ‘Flesh’ in Qumran and NT, RevQ 5, ’65, 346–60; HBraun, Qumran und d. NT II, ’66, 150–64; DHill, Greek Words and Hebrew Meanings, ’67, 202–93; WBieder, Pneumatolog. Aspekte im Hb, OCullmann Festschr. ’72, 251–59; KEasley, The Pauline Usage of πνεύματι as a Reference to the Spirit of God: JETS 27, ’84, 299–313 (statistics).—B. 260; 1087. Pauly-W. XIV 387–412. BHHW I 534–37. Schmidt, Syn. II 218–50. New Docs 4, 38f. DELG s.v. πνέω. M-M. Dict. de la Bible XI 126–398. EDNT. TW. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > πνεῦμα

  • 17 ἐξαλείφω

    ἐξαλείφω fut. ἐξαλείψω LXX; 1 aor. ἐξήλειψα. Pass.: 1 fut. 3 sg. ἐξαλειφθήσεται LXX; Hs 9, 24, 4; 1 aor. ἐξηλείφθην, inf. ἐξαλειφθῆναι LXX; Ac 3:19; 1 Cl 53:5 and 2 aor. ἐξαλιφῆναι 1 Ch 29:4 cod. B (s. ἀλείφω; Aeschyl., Hdt. et al.; ins, pap, LXX, En; TestJud 22:3 v.l.; ApcEsdr 3:6 p. 27, 14).
    in accordance w. the prim. mng. to cause to disappear by wiping
    wipe away πᾶν δάκρουν ἐκ (v.l. ἀπό) τῶν ὀφθαλμῶν Rv 7:17; 21:4.
    wipe out, erase (X., Hell. 2, 3, 51 τινὰ ἐκ τ. καταλόγου; Anaxippus Com. [IV B.C.] 1, 5 ἐκ τ. βυβλίων; SIG 921, 19 ἐξαλειψάτω τὸ ὄνομα ὁ ἱερεύς, OGI 218, 129; Ps 68:29 ἐ. ἐκ βίβλου ζώντων; Jos., Ant. 6, 133 τὸ ὄνομα ἐ.) τὸ ὄνομα ἐκ τῆς βίβλου τῆς ζωῆς the name fr. the book of life Rv 3:5; 1 Cl 53:4 (Ex 32:32).
    Certain expr. show the infl. of the transition (s. the graffito in Rdm.2 228 [ref. to p. 219]: Ὁ ἐξαλίψον ταῦτα τὰ γράμματα, ἐξαλίψουσιν τὸ γένος αὐτοῦ=let the one who obliterates these letters be assured that his posterity will be obliterated) to the more general mng. to remove so as to leave no trace, remove, destroy, obliterate (Philostrat., Vi. Apoll. 8, 7 p. 313, 4; Κυπρ. I p. 58 no. 1; Jos., Ant. 17, 335), insofar as the removal results fr. the blotting out of a written record (t.t. in the papyri for washing out a papyrus sheet, s. M-M s.v.; Preis., Fachw. s.v. ἀπαλείφω; s. also Dio Chrys. 14 [31], 86; Jos., Ant. 4, 210); among the expressions are the foll.: ἐ. τὸ καθʼ ἡμῶν χειρόγραφον Col 2:14. τὸ ἀνόμημά μου 1 Cl 18:2 (Ps 50:3). τὰς ἀνομίας 18:9 (Ps 50:11; EDalglish, Ps 51 in the Light of Near East, etc., ’62, 86–89 [Semitic background]). τὰς ἁμαρτίας Ac 3:19 (cp. Ps 108:14; 3 Macc 2:19; En 10:20; PsSol 13:10). Only the more general sense is pertinent (as Diod S 3, 40, 7 ἐ. τὰς ἐλπίδας; TestJud 22:3) for 1 Cl 53:3. ἐξαλείψωμεν ἀφʼ ἡμῶν τὰ πρότερα ἁμαρτῆματα let us remove fr. ourselves our former sins 2 Cl 13:1 (ἐξ. ἀπό as Gen 7:23; PsSol 2, 17). Pass. (Lucian, Pro Imag. 26; Jos., Ant. 4, 210) 1 Cl 53:5; Hs 9, 24, 4. οὐκ ἐξαλειφθήσεται τὸ αἷμα αὐτοῦ no one will be able to wipe away his (Zacharias’s) blood GJs 24:2.—M-M.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > ἐξαλείφω

  • 18 λαμβάνω

    λαμβάνω (Hom.+) impf. ἐλάμβανον; fut. λήμψομαι (PTurin II, 3, 48; POxy 1664, 12; on the μ s. Mayser 194f; Thackeray 108ff; B-D-F §101; W-S. §5, 30; Mlt-H. 106; 246f; Reinhold 46f; WSchulze, Orthographica 1894.—On the middle s. B-D-F §77); 2 aor. ἔλαβον, impv. λάβε (B-D-F §101 p. 53 s.v. λαμβάνειν; W-S. §6, 7d; Mlt-H. 209 n. 1), impv. 3 pl. λαβέτωσαν (LXX; GJs 4:2); pf. εἴληφα (DRinge, Glotta 62, ’84, 125–28), 2 sing. εἴληφας and εἴληφες Rv 11:17 v.l. (W-S. §13, 16 note; Mlt-H. 221), ptc. εἰληφώς. Pass.: fut. 3 pl. ληφθήσονται Jdth 6:9; aor. εἰλήφθην LXX; pf. 3 sing. εἴληπται; plpf. 3 sg. εἴληπτο (Just., D. 132, 3). For Attic inscriptional forms s. Threatte II 645. In the following divisions, nos. 1–9 focus on an active role, whereas 10 suggests passivity.
    to get hold of someth. by laying hands on or grasping someth., directly or indirectly, take, take hold of, grasp, take in hand ἄρτον (Diod S 14, 105, 3 ῥάβδον; TestSol 2:8 D τὴν σφραγῖδα; TestJob 23:10 ψαλίδα) Mt 26:26a; Mk 14:22a; Ac 27:35. τ. βιβλίον (Tob 7:14) Rv 5:8f. τ. κάλαμον Mt 27:30. λαμπάδας take (in hand) (Strattis Com. [V B.C.], Fgm. 37 K. λαβόντες λαμπάδας) 25:1, 3. λαβέτωσαν ἀνὰ λαμπάδα GJs 7:2. μάχαιραν draw the sword (Gen 34:25; Jos., Vi. 173 [cp. JosAs 23:2 τὴν ῥομφαίαν]) Mt 26:52. Abs. λάβετε take (this) Mt 26:26b; Mk 14:22b. Take hold of (me) GHb 356, 39=ISm 3:2.—ἔλαβέ με ἡ μήτηρ μου τὸ ἅγιον πνεῦμα ἐν μιᾷ τῶν τριχῶν μου my mother, the Holy Spirit, took me by one of my hairs GHb 20, 63. Ἐλισάβεδ … λαβουμένη (λαβοῦσα codd.) αὐτὸν ἀνέβη ἐν τῇ ὀρεινῇ E. took (John) and went up into the hill-country GJs 22:3. λαβών is somet. used somewhat pleonastically to enliven the narrative, as in Hom. (Od. 24, 398) and dramatists (Soph., Oed. R. 1391 et al.), but also in accord w. Hebr. usage (JViteau, Étude sur le Grec du NT 1893, 191; Dalman, Worte 16ff; Wlh., Einleitung2 1911, 14; B-D-F §419, 1 and 2; s. Rob. 1127; s., e.g., ApcBar 2:1 λαβών με ἤγαγε; Josh 2:4; Horapollo 2, 88 τούτους λαβὼν κατορύττει) Mt 13:31, 33; Mk 9:36; Lk 13:19, 21; J 12:3; Ac 9:25; 16:3; Hs 5, 2, 4. The ptc. can here be rendered by the prep. with (B-D-F §418, 5; Rob. 1127) λαβὼν τὴν σπεῖραν ἔρχεται he came with a detachment J 18:3 (cp. Soph., Trach. 259 στρατὸν λαβὼν ἔρχεται; ApcrEsd 6, 17 p. 31, 24 Tdf. λαβὼν … στρατιὰν ἀγγέλων). λαβὼν τὸ αἷμα … τὸν λαὸν ἐρράντισε with the blood he sprinkled the people Hb 9:19 (cp. ParJer 9:32 λαβόντες τὸν λίθον ἔθηκαν ἐπὶ τὸ μνῆμα αὐτοῦ ‘they crowned his tomb with a stone’; Mel., P. 14, 88 λαβόντες δὲ τὸ … αἶμα). Different is the periphrastic aor. ptc. use of λ. w. ἔχει: Dg 10:6 ἃ παρὰ τοῦ θεοῦ λαβὼν ἔχει what the pers. has received fr. God (cp. Eur., Bacchae 302 μεταλαβὼν ἔχει; Goodwin §47; Gildersleeve, Syntax §295; Schwyzer I, 812). Freq. parataxis takes the place of the ptc. constr. (B-D-F §419, 5) ἔλαβε τὸν Ἰησοῦν καὶ ἐμαστίγωσεν (instead of λαβὼν τ. Ἰ. ἐ.) he had Jesus scourged J 19:1. λαβεῖν τὸν ἄρτον … καὶ βαλεῖν throw the bread Mt 15:26; Mk 7:27. ἔλαβον τὰ ἱμάτια αὐτοῦ καὶ ἐποίησαν τέσσερα μέρη they divided his garments into four parts J 19:23.—In transf. sense ἀφορμὴν λ. find opportunity Ro 7:8, 11 (s. ἀφορμή); ὑπόδειγμα λ. take as an example Js 5:10; so also λ. alone, λάβωμεν Ἐνώχ 1 Cl 9:3.—Of the cross as a symbol of the martyr’s death take upon oneself Mt 10:38 (cp. Pind., P. 2, 93 [171] λ. ζυγόν). We may class here ἔλαβεν τὰ ἱμάτια αὐτοῦ he put his clothes on J 13:12 (cp. Hdt. 2, 37; 4, 78; GrBar 9:7 τὸν ὄφιν ἔλαβεν ἔνδυμα). Prob. sim. μορφὴν δούλου λ. put on the form of a slave Phil 2:7.—Of food and drink take (cp. Bel 37 Theod.) Mk 15:23. ὅτε ἔλαβεν τὸ ὄξος J 19:30; λαβὼν τροφὴν ἐνίσχυσεν Ac 9:19; τροφὴν … λα[βεῖν] AcPl Ha 1, 19. (βρέφος) ἔλαβε μασθὸν ἐκ τῆς μητρὸς αὐτοῦ Μαρίας (the infant) took the breast of his mother Mary GJs 19:2.—1 Ti 4:4 (s. 10b below) could also belong here.
    to take away, remove (τὴν ψυχήν ApcEsdr 6:16 p. 31, 23 Tdf.) with or without the use of force τὰ ἀργύρια take away the silver coins (fr. the temple) Mt 27:6. τὰς ἀσθενείας diseases 8:17. τὸν στέφανον Rv 3:11. τὴν εἰρήνην ἐκ τῆς γῆς remove peace from the earth 6:4 (λ. τι ἐκ as UPZ 125, 13 ὸ̔ εἴληφεν ἐξ οἴκου; 2 Ch 16:2; TestSol 4:15 D; TestAbr B 7 p. 111, 12 [Stone p. 70]; Mel., P. 55, 403).
    to take into one’s possession, take, acquire τὶ someth. τὸν χιτῶνα Mt 5:40. οὐδὲ ἕν J 3:27. ἑαυτῷ βασιλείαν obtain kingly power for himself Lk 19:12 (cp. Jos., Ant. 13, 220). λ. γυναῖκα take a wife (Eur., Alc. 324; X., Cyr. 8, 4, 16; Gen 4:19; 6:2; Tob 1:9; TestSol 26:1; TestJob 45:3; ParJer 8:3; Jos., Ant. 1, 253; Just., D. 116, 3; 141, 4) Mk 12:19–21; 22 v.l.; Lk 20:28–31 (s. also the vv.ll. in 14:20 and 1 Cor 7:28). Of his life, that Jesus voluntarily gives up, in order to take possession of it again on his own authority J 10:18a. [ἀπολείπ]ετε τὸ σκότος, λάβεται τὸ φῶς [abandon] the darkness, seize the light AcPl Ha 8, 32. ἑαυτῷ τ. τιμὴν λ. take the honor upon oneself Hb 5:4.Lay hands on, seize w. acc. of the pers. who is seized by force (Hom. et al.; LXX; mid. w. gen. Just., A II, 2, 10, D. 105, 3) Mt 21:35, 39; Mk 12:3, 8. Of an evil spirit that seizes the sick man Lk 9:39 (cp. PGM 7, 613 εἴλημπται ὑπὸ τοῦ δαίμονος; TestSol 17:2 εἰ λήμψομαί τινα, εὐθέως ἀναιρῶ αὐτὸν τῷ ξίφει; Jos., Ant. 4, 119 ὅταν ἡμᾶς τὸ τοῦ θεοῦ λάβῃ πνεῦμα; Just., A I, 18, 4 ψυχαῖς ἀποθανόντων λαμβανόμενοι).—Esp. of feelings, emotions seize, come upon τινά someone (Hom. et al.; Ex 15:15; Wsd 11:12; Jos., Ant. 2, 139; 14, 57) ἔκστασις ἔλαβεν ἅπαντας amazement seized (them) all Lk 5:26. φόβος 7:16. Sim. πειρασμὸς ὑμᾶς οὐκ εἴληφεν εἰ μὴ ἀνθρώπινος 1 Cor 10:13.—Of hunting and fishing: catch (X., Cyr. 1, 4, 9; Aelian, VH 4, 14) οὐδέν Lk 5:5=J 21:6 v.l. Fig. εἴ τις λαμβάνει (ὑμᾶς) if someone puts something over on you, takes advantage of you 2 Cor 11:20 (the exx. cited in Field, Notes, 184f refer to material plunder, whereas Paul appears to point to efforts of his opposition to control the Corinthians’ thinking for their own political purposes; also s. CLattey, JTS 44, ’43, 148); in related vein δόλῳ τινὰ λ. catch someone by a trick 12:16.
    to take payment, receive, accept, of taxes, etc. collect the two-drachma tax Mt 17:24; tithes Hb 7:8f; portion of the fruit as rent Mt 21:34. τὶ ἀπό τινος someth. fr. someone (Plut., Mor. 209d, Aem. Paul. 5, 9) 17:25. παρὰ τῶν γεωργῶν λ. ἀπὸ τῶν καρπῶν collect a share of the fruit fr. the vinedressers Mk 12:2.—τὶ παρά τινος someth. fr. someone (Aristarch. Sam. p. 352, 4; Jos., Ant. 5, 275; Just., D. 22, 11; Tat. 19, 1) οὐ παρὰ ἀνθρώπου τὴν μαρτυρίαν λ. the testimony which I receive is not from a human being or I will not accept mere human testimony (PSI 395, 6 [241 B.C.] σύμβολον λαβὲ παρʼ αὐτῶν=have them give you a receipt) J 5:34; cp. vs. 44; 3:11, 32f.
    to include in an experience, take up, receive τινὰ someone εἰς into (Wsd 8:18) lit. εἰς τὸ πλοῖον take someone (up) into the boat J 6:21. εἰς οἰκίαν receive someone into one’s house 2J 10. εἰς τὰ ἴδια into his own home J 19:27. Receive someone in the sense of recognizing the other’s authority J 1:12; 5:43ab; 13:20abcd.—οἱ ὑπηρέται ῥαπίσμασιν αὐτὸν ἔλαβον Mk 14:65 does not mean ‘the servants took him into custody with blows’ (BWeiss, al.), but is a colloquialism (s. B-D-F §198, 3, w. citation of AcJo 90 [Aa II 196, 1] τί εἰ ῥαπίσμασίν μοι ἔλαβες; ‘what if you had laid blows on me?’) the servants treated him to blows (Moffatt: ‘treated him to cuffs and slaps’), or even ‘got’ him w. blows, ‘worked him over’ (perh. a Latinism; Cicero, Tusc. 2, 14, 34 verberibus accipere. B-D-F §5, 3b; s. Rob. 530f); the v.l. ἔβαλον is the result of failure to recognize this rare usage. καλῶς ἔλαβόν σε; have (the young women) treated you well? Hs 9, 11, 8.
    to make a choice, choose, select πᾶς ἀρχιερεὺς ἐξ ἀνθρώπων λαμβανόμενος who is chosen fr. among human beings Hb 5:1 (cp. Num 8:6; Am 2:11; Just., D. 130, 3). The emphasis is not on gender but the human status of the chief priest in contrast to that of the unique Messiah vs. 5.
    to accept as true, receive τὶ someth. fig. τὰ ῥήματά τινος receive someone’s words (and use them as a guide) J 12:48; 17:8; AcPl Ha 1, 6 (s. καρδία 1bβ). τὸν λόγον receive the teaching Mt 13:20; Mk 4:16 (for μετὰ χαρᾶς λ. cp. PIand 13, 18 ἵνα μετὰ χαρᾶς σε ἀπολάβωμεν).
    to enter into a close relationship, receive, make one’s own, apprehend/comprehend mentally or spiritually (Soph., Pla. et al.) of the mystical apprehension of Christ (opp. κατελήμφθην ὑπὸ Χριστοῦ) ἔλαβον (i.e. Χριστόν) I have made (him) my own Phil 3:12.
    Special uses: the OT is the source of λαμβάνειν πρόσωπον show partiality/favoritism (s. πρόσωπον 1bα end) Lk 20:21; Gal 2:6; B 19:4; D 4:3.—θάρσος λ. take courage s. θάρσος; πεῖράν τινος λ. try someth. (Pla., Prot. 342a; 348a, Gorg. 448a; X., Cyr. 6, 1, 28; Polyb. 1, 75, 7; 2, 32, 5; 5, 100, 10; Aelian, VH 12, 22; Dt 28:56; Jos., Ant. 8, 166; diff. Dio Chrys. 50, 6) Hb 11:29 (this expr. has a different mng. in vs. 36; s. 10b below).—συμβούλιον λαμβάνειν consult (with someone), lit. ‘take counsel’, is a Latinism (consilium capere; s. B-D-F §5, 3b; Rob. 109) Mt 27:7; 28:12; w. ὅπως foll. 22:15; foll. by κατά τινος against someone and ὅπως 12:14; foll. by κατά τινος and ὥστε 27:1. οὐ λήψῃ βουλὴν πονηρὰν κατὰ τοῦ πλησίον σου D 2:6.
    to be a receiver, receive, get, obtain
    abs. λαβών (of a hungry hog) when it has received someth. B 10:3. (Opp. αἰτεῖν, as Appian, Fgm. [I p. 532–36 Viereck-R.] 23 αἰτεῖτε καὶ λαμβάνετε; PGM 4, 2172) Mt 7:8; Lk 11:10; J 16:24. (Opp. διδόναι as Thu. 2, 97, 4 λαμβάνειν μᾶλλον ἢ διδόναι; Ael. Aristid. 34 p. 645 D.; Herm. Wr. 5, 10b; Philo, Deus Imm. 57; SibOr 3, 511) Mt 10:8; Ac 20:35; B 14:1; but in D 1:5 λ. rather has the ‘active’ sense accept a donation (as ἵνα λάβῃ ἐξουσίαν TestJob 8:2).
    w. acc. of thing τὶ someth. (Da 2:6; OdeSol 11:4 σύνεσιν; TestJob 24:9 τρεῖς ἄρτους al.; ApcEsdr 5:13 p. 30, 11 Tdf. τὴν ψυχήν) τὸ ψωμίον receive the piece of bread J 13:30. ὕδωρ ζωῆς δωρεάν water of life without cost Rv 22:17. μισθόν (q.v. 1 and 2a) Mt 10:41ab; J 4:36; 1 Cor 3:8, 14; AcPlCor 2:36 (TestSol 1:2, 10). Money: ἀργύρια Mt 28:15; ἀνὰ δηνάριον a denarius each Mt 20:9f. ἐλεημοσύνην Ac 3:3. βραχύ τι a little or a bite J 6:7; eternal life Mk 10:30 (Jos., C. Ap. 2, 218 βίον ἀμείνω λαβεῖν); the Spirit (schol. on Plato 856e ἄνωθεν λαμβάνειν τὸ πνεῦμα) J 7:39; Ac 2:38; cp. Gal 3:14; 1 Cor 2:12; 2 Cor 11:4; forgiveness of sin Ac 10:43 (Just., D. 54, 1); grace Ro 1:5; cp. 5:17; the victor’s prize 1 Cor 9:24f; the crown of life Js 1:12 (cp. Wsd 5:16 λ. τὸ διάδημα). συμφύγιον/σύμφυτον καὶ ὅπλον εὐδοκίας λάβωμεν Ἰησοῦν χριστόν the sense of this clause, restored from AcPl Ha 8, 23–24 and AcPl Ox 1602, 33–35 (=BMM recto 29–31) emerges as follows: and let us take Jesus Christ as our refuge/ally and shield, the assurance of God’s goodwill toward us. The early and late rain Js 5:7. ἔλεος receive mercy Hb 4:16 (Just., D. 133, 1). λ. τὸ ὄνομα τοῦ υἱοῦ (θεοῦ) receive the name of the Son of God (in baptism) Hs 9, 12, 4. διάδοχον receive a successor Ac 24:27 (cp. Pliny the Younger, Ep. 9, 13 successorem accipio). τὴν ἐπισκοπὴν αὐτοῦ λαβέτω ἕτερος let another man receive his position 1:20 (Ps 108:8). τόπον ἀπολογίας λ. (τόπος 4) 25:16. λ. τι μετὰ εὐχαριστίας receive someth. w. thankfulness 1 Ti 4:4 (but s. 1 above, end.—On the construction with μετά cp. Libanius, Or. 63 p. 392, 3 F. μετὰ ψόγου λ.). τί ἔχεις ὅ οὐκ ἔλαβες; what have you that you did not receive? 1 Cor 4:7 (Alciphron 2, 6, 1 τί οὐ τῶν ἐμῶν λαβοῦσα ἔχεις;). Of punishments (cp. δίκην λ. Hdt. 1, 115; Eur., Bacch. 1312. ποινάς Eur., Tro. 360. πληγάς Philyllius Com. [V B.C.] 11 K.; GrBar 4:15 καταδίκην; Jos., Ant. 14, 336 τιμωρίαν) λ. περισσότερον κρίμα receive a punishment that is just so much more severe Mt 23:13 [14] v.l. (cp. κρίμα 4b); Mk 12:40; Lk 20:47; cp. Js 3:1. οἱ ἀνθεστηκότες ἑαυτοῖς κρίμα λήμψονται those who oppose will bring punishment upon themselves Ro 13:2. πεῖράν τινος λ. become acquainted with, experience, suffer someth. (X., An. 5, 8, 15; Polyb. 6, 3, 1; 28, 9, 7; 29, 3, 10; Diod S 12, 24, 4 τὴν θυγατέρα ἀπέκτεινεν, ἵνα μὴ τῆς ὕβρεως λάβῃ πεῖραν; 15, 88, 4; Jos., Ant. 2, 60; Preisigke, Griech. Urkunden des ägypt. Museums zu Kairo [1911] 2, 11; 3, 11 πεῖραν λ. δαίμονος) μαστίγων πεῖραν λ. Hb 11:36 (the phrase in a diff. mng. vs. 29; s. 9b above).
    Also used as a periphrasis for the passive: οἰκοδομὴν λ. be edified 1 Cor 14:5. περιτομήν be circumcised J 7:23 (Just., D. 23, 5 al.). τὸ χάραγμα receive a mark = be marked Rv 14:9, 11; 19:20; 20:4. καταλλαγήν be reconciled Ro 5:11. ὑπόμνησίν τινος be reminded of = remember someth. 2 Ti 1:5 (Just., D 19, 6 μνήμην λαμβάνητε); λήθην τινὸς λ. forget someth. (Timocles Com. [IV B.C.], Fgm. 6, 5 K.; Aelian, VH 3, 18 end, HA 4, 35; Jos., Ant. 2, 163; 202; 4, 304; Just., D. 46, 5 ἵνα μὴ λήθη ὑμᾶς λαμβάνῃ τοῦ θεοῦ) 2 Pt 1:9; χαρὰν λ. experience joy, rejoice Hv 3, 13, 2 ; GJs 12:2; ἀρχὴν λ. be begun, have its beginning (Pla et al.; Polyb. 1, 12, 9; Sext. Emp., Phys. 1, 366; Aelian, VH 2, 28; 12, 53; Dio Chrys. 40, 7; Philo, Mos. 1, 81 τρίτον [σημεῖον] … τὴν ἀρχὴν τοῦ γίνεσθαι λαβὸν ἐν Αἰγύπτῳ; Just., D. 46, 4 τὴν ἀρχὴν λαβούσης ἀπὸ Ἀβραὰμ τῆς περιτομῆς; Ath. 19, 2 ἑτέραν ἀρχὴν τοῦ κόσμου λαβόντος) Hb 2:3; ApcPt Rainer ln. 19.—λ. τι ἀπό τινος receive someth. from someone (Epict. 4, 11, 3 λ. τι ἀπὸ τῶν θεῶν; Herm. Wr. 1, 30; ApcMos 19 ὅτε δὲ ἔλαβεν ἀπʼ ἐμοῦ τὸν ὄρκον; Just., D. 78, 10 τῶν λαβόντων χάριν ἀπὸ τοῦ θεοῦ) 1J 2:27; 3:22. Also τὶ παρά τινος (Pisander Epicus [VI B.C.] Fgm. 5 [in Athen. 11, 469d]; Diod S 5, 3, 4 λαβεῖν τι παρὰ τῶν θεῶν; TestAbr A 5 p. 82, 8 [Stone p. 12] λαβὼν τὴν εὐχὴν παρʼ αὐτῶν; Just., A I, 60, 3 ἐνέργειαν τὴν παρὰ τοῦ θεοῦ λεγομένην λαβεῖν τὸν Μωυσέα.—παρά A3aβ) J 10:18b; Ac 2:33; 3:5; 20:24; Js 1:7; 2J 4; Rv 2:28. λ. τὸ ἱκανὸν παρὰ τοῦ Ἰάσονος receive bail from Jason Ac 17:9 (s. ἱκανός 1). λ. τι ὑπό τινος be given someth. by someone 2 Cor 11:24. κλῆρον καὶ μερισμὸν λαμβάνοντες AcPl Ha 8, 18/Ox 1602, 22f [λαβόντες]=BMM recto 23f (s. κλῆρος 2). λ. τι ἔκ τινος receive someth. fr. a quantity of someth.: ἐκ τοῦ πληρώματος αὐτοῦ ἐλάβομεν χάριν from his fullness we have received favor J 1:16. ἐκ τοῦ πνεύματος αὐτοῦ ἐλάβετε Hs 9, 24, 4.—λ. ἐξ ἀναστάσεως τοὺς νεκροὺς αὐτῶν (s. ἀνάστασις 2a) Hb 11:35. On ἐν γαστρὶ εἴληφα (LXX) GJs 4:2 and 4 s. γαστήρ 2 and συλλαμβάνω 3.—B. 743. Schmidt, Syn. III 203–33. DELG. M-M. EDNT. TW. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > λαμβάνω

  • 19 ἐν

    ἐν prep. w. dat. (Hom.+). For lit. s. ἀνά and εἰς, beg. For special NT uses s. AOepke, TW II 534–39. The uses of this prep. are so many and various, and oft. so easily confused, that a strictly systematic treatment is impossible. It must suffice to list the main categories, which will help establish the usage in individual cases. The earliest auditors/readers, not being inconvenienced by grammatical and lexical debates, would readily absorb the context and experience little difficulty.
    marker of a position defined as being in a location, in, among (the basic idea, Rob. 586f)
    of the space or place within which someth. is found, in: ἐν τῇ πόλει Lk 7:37. ἐν Βηθλέεμ Mt 2:1. ἐν τῇ ἐρήμῳ 3:1 (Just., D. 19, 5, cp. A I, 12, 6 ἐν ἐρημίᾳ) ἐν τῷ ἱερῷ Ac 5:42. ἐν οἴκῳ 1 Ti 3:15 and very oft. ἐν τοῖς τοῦ πατρός μου in my Father’s house Lk 2:49 and perh. Mt 20:15 (cp. Jos., Ant. 16, 302, C. Ap. 1, 118 ἐν τοῖς τοῦ Διός; PTebt 12, 3; POxy 523, 3; Tob 6:11 S; Goodsp., Probs. 81–83). ἐν τῇ ἀγορᾷ Mt 20:3. ἐν (τῷ) οὐρανῷ in heaven (Arat., Phaen. 10; Diod S 4, 61, 6; Plut., Mor. 359d τὰς ψυχὰς ἐν οὐρανῷ λάμπειν ἄστρα; Tat. 12, 2 τὰ ἄστρα τὰ ἐν αὐτῷ) Ac 2:19 (Jo 3:3); Rv 12:1; IEph 19:2.—W. quotations and accounts of the subject matter of literary works: in (Ps.-Demetr. c. 226 ὡς ἐν τῷ Εὐθυδήμῳ; Simplicius in Epict. p. 28, 37 ἐν τῷ Φαίδωνι; Ammon. Hermiae in Aristot. De Interpret. c. 9 p. 136, 20 Busse ἐν Τιμαίῳ παρειλήφαμεν=we have received as a tradition; 2 Macc 2:4; 1 Esdr 1:40; 5:48; Sir 50:27; Just., A I, 60, 1 ἐν τῷ παρὰ Πλάτωνι Τιμαίῳ) ἐν τῇ ἐπιστολῇ 1 Cor 5:9. ἐν τῷ νόμῳ Lk 24:44; J 1:45. ἐν τοῖς προφήταις Ac 13:40. ἐν Ἠλίᾳ in the story of Elijah Ro 11:2 (Just., D. 120, 3 ἐν τῷ Ἰούδα). ἐν τῷ Ὡσηέ 9:25 (Just., D. 44, 2 ἐν τῷ Ἰεζεκιήλ). ἐν Δαυίδ in the Psalter ( by David is also prob.: s. 6) Hb 4:7. ἐν ἑτέρῳ προφήτῃ in another prophet B 6:14. Of inner life φανεροῦσθαι ἐν ταῖς συνειδήσεσι be made known to (your) consciences 2 Cor 5:11. ἐν τῇ καρδίᾳ Mt 5:28; 13:19; 2 Cor 11:12 et al.
    on ἐν τῷ ὄρει (X., An. 4, 3, 31; Diod S 14, 16, 2 λόφος ἐν ᾧ=a hill on which; Jos., Ant. 12, 259; Just., D. 67, 9 ἐν ὄρει Χωρήβ) J 4:20f; Hb 8:5 (Ex 25:40). ἐν τῇ ἀγορᾷ in the market Mt 20:3. ἐν τῇ ὁδῷ on the way Mt 5:25. ἐν πλαξίν on tablets 2 Cor 3:3. ἐν ταῖς γωνίαις τῶν πλατειῶν on the street corners Mt 6:5.
    within the range of, at, near (Soph., Fgm. 37 [34 N.2] ἐν παντὶ λίθῳ=near every stone; Artem. 4, 24 p. 217, 19 ἐν Τύρῳ=near Tyre; Polyaenus 8, 24, 7 ἐν τῇ νησῖδι=near the island; Diog. L. 1, 34; 85; 97 τὰ ἐν ποσίν=what is before one’s feet; Jos., Vi. 227 ἐν Χαβωλώ) ἐν τῷ γαζοφυλακείῳ (q.v.) J 8:20. ἐν τῷ Σιλωάμ near the pool of Siloam Lk 13:4. καθίζειν ἐν τῇ δεξιᾷ τινος sit at someone’s right hand (cp. 1 Esdr 4:29) Eph 1:20; Hb 1:3; 8:1.
    among, in (Hom.+; PTebt 58, 41 [111 B.C.]; Sir 16:6; 31:9; 1 Macc 4:58; 5:2; TestAbr B 9 p. 13, 27 [Stone p. 74]; Just., A I, 5, 4 ἐν βαρβάροις) ἐν τῇ γενεᾷ ταύτῃ in the generation now living Mk 8:38. ἐν τῷ γένει μου among my people Gal 1:14 (Just., D. 51, 1 al. ἐν τῷ γένει ὑμῶν). ἐν ἡμῖν Hb 13:26. ἐν τῷ ὄχλῳ in the crowd Mk 5:30 (cp. Sir 7:7). ἐν ἀλλήλοις mutually (Thu. 1, 24, 4; Just., D. 101, 3) Ro 1:12; 15:5. ἐν τοῖς ἡγεμόσιν (=among the commanding officers: Diod S 18, 61, 2; Appian, Bell. Civ. 5, 21 §84) Ἰούδα Mt 2:6 et al. ἐν ἀνθρώποις among people (as Himerius, Or. 48 [14], 11; Just., A I, 23, 3, D. 64, 7) Lk 2:14; cp. Ac 4:12.
    before, in the presence of, etc. (cp. Od. 2, 194; Eur., Andr. 359; Pla., Leg. 9, 879b; Demosth. 24, 207; Polyb. 5, 39, 6; Epict. 3, 22, 8; Appian, Maced. 18 §2 ἐν τοῖς φίλοις=in the presence of his friends; Sir 19:8; Jdth 6:2; PPetr. II, 4 [6], 16 [255/254 B.C.] δινὸν γάρ ἐστιν ἐν ὄχλῳ ἀτιμάζεσθαι=before a crowd) σοφίαν λαλοῦμεν ἐν τοῖς τελείοις in the presence of mature (i.e. spiritually sophisticated) adults 1 Cor 2:6 (cp. Simplicius in Epict. p. 131, 20 λέγειν τὰ θεωρήματα ἐν ἰδιώταις). ἐν τ. ὠσὶν ὑμῶν in your hearing Lk 4:21 (cp. Judg 17:2; 4 Km 23:2; Bar 1:3f), where the words can go linguistically just as well w. πεπλήρωται as w. ἡ γραφὴ αὕτη (this passage of scripture read in your hearing). ἐν ὀφθαλμοῖς τινος in someone’s eyes, i.e. judgment (Wsd 3:2; Sir 8:16; Jdth 3:4; 12:14; 1 Macc 1:12) Mt 21:42 (Ps 117:23). ἔν τινι in the same mng. as early as Trag. (Soph., Oed. C. 1213 ἐν ἐμοί=in my judgment, Ant. 925 ἐν θεοῖς καλά; also Pla., Prot. 337b; 343c) ἐν ἐμοί 1 Cor 14:11; possibly J 3:21 (s. 4c below) and Jd 1 belong here.—In the ‘forensic’ sense ἔν τινι can mean in someone’s court or forum (Soph., Ant. 459; Pla., Gorg. 464d, Leg. 11, 916b; Ael. Aristid. 38, 3 K.=7 p. 71 D.; 46 p. 283, 334 D.; Diod S 19, 51, 4; Ps.-Heraclit., Ep. 4, 6; but in several of these pass. the mng. does not go significantly beyond ‘in the presence of’ [s. above]) ἐν ὑμῖν 1 Cor 6:2 ( by you is also tenable; s. 6 below).
    esp. to describe certain processes, inward: ἐν ἑαυτῷ to himself, i.e. in silence, διαλογίζεσθαι Mk 2:8; Lk 12:17; διαπορεῖν Ac 10:17; εἰδέναι J 6:61; λέγειν Mt 3:9; 9:21; Lk 7:49; εἰπεῖν 7:39 al.; ἐμβριμᾶσθαι J 11:38.
    marker of a state or condition, in
    of being clothed and metaphors assoc. with such condition in, with (Hdt. 2, 159; X., Mem. 3, 11, 4; Diod S 1, 12, 9; Herodian 2, 13, 3; Jdth 10:3; 1 Macc 6:35; 2 Macc 3:33) ἠμφιεσμένον ἐν μαλακοῖς dressed in soft clothes Mt 11:8. περιβάλλεσθαι ἐν ἱματίοις Rv 3:5; 4:4. ἔρχεσθαι ἐν ἐνδύμασι προβάτων come in sheep’s clothing Mt 7:15. περιπατεῖν ἐν στολαῖς walk about in long robes Mk 12:38 (Tat. 2, 1 ἐν πορφυρίδι περιπατῶν); cp. Ac 10:30; Mt 11:21; Lk 10:13. ἐν λευκοῖς in white (Artem. 2, 3; 4, 2 ἐν λευκοῖς προϊέναι; Epict. 3, 22, 1) J 20:12; Hv 4, 2, 1. Prob. corresp. ἐν σαρκί clothed in flesh (cp. Diod S 1, 12, 9 deities appear ἐν ζῴων μορφαῖς) 1 Ti 3:16; 1J 4:2; 2J 7. ἐν πάσῃ τῇ δόξῃ αὐτοῦ in all his glory Mt 6:29 (cp. 1 Macc 10:86). ἐν τ. δόξῃ τοῦ πατρός clothed in his Father’s glory 16:27; cp. 25:31; Mk 8:38; Lk 9:31.
    of other states and conditions (so freq. w. γίνομαι, εἰμί; Attic wr.; PPetr II, 11 [1], 8 [III B.C.] γράφε, ἵνα εἰδῶμεν ἐν οἷς εἶ; 39 [g], 16; UPZ 110, 176 [164 B.C.] et al.; LXX; Just., A I, 13, 2 πάλιν ἐν ἀφθαρσίᾳ γενέσθαι; 67, 6 τοῖς ἐν χρείᾳ οὖσι; Tat. 20, 1f οὐκ ἔστι γὰρ ἄπειρος ὁ οὐρανός, … πεπερασμένος δὲ καὶ ἐν τέρματι; Mel., HE 4, 26, 6 ἐν … λεηλασίᾳ ‘plundering’): ὑπάρχων ἐν βασάνοις Lk 16:23. ἐν τῷ θανάτῳ 1J 3:14. ἐν ζωῇ Ro 5:10. ἐν τοῖς δεσμοῖς Phlm 13 (Just., A II, 2, 11 ἐν δ. γενέσθαι). ἐν πειρασμοῖς 1 Pt 1:6; ἐν πολλοῖς ὢν ἀστοχήμασι AcPlCor 2:1. ἐν ὁμοιώματι σαρκός Ro 8:3. ἐν πολλῷ ἀγῶνι 1 Th 2:2. ἐν φθορᾷ in a state of corruptibility 1 Cor 15:42. ἐν ἑτοίμῳ ἔχειν 2 Cor 10:6 (cp. PEleph 10, 7 [223/222 B.C.] τ. λοιπῶν ἐν ἑτοίμῳ ὄντων; PGen 76, 8; 3 Macc 5:8); ἐν ἐκστάσει in a state of trance Ac 11:5 (opp. Just., D, 115, 3 ἐν καταστάσει ὤν). Of qualities: ἐν πίστει κ. ἀγάπῃ κ. ἁγιασμῷ 1 Ti 2:15; ἐν κακίᾳ καὶ φθόνῳ Tit 3:3; ἐν πανουργίᾳ 2 Cor 4:2; ἐν εὐσεβείᾳ καὶ σεμνότητι 1 Ti 2:2; ἐν τῇ ἀνοχῇ τοῦ θεοῦ Ro 3:26; ἐν μυστηρίῳ 1 Cor 2:7; ἐν δόξῃ Phil 4:19.
    marker of extension toward a goal that is understood to be within an area or condition, into: ἐν is somet. used w. verbs of motion where εἰς would normally be expected (Diod S 23, 8, 1 Ἄννων ἐπέρασε ἐν Σικελίᾳ; Hero I 142, 7; 182, 4; Paus. 7, 4, 3 διαβάντες ἐν τῇ Σάμῳ; Epict. 1, 11, 32; 2, 20, 33; Aelian, VH 4, 18; Vett. Val. 210, 26; 212, 6 al., s. index; Pel.-Leg. 1, 4; 5; 2, 1; PParis 10, 2 [145 B.C.] ἀνακεχώρηκεν ἐν Ἀλεξανδρείᾳ; POxy 294, 4; BGU 22, 13; Tob 5:5 BA; 1 Macc 10:43; TestAbr B 2 p. 106, 23=Stone p. 60 [s. on the LXX Thackeray 25]; πέμψον αὐτοὺς ἐν πολέμῳ En 10:9; TestAbr A 6 p. 83, 22 [Stone p. 14] δάκρυα … ἐν τῷ νιπτῆρι πίπτοντα): εἰσέρχεσθαι Lk 9:46; Rv 11:11; ἀπάγειν GJs 6:1; ἀνάγειν 7:1; εἰσάγειν 10:1; καταβαίνειν J 5:3 (4) v.l.; ἀναβαίνειν GJs 22:13; ἀπέρχεσθαι (Diod S 23, 18, 5) Hs 1:6; ἥκειν GJs 5:1; ἀποστέλλειν 25:1. To be understood otherwise: ἐξῆλθεν ὁ λόγος ἐν ὅλῃ τῇ Ἰουδαίᾳ the word went out = spread in all Judaea Lk 7:17; likew. 1 Th 1:8. The metaphorical expr. ἐπιστρέψαι ἀπειθεῖς ἐν φρονήσει δικαίων turn the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous Lk 1:17 is striking but consistent w. the basic sense of ἐν. S. also γίνομαι, δίδωμι, ἵστημι, καλέω, and τίθημι. ἐν μέσῳ among somet. answers to the question ‘whither’ (B-D-F §215, 3) Mt 10:16; Lk 10:3; 8:7.
    marker of close association within a limit, in
    fig., of pers., to indicate the state of being filled w. or gripped by someth.: in someone=in one’s innermost being ἐν αὐτῷ κατοικεῖ πᾶν τὸ πλήρωμα in him dwells all the fullness Col 2:9. ἐν αὐτῷ ἐκτίσθη τὰ πάντα (prob. to be understood as local, not instrumental, since ἐν αὐ. would otherwise be identical w. διʼ αὐ. in the same vs.) everything was created in association with him 1:16 (cp. M. Ant. 4, 23 ἐν σοὶ πάντα; Herm. Wr. 5, 10; AFeuillet, NTS 12, ’65, 1–9). ἐν τῷ θεῷ κέκρυπται ἡ ζωὴ ὑμῶν your life is hid in God 3:3; cp. 2:3. Of sin in humans Ro 7:17f; cp. κατεργάζεσθαι vs. 8. Of Christ who, as a spiritual being, fills people so as to be in charge of their lives 8:10; 2 Cor 13:5, abides J 6:56, lives Gal 2:20, and takes form 4:19 in them. Of the divine word: οὐκ ἔστιν ἐν ἡμῖν 1J 1:10; μένειν ἔν τινι J 5:38; ἐνοικεῖν Col 3:16. Of God’s spirit: οἰκεῖν (ἐνοικεῖν) ἔν τινι Ro 8:9, 11; 1 Cor 3:16; 2 Ti 1:14. Of spiritual gifts 1 Ti 4:14; 2 Ti 1:6. Of miraculous powers ἐνεργεῖν ἔν τινι be at work in someone Mt 14:2; Mk 6:14; ποιεῖν ἔν τινι εὐάρεστον Hb 13:21. The same expr. of God or evil spirits, who somehow work in people: 1 Cor 12:6; Phil 2:13; Eph 2:2 al.
    of the whole, w. which the parts are closely joined: μένειν ἐν τῇ ἀμπέλῳ remain in the vine J 15:4. ἐν ἑνὶ σώματι μέλη πολλὰ ἔχομεν in one body we have many members Ro 12:4. κρέμασθαι ἔν τινι depend on someth. Mt 22:40.
    esp. in Paul. or Joh. usage, to designate a close personal relation in which the referent of the ἐν-term is viewed as the controlling influence: under the control of, under the influence of, in close association with (cp. ἐν τῷ Δαυιδ εἰμί 2 Km 19:44): of Christ εἶναι, μένειν ἐν τῷ πατρί (ἐν τῷ θεῷ) J 10:38; 14:10f (difft. CGordon, ‘In’ of Predication or Equivalence: JBL 100, ’81, 612f); and of Christians 1J 3:24; 4:13, 15f; be or abide in Christ J 14:20; 15:4f; μένειν ἐν τῷ υἱῷ καὶ ἐν τῷ πατρί 1J 2:24. ἔργα ἐν θεῷ εἰργασμένα done in communion with God J 3:21 (but s. 1e above).—In Paul the relation of the individual to Christ is very oft. expressed by such phrases as ἐν Χριστῷ, ἐν κυρίῳ etc., also vice versa (FNeugebauer, NTS 4, ’57/58, 124–38; AWedderburn, JSNT 25, ’85, 83–97) ἐν ἐμοὶ Χριστός Gal 2:20, but here in the sense of a above.—See, e.g., Dssm., D. ntl. Formel ‘in Christo Jesu’ 1892; EWeber, D. Formel ‘in Chr. Jesu’ u. d. paul. Christusmystik: NKZ 31, 1920, 213ff; LBrun, Zur Formel ‘in Chr. Jesus’ im Phil: Symbolae Arctoae 1, 1922, 19–37; MHansen, Omkring Paulus-Formeln ‘i Kristus’: TK 4/10, 1929, 135–59; HBöhlig, ʼΕν κυρίῳ: GHeinrici Festschr. 1914, 170–75; OSchmitz, D. Christusgemeinschaft d. Pls2 ’56; AWikenhauser, D. Christusmystik d. Pls2 ’56; KMittring, Heilswirklichkeit b. Pls; Beitrag z. Verständnis der unio cum Christo in d. Plsbriefen 1929; ASchweitzer, D. Mystik d. Ap. Pls 1930 (Eng. tr., WMontgomery, The Myst. of Paul the Ap., ’31); WSchmauch, In Christus ’35; BEaston, Pastoral Ep. ’47, 210f; FBüchsel, ‘In Chr.’ b. Pls: ZNW 42, ’49, 141–58. Also HKorn, D. Nachwirkungen d. Christusmystik d. Pls in den Apost. Vätern, diss. Berlin 1928; EAndrews, Interpretation 6, ’52, 162–77; H-LParisius, ZNW 49, ’58, 285–88 (10 ‘forensic’ passages); JAllan, NTS 5, ’58/59, 54–62 (Eph), ibid. 10, ’63, 115–21 (pastorals); FNeugebauer, In Christus, etc. ’61; MDahl, The Resurrection of the Body ( 1 Cor 15) ’62, 110–13.—Paul has the most varied expressions for this new life-principle: life in Christ Ro 6:11, 23; love in Christ 8:39; grace, which is given in Christ 1 Cor 1:4; freedom in Chr. Gal 2:4; blessing in Chr. 3:14; unity in Chr. vs. 28. στήκειν ἐν κυρίῳ stand firm in the Lord Phil 4:1; εὑρεθῆναι ἐν Χ. be found in Christ 3:9; εἶναι ἐν Χ. 1 Cor 1:30; οἱ ἐν Χ. Ro 8:1.—1 Pt 5:14; κοιμᾶσθαι ἐν Χ., ἀποθνῄσκειν ἐν κυρίῳ 1 Cor 15:18.—Rv 14:13; ζῳοποιεῖσθαι 1 Cor 15:22.—The formula is esp. common w. verbs that denote a conviction, hope, etc. πεποιθέναι Gal 5:10; Phil 1:14; 2 Th 3:4. παρρησίαν ἔχειν Phlm 8. πέπεισμαι Ro 14:14. ἐλπίζειν Phil 2:19. καύχησιν ἔχειν Ro 15:17; 1 Cor 15:31. τὸ αὐτὸ φρονεῖν Phil 4:2. ὑπακούειν Eph 6:1. λαλεῖν 2 Cor 2:17; 12:19. ἀλήθειαν λέγειν Ro 9:1. λέγειν καὶ μαρτύρεσθαι Eph 4:17. But also apart fr. such verbs, in numerous pass. it is used w. verbs and nouns of the most varied sort, often without special emphasis, to indicate the scope within which someth. takes place or has taken place, or to designate someth. as being in close assoc. w. Christ, and can be rendered, variously, in connection with, in intimate association with, keeping in mind ἁγιάζεσθαι 1 Cor 1:2, or ἅγιος ἐν Χ. Phil 1:1; ἀσπάζεσθαί τινα 1 Cor 16:19. δικαιοῦσθαι Gal 2:17. κοπιᾶν Ro 16:12. παρακαλεῖν 1 Th 4:1. προσδέχεσθαί τινα Ro 16:2; Phil 2:29. χαίρειν 3:1; 4:4, 10. γαμηθῆναι ἐν κυρίῳ marry in the Lord=marry a Christian 1 Cor 7:39. προϊστάμενοι ὑμῶν ἐν κυρίῳ your Christian leaders (in the church) 1 Th 5:12 (but s. προί̈στημι 1 and 2).—εὐάρεστος Col 3:20. νήπιος 1 Cor 3:1. φρόνιμος 4:10. παιδαγωγοί vs. 15. ὁδοί vs. 17. Hence used in periphrasis for ‘Christian’ οἱ ὄντες ἐν κυρίῳ Ro 16:11; ἄνθρωπος ἐν Χ. 2 Cor 12:2; αἱ ἐκκλησίαι αἱ ἐν Χ. Gal 1:22; 1 Th 2:14; νεκροὶ ἐν Χ. 4:16; ἐκλεκτός Ro 16:13. δόκιμος vs. 10. δέσμιος Eph 4:1. πιστὸς διάκονος 6:21; ἐν Χ. γεννᾶν τινα become someone’s parent in the Christian life 1 Cor 4:15. τὸ ἔργον μου ὑμεῖς ἐστε ἐν κυρίῳ 9:1.—The use of ἐν πνεύματι as a formulaic expression is sim.: ἐν πν. εἶναι be under the impulsion of the spirit, i.e. the new self, as opposed to ἐν σαρκί under the domination of the old self Ro 8:9; cp. ἐν νόμῳ 2:12. λαλεῖν speak under divine inspiration 1 Cor 12:3. ἐγενόμην ἐν πνεύματι I was in a state of inspiration Rv 1:10; 4:2; opp. ἐν ἑαυτῷ γενόμενος came to himself Ac 12:11 (cp. X., An. 1, 5, 17 et al.).—The expr. ἐν πν. εἶναι is also used to express the idea that someone is under the special infl. of a good or even an undesirable spirit: Mt 22:43; Mk 12:36; Lk 2:27; 1 Cor 12:3; Rv 17:3; 21:10. ἄνθρωπος ἐν πν. ἀκαθάρτῳ (ὤν) Mk 1:23 (s. GBjörck, ConNeot 7, ’42, 1–3).—ἐν τῷ πονηρῷ κεῖσθαι be in the power of the evil one 1J 5:19. οἱ ἐν νόμῳ those who are subject to the law Ro 3:19. ἐν τῷ Ἀδὰμ ἀποθνῄσκειν die because of a connection w. Adam 1 Cor 15:22.—On the formula ἐν ὀνόματι (Χριστοῦ) s. ὄνομα 1, esp. dγג. The OT is the source of the expr. ὀμνύναι ἔν τινι swear by someone or someth. (oft. LXX) Mt 5:34ff; 23:16, 18ff; Rv 10:6; παραγγέλλομέν σοι ἐν Ἰησοῦ Ac 19:14 v.l. The usage in ὁμολογεῖν ἔν τινι acknowledge someone Mt 10:32; Lk 12:8 (s. ὁμολογέω 4b) is Aramaic.
    marker introducing means or instrument, with, a construction that begins w. Homer (many examples of instrumental ἐν in Radermacher’s edition of Ps.-Demetr., Eloc. p. 100; Reader, Polemo p. 258) but whose wide currency in our lit. is partly caused by the infl. of the LXX, and its similarity to the Hebr. constr. w. בְּ (B-D-F §219; Mlt. 104; Mlt-H. 463f; s. esp. M-M p. 210).
    it can serve to introduce persons or things that accompany someone to secure an objective: ‘along with’
    α. pers., esp. of a military force, w. blending of associative (s. 4) and instrumental idea (1 Macc 1:17; 7:14, 28 al.): ἐν δέκα χιλιάσιν ὑπαντῆσαι meet, w. 10,000 men Lk 14:31 (cp. 1 Macc 4:6, 29 συνήντησεν αὐτοῖς Ἰούδας ἐν δέκα χιλιάσιν ἀνδρῶν). ἦλθεν ἐν μυριάσιν αὐτοῦ Jd 14 (cp. Jdth 16:3 ἦλθεν ἐν μυριάσι δυνάμεως αὐτοῦ).
    β. impers. (oft. LXX; PTebt 41, 5 [c. 119 B.C.]; 16, 14 [114 B.C.]; 45, 17 al., where people rush into the village or the house ἐν μαχαίρῃ, ἐν ὅπλοις). (Just., D. 86, 6 τῆς ἀξίνης, ἐν ἧ πεπορευμένοι ἦσαν … κόψαι ξύλα) ἐν ῥάβδῳ ἔρχεσθαι come with a stick (as a means of discipline) 1 Cor 4:21 (cp. Lucian, Dial. Mort. 23, 3 Ἑρμῆν καθικόμενον ἐν τῇ ῥάβδῳ; Gen 32:11; 1 Km 17:43; 1 Ch 11:23; Dssm., B 115f [BS 120]). ἐν πληρώματι εὐλογίας with the full blessing Ro 15:29. ἐν τῇ βασιλείᾳ αὐτοῦ Mt 16:28. ἐν αἵματι Hb 9:25 (cp. Mi 6:6). ἐν τῷ ὕδατι καὶ ἐν τῷ αἵματι 1J 5:6. ἐν πνεύματι καὶ δυνάμει τοῦ Ἠλίου equipped w. the spirit and power of Elijah Lk 1:17. φθάνειν ἐν τῷ εὐαγγελίῳ come with the preaching of the gospel 2 Cor 10:14. μὴ ἐν ζύμῃ παλαιᾷ not burdened w. old leaven 1 Cor 5:8.
    it can serve to express means or instrumentality in terms of location for a specific action (cp. TestAbr A 12 p. 91, 5f [Stone p. 30] κρατῶν ἐν τῇ χειρὶ αὐτοῦ ζυγόν; Tat. 9, 2 οἱ ἐν τοῖς πεσσοῖς ἀθύροντες ‘those who play w. gaming pieces’ [as, e.g., in backgammon]): κατακαίειν ἐν πυρί Rv 17:16 (cp. Bar 1:2; 1 Esdr 1:52; 1 Macc 5:5 al.; as early as Il. 24, 38; cp. POxy 2747, 74; Aelian, HA 14, 15. Further, the ἐν Rv 17:16 is not textually certain). ἐν ἅλατι ἁλίζειν, ἀρτύειν Mt 5:13; Mk 9:50; Lk 14:34 (s. M-M p. 210; WHutton, ET 58, ’46/47, 166–68). ἐν τῷ αἵματι λευκαίνειν Rv 7:14. ἐν αἵματι καθαρίζειν Hb 9:22. ἐν ῥομφαίᾳ ἀποκτείνειν kill with the sword Rv 6:8 (1 Esdr 1:50; 1 Macc 2:9; cp. 3:3; Jdth 16:4; ἀπολεῖ ἐν ῥομφαίᾳ En 99:16; 4 [6] Esdr [POxy 1010] ἐν ῥ. πεσῇ … πεσοῦνται ἐν μαχαίρῃ; cp. Lucian, Hist. Conscrib. 12 ἐν ἀκοντίῳ φονεύειν). ἐν μαχαίρῃ πατάσσειν Lk 22:49 (διχοτομήσατε … ἐν μ. GrBar 16:3); ἐν μ. ἀπόλλυσθαι perish by the sword Mt 26:52. ποιμαίνειν ἐν ῥάβδῳ σιδηρᾷ Rv 2:27; 12:5; 19:15 (s. ποιμαίνω 2aγ and cp. PGM 36, 109). καταπατεῖν τι ἐν τοῖς ποσίν tread someth. w. the feet Mt 7:6 (cp. Sir 38:29). δύο λαοὺς βλέπω ἐν τοῖς ὀφθαλμοῖς μου I see two peoples with my eyes GJs 17:2 (ἐν ὀφθαλμοῖσιν ὀρᾶν=see with the eyes: cp. Il. 1, 587; Od. 8, 459; Callinus [VII B.C.], Fgm. 1, 20 Diehl2). ποιεῖν κράτος ἐν βραχίονι do a mighty deed w. one’s arm Lk 1:51 (cp. Sir 38:30); cp. 11:20. δικαιοῦσθαι ἐν τῷ αἵματι be justified by the blood Ro 5:9. ἐν ἁγιασμῷ πνεύματος 2 Th 2:13; 1 Pt 1:2; ἐν τ. παρακλήσει 2 Cor 7:7. εὐλογεῖν ἐν εὐλογίᾳ Eph 1:3. λαλοῦντες ἑαυτοῖς ἐν ψάλμοις 5:19. ἀσπάσασθαι … ἐν εὐχῇ greet w. prayer GJs 24:1. Of intellectual process γινώσκειν ἔν τινι know or recognize by someth. (cp. Thuc. 7, 11, 1 ἐν ἐπιστολαῖς ἴστε; Sir 4:24; 11:28; 26:29) J 13:35; 1J 3:19; cp. ἐν τῇ κλάσει τοῦ ἄρτου in the breaking of bread Lk 24:35 (s. 10c).—The ἐν which takes the place of the gen. of price is also instrumental ἠγόρασας ἐν τῷ αἵματί σου Rv 5:9 (cp. 1 Ch 21:24 ἀγοράζω ἐν ἀργυρίῳ).—ἐν ᾧ whereby Ro 14:21.—The idiom ἀλλάσσειν, μεταλλάσσειν τι ἔν τινι exchange someth. for someth. else Ro 1:23, 25 (cp. Ps 105:20) is not un-Greek (Soph., Ant. 945 Danaë had to οὐράνιον φῶς ἀλλάξαι ἐν χαλκοδέτοις αὐλαῖς=change the heavenly light for brass-bound chambers).
    marker of agency: with the help of (Diod S 19, 46, 4 ἐν τοῖς μετέχουσι τοῦ συνεδρίου=with the help of the members of the council; Philostrat., Vi. Apoll. 7, 9 p. 259, 31 ἐν ἐκείνῳ ἑαλωκότες) ἐν τῷ ἄρχοντι τ. δαιμονίων ἐκβάλλει τὰ δαιμόνια Mt 9:34. ἐν ἑτερογλώσσοις λαλεῖν 1 Cor 14:21. κρίνειν τ. οἰκουμένην ἐν ἀνδρί Ac 17:31 (cp. SIG2 850, 8 [173/172 B.C.] κριθέντω ἐν ἄνδροις τρίοις; Synes., Ep. 91 p. 231b ἐν ἀνδρί); perh. 1 Cor 6:2 (s. 1e); ἀπολύτρωσις ἐν Χρ. redemption through Christ Ro 3:24 (cp. ἐν αὐτῷ σωθήσεσθε Just., A I, 60, 3).
    marker of circumstance or condition under which someth. takes place: ἐν ᾧ κρίνεις Ro 2:1 (but s. B-D-F §219, 2); ἐν ᾧ δοκιμάζει 14:22; ἐν ᾧ καυχῶνται 2 Cor 11:12; ἐν ᾧ τις τολμᾷ 11:21; ἐν ᾧ καταλαλοῦσιν whereas they slander 1 Pt 2:12, cp. 3:16 (on these Petrine pass. s. also ὅς 1k); ἐν ᾧ ξενίζονται in view of your changed attitude they consider it odd 4:4. ἐν ᾧ in 3:19 may similarly refer to a changed circumstance, i.e. from death to life (WDalton, Christ’s Proclamation to the Spirits, ’65, esp. 135–42: ‘in this sphere, under this influence’ [of the spirit]). Other possibilities: as far as this is concerned: πνεῦμα• ἐν ᾧ spirit; as which (FZimmermann, APF 11, ’35, 174 ‘meanwhile’ [indessen]; BReicke, The Disobedient Spirits and Christian Baptism, ’46, 108–15: ‘on that occasion’=when he died).—Before a substantive inf. (oft. LXX; s. KHuber, Unters. über den Sprachchar. des griech. Lev., diss. Zürich 1916, 83): in that w. pres. inf. (POxy 743, 35 [2 B.C.] ἐν τῷ δέ με περισπᾶσθαι οὐκ ἠδυνάσθην συντυχεῖν Ἀπολλωνίῳ; Just., D. 10, 3 ἐν τῷ μήτε σάββατα τηρεῖν μήτε …) βασανιζομένους ἐν τῷ ἐλαύνειν as they were having rough going in the waves=having a difficult time making headway Mk 6:48. ἐθαύμαζον ἐν τῷ χρονίζειν … αὐτόν they marveled over his delay Lk 1:21. ἐν τῷ τὴν χεῖρα ἐκτείνειν σε in that you extend your hand Ac 4:30; cp. 3:26; Hb 8:13. W. aor. inf. ἐν τῷ ὑποτάξαι αὐτῷ τὰ πάντα Hb 2:8. Somet. the circumstantial and temporal (s. 7 and 10) uses are so intermingled that it is difficult to decide between them; so in some of the pass. cited above, and also Hv 1, 1, 8 et al. (B-D-F §404, 3; Rob. 1073).—WHutton, Considerations for the Translation of ἐν, Bible Translator 9, ’58, 163–70; response by NTurner, ibid. 10, ’59, 113–20.—On ἐν w. article and inf. s. ISoisalon-Soininen, Die Infinitive in der LXX, ’65, 80ff.
    marker denoting the object to which someth. happens or in which someth. shows itself, or by which someth. is recognized, to, by, in connection with: ζητεῖν τι ἔν τινι require someth. in the case of someone 1 Cor 4:2; cp. ἐν ἡμῖν μάθητε so that you might learn in connection w. us vs. 6. Cp. Phil 1:30. ἵνα οὕτως γένηται ἐν ἐμοί that this may be done in my case 1 Cor 9:15 (Just., D. 77, 3 τοῦτο γενόμενον ἐν τῷ ἡμετέρῳ Χριστῷ). ἐδόξαζον ἐν ἐμοὶ τὸν θεόν perh. they glorified God in my case Gal 1:24, though because of me and for me are also possible. μήτι ἐν ἐμοὶ ἀνεκεφαλαιώθη ἡ ἱστορία GJs 13:1 (s. ἀνακεφαλαιόω 1). ποιεῖν τι ἔν τινι do someth. to (with) someone (Epict., Ench. 33, 12; Ps.-Lucian, Philopatr. 18 μὴ ἑτεροῖόν τι ποιήσῃς ἐν ἐμοί; Gen 40:14; Jdth 7:24; 1 Macc 7:23) Mt 17:12; Lk 23:31. ἐργάζεσθαί τι ἔν τινι Mk 14:6. ἔχειν τι ἔν τινι have someth. in someone J 3:15 (but ἐν αὐτῷ is oft. constr. w. πιστεύων, cp. v.l.); cp. 14:30 (s. BNoack, Satanas u. Soteria ’48, 92). ἵνα δικαιοσύνης ναὸν ἐν τῷ ἰδίῳ σώματι ἀναδείξῃ AcPlCor 2:17 (s. ἀναδείκνυμι 1).—For the ordinary dat. (Diod S 3, 51, 4 ἐν ἀψύχῳ ἀδύνατον=it is impossible for a lifeless thing; Ael. Aristid. 49, 15 K.=25 p. 492 D.: ἐν Νηρίτῳ θαυμαστὰ ἐνεδείξατο=[God] showed wonderful things to N.; 53 p. 629 D.: οὐ γὰρ ἐν τοῖς βελτίστοις εἰσὶ παῖδες, ἐν δὲ πονηροτάτοις οὐκέτι=it is not the case that the very good have children, and the very bad have none [datives of possession]; 54 p. 653 D.: ἐν τ. φαύλοις θετέον=to the bad; EpJer 66 ἐν ἔθνεσιν; Aesop, Fab. 19, 8 and 348a, 5 v.l. Ch.) ἀποκαλύψαι τὸν υἱὸν αὐτοῦ ἐν ἐμοί Gal 1:16. φανερόν ἐστιν ἐν αὐτοῖς Ro 1:19 (Aesop 15c, 11 Ch. τ. φανερὸν ἐν πᾶσιν=evident to all). ἐν ἐμοὶ βάρβαρος (corresp. to τῷ λαλοῦντι βάρβ.) 1 Cor 14:11 (Amphis Com. [IV B.C.] 21 μάταιός ἐστιν ἐν ἐμοί). δεδομένον ἐν ἀνθρώποις Ac 4:12. θεῷ … ἐν ἀνθρώποις Lk 2:14.—Esp. w. verbs of striking against: προσκόπτω, πταίω, σκανδαλίζομαι; s. these entries.
    marker of cause or reason, because of, on account of (PParis 28, 13=UPZ 48, 12f [162/161 B.C.] διαλυόμενοι ἐν τῷ λιμῷ; Ps 30:11; 1 Macc 16:3 ἐν τῷ ἐλέει; 2 Macc 7:29; Sir 33:17)
    gener. ἁγιάζεσθαι ἔν τινι Hb 10:10; 1 Cor 7:14. ἐν τ. ἐπιθυμίαις τῶν καρδιῶν Ro 1:24; perh. ἐν Ἰσαὰκ κληθήσεταί σοι σπέρμα 9:7; Hb 11:18 (both Gen 21:12). ἐν τῇ πολυλογίᾳ αὐτῶν because of their many words Mt 6:7. ἐν τούτῳ πιστεύομεν this is the reason why we believe J 16:30; cp. Ac 24:16; 1 Cor 4:4 (Just., D. 68, 7 οὐχὶ καὶ ἐν τούτῳ δυσωπήσω ὑμᾶς μὴ πείθεσθαι τοῖς διδασκάλοις ὑμῶν=‘surely you will be convinced by this [argument] to lose confidence in your teachers, won’t you?’); perh. 2 Cor 5:2. Sim., of the occasion: ἔφυγεν ἐν τῷ λόγῳ τούτῳ at this statement Ac 7:29; cp. 8:6. W. attraction ἐν ᾧ = ἐν τούτῳ ὅτι for the reason that = because Ro 8:3; Hb 2:18; 6:17.
    w. verbs that express feeling or emotion, to denote that toward which the feeling is directed; so: εὐδοκεῖν (εὐδοκία), εὐφραίνεσθαι, καυχᾶσθαι, χαίρειν et al.
    marker of a period of time, in, while, when
    indicating an occurrence or action within which, at a certain point, someth. occurs Mt 2:1. ἐν ταῖς ἡμέραις ἐκείναις 3:1. ἐν τῷ ἑξῆς afterward Lk 7:11. ἐν τῷ μεταξύ meanwhile (PTebt 72, 190; PFlor 36, 5) J 4:31. in the course of, within ἐν τρισὶν ἡμέραις (X., Ages. 1, 34; Diod S 13, 14, 2; 20, 83, 4; Arrian, Anab. 4, 6, 4 ἐν τρισὶν ἡμέραις; Aelian, VH 1, 6; IPriene 9, 29; GDI 1222, 4 [Arcadia] ἰν ἁμέραις τρισί; EpArist 24; Demetr.: 722 Fgm. 1:3 Jac.) Mt 27:40; J 2:19f.
    point of time when someth. occurs ἐν ἡμέρᾳ κρίσεως Mt 11:22 (En 10:6; Just., D. 38, 2; Tat. 12, 4). ἐν τῇ ἐσχάτῃ ἡμέρᾳ J 6:44; 11:24; 12:48; cp. 7:37. ἐν ἐκείνῃ τῇ ὥρᾳ Mt 8:13; 10:19; cp. 7:22; J 4:53. ἐν σαββάτῳ 12:2; J 7:23. ἐν τῇ ἡμέρᾳ J 11:9 (opp. ἐν τῇ νυκτί vs. 10). ἐν τῷ δευτέρῳ on the second visit Ac 7:13. ἐν τῇ παλιγγενεσίᾳ in the new age Mt 19:28. ἐν τῇ παρουσίᾳ 1 Cor 15:23; 1 Th 2:19; 3:13; Phil 2:12 (here, in contrast to the other pass., there is no reference to the second coming of Christ.—Just., D. 31, 1 ἐν τῇ ἐνδόξῳ γινομένῃ αὐτοῦ παρουσίᾳ; 35, 8; 54, 1 al.); 1J 2:28. ἐν τῇ ἀναστάσει in the resurrection Mt 22:28; Mk 12:23; Lk 14:14; 20:33; J 11:24 (Just., D. 45, 2 ἐν τῇ τῶν νεκρῶν ἀναστάσει). ἐν τῇ ἐσχάτῃ σάλπιγγι at the last trumpet-call 1 Cor 15:52. ἐν τῇ ἀποκαλύψει at the appearance of Jesus/Christ (in the last days) 2 Th 1:7; 1 Pt 1:7, 13; 4:13.
    to introduce an activity whose time is given when, while, during (Diod S 23, 12, 1 ἐν τοῖς τοιούτοις=in the case of this kind of behavior) ἐν τῇ προσευχῇ when (you) pray Mt 21:22. ἐν τῇ στάσει during the revolt Mk 15:7. ἐν τῇ διδαχῇ in the course of his teaching Mk 4:2; 12:38. If Lk 24:35 belongs here, the sense would be on the occasion of, when (but s. 5b). ἐν αὐτῷ in it (the preaching of the gospel) Eph 6:20. γρηγοροῦντες ἐν αὐτῇ (τῇ προσευχῇ) while you are watchful in it Col 4:2. Esp. w. the pres. inf. used substantively: ἐν τῷ σπείρειν while (he) sowed Mt 13:4; Mk 4:4; cp. 6:48 (s. 7 above and βασανίζω); ἐν τῷ καθεύδειν τοὺς ἀνθρώπους while people were asleep Mt 13:25; ἐν τῷ κατηγορεῖσθαι αὐτόν during the accusations against him 27:12. W. the aor. inf. the meaning is likewise when. Owing to the fundamental significance of the aor. the action is the focal point (s. Rob. 1073, opp. B-D-F §404) ἐν τῷ γενέσθαι τὴν φωνήν Lk 9:36. ἐν τῷ ἐπανελθεῖν αὐτόν 19:15. ἐν τῷ εἰσελθεῖν αὐτούς 9:34.—W. ἐν ᾦ while, as long as (Soph., Trach. 929; Cleanthes [IV/III B.C.] Stoic. I p. 135, 1 [Diog. L. 7, 171]; Demetr.: 722 Fgm. 1, 11 Jac.; Plut., Mor. 356c; Arrian, Anab. 6, 12, 1; Pamprepios of Panopolis [V A.D.] 1, 22 [ed. HGerstinger, SBWienAk 208/3, 1928]) Mk 2:19; Lk 5:34; 24:44 D; J 5:7.
    marker denoting kind and manner, esp. functioning as an auxiliary in periphrasis for adverbs (Kühner-G. I 466): ἐν δυνάμει w. power, powerfully Mk 9:1; Ro 1:4; Col 1:29; 2 Th 1:11; ἐν δικαιοσύνῃ justly Ac 17:31; Rv 19:11 (cp. Just., A II, 4, 3 and D. 16, 3; 19, 2 ἐν δίκῃ). ἐν χαρᾷ joyfully Ro 15:32. ἐν ἐκτενείᾳ earnestly Ac 26:7. ἐν σπουδῇ zealously Ro 12:8. ἐν χάριτι graciously Gal 1:6; 2 Th 2:16. ἐν (πάσῃ) παρρησίᾳ freely, openly J 7:4; 16:29; Phil 1:20. ἐν πάσῃ ἀσφαλείᾳ Ac 5:23. ἐν τάχει (PHib 47, 35 [256 B.C.] ἀπόστειλον ἐν τάχει) Lk 18:8; Ro 16:20; Rv 1:1; 22:6. ἐν μυστηρίῳ 1 Cor 2:7 (belongs prob. not to σοφία, but to λαλοῦμεν: in the form of a secret; cp. Polyb. 23, 3, 4; 26, 7, 5; Just., D. 63, 2 Μωυσῆς … ἐν παραβολῇ λέγων; 68, 6 εἰρήμενον … ἐν μυστηρίῳ; Diod S 17, 8, 5 ἐν δωρεαῖς λαβόντες=as gifts; 2 Macc 4:30 ἐν δωρεᾷ=as a gift; Sir 26:3; Polyb. 28, 17, 9 λαμβάνειν τι ἐν φερνῇ). Of the norm: ἐν μέτρῳ ἑνὸς ἑκάστου μέρους acc. to the measure of each individual part Eph 4:16. On 1 Cor 1:21 s. AWedderburn, ZNW 64, ’73, 132–34.
    marker of specification or substance: w. adj. πλούσιος ἐν ἐλέει Eph 2:4; cp. Tit 2:3; Js 1:8.—of substance consisting in (BGU 72, 11 [191 A.D.] ἐξέκοψαν πλεῖστον τόπον ἐν ἀρούραις πέντε) τὸν νόμον τῶν ἐντολῶν ἐν δόγμασιν Eph 2:15. ἐν μηδενὶ λειπόμενοι Js 1:4 (contrast Just., A I, 67, 6 τοῖς ἐν χρείᾳ οὖσι). Hb 13:21a.— amounting to (BGU 970, 14=Mitt-Wilck. II/2, 242, 14f [177 A.D.] προσηνενκάμην αὐτῷ προοῖκα ἐν δραχμαῖς ἐννακοσίαις) πᾶσαν τὴν συγγένειαν ἐν ψυχαῖς ἑβδομήκοντα πέντε Ac 7:14.—Very rarely for the genitive (Philo Mech. 75, 29 τὸ ἐν τῷ κυλίνδρῳ κοίλασμα; EpArist 31 ἡ ἐν αὐτοῖς θεωρία = ἡ αὐτῶν θ.; cp. 29; Tat. 18, 1 πᾶν τὸ ἐν αὐτῇ εἶδος) ἡ δωρεὰ ἐν χάριτι the free gift in beneficence or grace Ro 5:15.—DELG. LfgrE s.v. ἐν col. 569 (lit. esp. early Greek). M-M. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > ἐν

  • 20 ὅς

    ὅς, ἥ, ὅ
    as relative pron. who, which, what, that (Hom.+). On its use s. B-D-F §293–97; 377–80; Rydbeck 98–118; W-S. §24; Rob. 711–26, and for ancient Gk. in gener. Kühner-G. II 399ff; Schwyzer II 639–41.
    As a general rule, the relative pron. agrees in gender and number w. the noun or pron. to which it refers (i.e. its antecedent); its case is determined by the verb, noun, or prep. that governs it: ὁ ἀστήρ, ὸ̔ν εἶδον Mt 2:9. ὁ Ἰησοῦς, ὅν ἐγὼ καταγγέλλω ὑμῖν Ac 17:3. Ἰουδαῖον, ᾧ (sc. ἦν) ὄνομα Βαριησοῦς 13:6. ὁ Ἰουδαῖος …, οὗ ὁ ἔπαινος Ro 2:29. Ἰσραηλίτης, ἐν ᾧ δόλος οὐκ ἔστιν J 1:47. οὗτος, περὶ οὗ ἀκούω τοιαῦτα Lk 9:9 and very oft.
    A demonstrative pron. is freq. concealed within the relative pron.:
    α. in such a way that both pronouns stand in the same case: ὅς the one who ὅς οὐ λαμβάνει Mt 10:38; sim. Mk 4:9; 9:40 (the three w. implied condition). οὗ of the one whose J 18:26. to the one to whom Ro 6:16. ὅν the one whom (or someth. sim.) Mk 15:12; J 1:45. οἷς to those for whom Mt 20:23. οὕς those whom Mk 3:13; J 5:21.that which, what Mt 10:27.—A prep. governing the relative belongs in certain pass. to the (omitted) demonstr. pron. alone: παρʼ ὅ Ro 12:3; Gal 1:8; ὑπὲρ ὅ (ἅ) 1 Cor 10:13; 2 Cor 12:6; Phlm 21; πρὸς ἅ 2 Cor 5:10; εἰς ὅν J 6:29. In others it must be added to both pronouns: ἐν ᾧ in that in which 2 Cor 11:12; 1 Pt 2:12; 3:16 (these passages in 1 Pt may be classed under 1kγ also). ἐν οἷς Phil 4:11. ὑπὲρ οὑ because of that for which 1 Cor 10:30. ἀφʼ ὧν from the persons from whom 2 Cor 2:3.—The much disputed pass. ἑταῖρε, ἐφʼ ὸ̔ πάρει Mt 26:50 would belong here if we were to supply the words necessary to make it read about as follows: friend, (are you misusing the kiss) for that (purpose) for which you are here? (Wlh.; EKlostermann) or thus: in connection with that (=the purposes), for which (=for the realization of which) you have appeared (do you kiss me)? (Rdm.2 78). Friend, are you here for this purpose? FRehkopf, ZNW 52, ’61, 109–15. But s. βב and iβ below.
    β. But the two pronouns can also stand in different cases; in such instances the demonstr. pron. is nearly always in the nom. or acc.
    א. in the nom. οὗ one whose Ac 13:25. ὧν those whose Ro 4:7 (Ps 31:1). ᾧ the one to or for whom Lk 7:43; 2 Pt 1:9. οἷς those to whom Mt 19:11; Ro 15:21 (Is 52:15). ὅ that (nom.) which (acc.) Mt 13:12; 25:29; 26:13; Mk 11:23; Lk 12:3. Likew. ἅ Lk 12:20. ὅν he whom J 3:34; 4:18; Ac 10:21. ἐφʼ ὅν the one about whom Hb 7:13.
    ב. in the acc. ὧν the things of which J 13:29. the one (in) whom 2 Ti 1:12. So also w. a prep.: ἐν ᾧ anything by which Ro 14:21. ἐν οἷς things in which 2 Pt 2:12. ἐφʼ ὅ that upon which Lk 5:25. περὶ ὧν the things of which Ac 24:13. ἐφʼ οἷς from the things of which Ro 6:21 (this passage perh. uses a commercial metaphor, for pap s. Mayser II/2, 434f §121). εἰς ὸ̔ν the one in whom Ro 10:14a.—So Mt 26:50 (s. bα above), if the words to be supplied are about as follows: friend, (do that) for which you have come! (so ESchwartz, ByzZ 25, 1925, 154f; EOwen, JTS 29, 1928, 384–86; WSpiegelberg, ZNW 28, 1929, 341–43; FZorell, VD 9, 1929, 112–16; sim. PMaas, Byz.-Neugriech. Jahrb. 8, ’31, 99; 9, ’32, 64; WEltester: OCullmann Festschr., ’62, 70–91; but s. iβ end.—S. Jos., Bell. 2, 615 at πάρειμι 1a).
    ג. Only in isolated instances does the demonstr. pron. to be supplied stand in another case: οὗ = τούτῳ, οὗ in him of whom Ro 10:14b. παρʼ ὧν = τούτοις, παρʼ ὧν Lk 6:34.
    Constructions peculiar in some respect
    α. The pleonastic use of the pers. pron. after ὅς (Mlt. 94f; B-D-F §297) γυνὴ ἧς εἶχεν τὸ θυγάτριον αὐτῆς Mk 7:25 is found in older Gk. (Hyperid., Euxen. 3 ὧν … τούτων.—Kühner-G. II 433f), and is not unknown in later Gk. (POxy 117, 15), but above all is suggested by Semitic languages (LXX; GrBar 2:1; Thackeray 46; JHudson, ET 53, ’41/42, 266f); the omission of αὐτῆς in the v.l. is in line w. Gk. usage. οὗ τὸ πτύον ἐν τῇ χειρὶ αὐτοῦ Mt 3:12; Lk 3:17. οὗ … τῶν ὑποδημάτων αὐτοῦ Mk 1:7; Lk 3:16. οὗ τῷ μώλωπι αὐτοῦ 1 Pt 2:24 v.l. οὗ καὶ πολλὰ αὐτοῦ συγγράματα EpilMosq 2. In a quot. ἐφʼ οὓς ἐπικέκληται … ἐπʼ αὐτούς Ac 15:17 = Am 9:12. οὗ ἡ πνοὴ αὐτοῦ 1 Cl 21:9. Esp. freq. in Rv 3:8; 7:2, 9; 9:11 v.l.; 13:8, 12; 20:8.
    β. constructions ‘ad sensum’
    א. a relative in the sing. refers to someth. in the pl. οὐρανοῖς … ἐξ οὗ (οὐρανοῦ) Phil 3:20.
    ב. a relative in the pl. refers to a sing. (Jdth 4:8 γερουσία, οἵ) πλῆθος πολύ …, οἳ ἦλθον Lk 6:17f. κατὰ πόλιν πᾶσαν, ἐν αἷς Ac 15:36. Cp. ἤδη δευτέραν ἐπιστολήν, ἐν αἷς (i.e. ἐν ταῖς δυσὶν ἐπιστ.) 2 Pt 3:1.
    ג. the relative conforms to the natural gender rather than the grammatical gender of its antecedent noun τέκνα μου, οὕς Gal 4:19; cp. 2 J 1; Phlm 10. ἔθνη, οἵ Ac 15:17 (Am 9:12); cp. 26:17. παιδάριον, ὅς J 6:9. θηρίον, ὅς Rv 13:14. ὀνόματα, οἵ 3:4 v.l. γενεᾶς σκολιᾶς, ἐν οἷς Phil 2:15. W. ref. to Christ, τὴν κεφαλήν, ἐξ οὗ Col 2:19.
    Attraction (or assimilation) of the relative. Just as in Hdt. and freq. Att., ins, pap, LXX, the simple relative ὅς, ἥ, ὅ is somet. attracted to the case of its antecedent, even though the relationship of the relative within its own clause would demand a different case.
    α. In most instances it is the acc. of the rel. that is attracted to the gen. or dat. of the antecedent: περὶ πράγματος οὗ ἐὰν αἰτήσωνται Mt 18:19. τῆς διαθήκης ἧς ὁ θεὸς διέθετο Ac 3:25. Cp. Mt 24:50b; Mk 7:13; Lk 2:20; 3:19; 5:9; 9:43; 15:16; J 4:14; 7:31; 15:20; 17:5; 21:10; Ac 1:1; 2:22; 22:10; 1 Cor 6:19; 2 Cor 1:6; 10:8, 13; Eph 2:10; 2 Th 1:4; Jd 15 al.—When the antecedent is an understood but unexpressed demonstr. pron. (s. b, beg.) that would stand in the gen. or dat., the acc. of a relative pron. can be attracted to this gen. or dat.: οὐδὲν ὧν ἑώρακαν is really οὐδὲν τούτων ἃ ἑώρακαν Lk 9:36 (Schwyzer II 641); ἅ takes on the case of τούτων which, in turn, is omitted (so already Soph., Pla., et al.).—23:14, 41; Ac 8:24; 21:19, 24; 22:15; 25:11; 26:16; Ro 15:18; 1 Cor 7:1; Eph 3:20; Hb 5:8. ὧν = τούτων, οὕς J 17:9; 2 Cor 12:17. οἷς = τούτοις, ἅ Lk 24:25.
    β. The dat. of the relative is less frequently attracted (B-D-F §294, 2; Rob. 717) ἕως τῆς ἡμέρας ἧς (=ᾗ) ἀνελήμφθη Ac 1:22 (cp. Lev 23:15; 25:50; Bar 1:19); Eph 1:6; 4:1; 1 Ti 4:6 v.l.; κατέναντι οὗ ἐπίστευσεν θεοῦ = κατέν. τοῦ θεοῦ ᾧ ἐπίστ. Ro 4:17. διὰ τῆς παρακλήσεως ἧς παρακαλούμεθα 2 Cor 1:4.
    γ. In relative clauses that consist of subject, predicate, and copula, the relative pron. somet. agrees in gender and number not w. the noun to which it refers, but w. the predicate if it is the subj. and, conversely, w. the subj. if it is the pred. of its own clause: πνεύματι …, ὅς ἐστιν ἀρραβών Eph 1:14 v.l. τῷ σπέρματί σου, ὅς ἐστιν Χριστός Gal 3:16. τὴν μάχαιραν τοῦ πνεύματος, ὅ ἐστιν ῥῆμα θεοῦ Eph 6:17.—Rv 4:5; 5:8.
    δ. Inverse attraction occurs when the relative pronoun attracts its antecedent to its own case (as early as Hom.; also Soph., Oed. Rex 449; s. Kühner-G. II 413; Schwyzer II 641; B-D-F §295; Rob. 717f); τὸν ἄρτον ὸ̔ν κλῶμεν, οὐχὶ κοινωνία … ἐστιν; = ὁ ἄρτος ὅν … 1 Cor 10:16. λίθον, ὸ̔ν ἀπεδοκίμασαν … οὗτος ἐγενήθη (Ps 117:22) Mt 21:42; Mk 12:10; Lk 20:17; 1 Pt 2:7 v.l.—παντὶ ᾧ ἐδόθη πολύ, πολὺ ζητηθήσεται παρʼ αὐτοῦ Lk 12:48. ὅρκον, ὸ̔ν ὤμοσεν (=μνησθῆναι ὅρκου ὅν) 1:73 (s. W-S. §24, 7 note). τοὺς λίθους, οὓς εἶδες, ἀποβεβλημένους, οὗτοι … ἐφόρεσαν Hs 9, 13, 3. Cp. 1J 2:25.
    ε. Attraction can, as in earlier Gk. (Thu. 2, 70, 4), fail to take place when the relative clause is more distinctly separated fr. its antecedent by additional modifiers of the noun and by the importance attaching to the content of the relative clause itself (B-D-F §294, 1; Rob. 714f): τῆς σκηνῆς τῆς ἀληθινῆς, ἣν ἔπηξεν ὁ κύριος, οὐκ ἄνθρωπος Hb 8:2. But s. also Mk 13:19; J 2:22; 4:5; Ac 8:32; 1 Ti 4:3; Tit 1:2; Phlm 10; Hb 9:7; Rv 1:20.
    The noun which is the antecedent of a relative clause can be incorporated into the latter
    α. without abbreviating the constr. and without attraction of the case: ᾗ οὐ δοκεῖτε ὥρᾳ = τῇ ὥρᾳ ᾗ οὐ δοκ. Mt 24:44; cp. Lk 12:40; 17:29, 30. ἃ ἡτοίμασαν ἀρώματα 24:1. ὸ̔ ἐποίησεν σημεῖον J 6:14. ὸ̔ θέλω ἀγαθόν Ro 7:19.
    β. w. abbreviation, in that a prep. normally used twice is used only once: ἐν ᾧ κρίματι κρίνετε κριθήσεσθε = ἐν τῷ κρίματι, ἐν ᾧ κρίνετε, κριθήσεσθε Mt 7:2a. Cp. vs. 2b; Mk 4:24. ἐν ᾧ ἦν τόπῳ = ἐν τῷ τόπῳ ἐν ᾧ ἦν J 11:6. καθʼ ὸ̔ν τρόπον = κατὰ τὸν τρόπον, καθʼ ὅν Ac 15:11.
    γ. w. a change in case, due mostly to attraction
    א. of the relative pron. περὶ πάντων ὧν ἐποίησεν πονηρῶν = περὶ πάντων πονηρῶν, ἃ ἐπ. Lk 3:19. περὶ πασῶν ὧν εἶδον δυνάμεων = περὶ πασῶν δυνάμεων, ἃς εἶδον 19:37. αἰτίαν … ὧν ἐγὼ ὑπενόουν πονηρῶν Ac 25:18.—The dat. of the relative is also attracted to other cases: ἄχρι ἧς ἡμέρας = ἄχρι τῆς ἡμέρας, ᾖ Mt 24:38; Lk 1:20; 17:27; Ac 1:2. ἀφʼ ἧς ἡμέρας Col 1:6, 9.
    ב. of the noun to which the rel. refers: ὸ̔ν ἐγὼ ἀπεκεφάλισα Ἰωάννην, οὗτος ἠγέρθη = Ἰωάννης ὸ̔ν κτλ. Mk 6:16 εἰς ὸ̔ν παρεδόθητε τύπον διδαχῆς = τῷ τύπῳ τῆς διδαχῆς εἰς ὸ̔ν παρεδόθητε Ro 6:17.
    δ. The analysis is doubtful in passages like περὶ ὧν κατηχήθης λόγων = περὶ τῶν λόγων οὓς κατηχήθης or τῶν λόγων, περὶ ὧν κατηχήθης Lk 1:4. ἄγοντες παρʼ ᾧ ξενισθῶμεν Μνάσωνι Ac 21:16 must acc. to the sense = ἄγοντες πρὸς Μνάσωνα, ἵνα ξενισθῶμεν παρʼ αὐτῷ. S. B-D-F §294, 5; Rob. 719.
    The prep. can be omitted before the relative pron. if it has already been used before the antecedent noun: ἐν παντὶ χρόνῳ ᾧ (=ἐν ὧ.) Ac 1:21. εἰς τὸ ἔργον ὅ (=εἰς ὅ) 13:2. ἀπὸ πάντων ὧν (=ἀφʼ ὧν) vs. 38. Cp. 26:2. ἐν τῷ ποτηρίῳ ᾧ (=ἐν ᾧ) Rv 18:6.
    The neut. is used
    α. in explanations, esp. of foreign words and of allegories: ὅ ἐστιν which or that is, which means: βασιλεὺς Σαλήμ, ὅ ἐστιν βασιλεὺς εἰρήνης Hb 7:2; cp. Mt 27:33; Mk 3:17; 7:11, 34; 15:42. Also ὅ ἐστιν μεθερμηνευόμενον Mt 1:23; Mk 5:41; Ac 4:36; cp. J 1:38, 41f. ὅ ἐστιν μεθερμηνευόμενος κρανίου τόπος Mk 15:22 v.l. (for μεθερμηνευόμενον). τόπος, ὸ̔ λέγεται, Ἑβραϊστὶ Γολγοθά J 19:17.—S. also αὐλῆς, ὅ ἐστιν πραιτώριον Mk 15:16. λεπτὰ δὺο, ὅ ἐστιν κοδράντης 12:42. τοῦ σώματος αὐτοῦ, ὅ ἐστιν ἡ ἐκκλησία Col 1:24. πλεονέκτης ὅ ἐστιν εἰδωλολάτρης Eph 5:5. τὴν ἀγάπην ὅ ἐστιν σύνδεσμος τῆς τελειότητος Col 3:14.—B-D-F §132, 2.
    β. when the relative pron. looks back upon a whole clause: τοῦτον τ. Ἰησοῦν ἀνέστησεν ὁ θεός, οὗ πάντες ἡμεῖς ἐσμεν μάρτυρες Ac 2:32; cp. 3:15; 11:30; 26:9f; Gal 2:10; Col 1:29; 1 Pt 2:8; Rv 21:8.
    γ. ὅ is to be understood as an obj. acc. and gains its content fr. what immediately follows in these places (s. W-S. §24, 9; Rob. 715): ὸ̔ ἀπέθανεν, τῇ ἁμαρτίᾳ ἀπέθανεν ἐφάπαξ = τὸν θάνατον, ὸ̔ν ἀπέθανεν κτλ. what he died, i.e. the death he suffered, he suffered for sin Ro 6:10a; cp. vs. 10b. ὸ̔ νῦν ζῶ ἐν σαρκί the life that I now live in the flesh Gal 2:20.
    The relative is used w. consecutive or final mng. (result or purpose): τίς ἔγνω νοῦν κυρίου, ὸ̔ς συμβιβάσει αὐτόν; who has known the mind of the Lord, so that he could instruct him? 1 Cor 2:16 (cp. Is 40:13). ἄξιός ἐστιν ᾧ παρέξῃ τοῦτο he is worthy that you should grant him this Lk 7:4. ἀποστέλλω τὸν ἄγγελόν μου …, ὸ̔ς κατασκευάσει Mt 11:10. ἔπεμψα Τιμόθεον …, ὸ̔ς ὑμᾶς ἀναμνήσει 1 Cor 4:17. ἔχετε μεθʼ ἑαυτῶν, εἰς οὓς ἐργάσεσθε τὸ καλόν 21:2.
    taking the place of the interrogative pron.
    α. in indirect questions (Soph., Oed. Rex 1068; Thu. 1, 136, 4; Attic ins of 411 B.C. in Meisterhans3-Schw.; pap [Witkowski 30, 7]; oft. Joseph. [Schmidt 369]; Just., D. 44, 4 διʼ ἧς ὁδοῦ). ὸ̔ ἐγὼ ποιῶ what I am doing J 13:7. ἃ λέγουσιν 1 Ti 1:7 (Just., D. 9, 1 οὐ γὰρ οἶδας ὸ̔ λέγεις).—J 18:21.
    β. NT philology has generally dismissed the proposition that ὅς is used in direct questions (Mlt. 93; B-D-F §300, 2; Radermacher2 78; PMaas [see 1bβב above]). An unambiguous example of it is yet to be found. Even the ins on a goblet in Dssm., LO 100ff [LAE 125–31], ET 33, 1922, 491–93 leaves room for doubt. Therefore also the translation of ἐφʼ ὸ̔ πάρει Mt 26:50 as ‘what are you here for?’ (so Goodsp., Probs. 41–43; similarly, as early as Luther, later Dssm.; JWilson, ET 41, 1930, 334) has been held suspect. S. ZNW 52, ’61, 109ff.—Rob. 725 doubts the interrogative here, but Mlt-Turner 50 inclines toward it. If further proof for interrogative use of ὅς can be found, lit.-crit. considerations (s. vv. 14–16) invite attention to the v.l. (s. Tdf. app.) ἐφʼ ᾦ, a combination used in commercial documents (PGrenf II, 17, 2; 5; Mayser II/1 p. 215); the colloquial use suggests the sense: What deal did you make?—See also 1bβב above.
    combined w. particles
    α. with ἄν (ἐάν), s. ἄν I. b.
    β. with γέ (s. γέ aβ and cp. PFlor 370, 9) Ro 8:32.
    γ. w. δήποτε whatever J 5:3(4) v.l. (the vv.ll. vary betw. οἵῳ and ᾧ, δηποτοῦν and δήποτε).
    δ. w. καί who also Mk 3:19; Lk 6:13f; 7:49 al.
    ε. with περ = ὅσπερ, ἥπερ, ὅπερ (TestSol, TestAbr; TestJob 7:13; JosAs 14:12; GrBar; ApcSed 2:1; Jos., Ant. 2, 277, Vi. 95; apolog. [exc. Mel.]) just the one who Mk 15:6 v.l. ὅπερ which indeed Ox 840, 35; ISm 4:1. πάντα ἅπερ whatever GPt 11:45.
    used w. preposition (s. also above: 1bα; 1bβב; 1eβ,γ; 1f, and s. Johannessohn, Präp. 382f [ind.]), whereby a kind of conjunction is formed:
    α. with ἀντί: ἀνθʼ ὧν (s. ἀντί 4) because Lk 1:20; 19:44; Ac 12:23; 2 Th 2:10; therefore Lk 12:3.
    β. w. εἰς: εἰς ὅ to this end 2 Th 1:11.
    γ. with ἐν: ἐν οἷς connects w. the situation described in what precedes under which circumstances = under these circumstances Lk 12:1; Ac 24:18 v.l.; 26:12. So also perh. ἐν ᾧ 1 Pt 1:6; 2:12; 3:16, 19; 4:4. S. also ἐν 7 and cp. 1bα above.
    δ. w. ἐπί: ἐφʼ ᾧ (normally, ‘for which’: Plut., Cimon 483 [8, 6] Cimon receives honors in requital for his generous deed [cp. the pl. ἐφʼ οἷς IPriene 114, 22 of honors heaped on a gymnasiarch for his numerous contributions]; cp. Plut., Mor. 522e and Diog. L. 7, 173. Conversely Plut., Aratus 1048 [44, 4]: A. suffers some dishonor ‘for what’ he did to one of his associates) has freq. been interpreted=ἐπὶ τούτῳ ὅτι for the reason that, because Ro 5:12 (lit. on ἁμαρτία 3a); 2 Cor 5:4; Phil 3:12; for 4:10. But a commercial metaphor may find expression in the first 3 passages cited here; s. ἐπί 6c. Difft. on Ro 5:12 JFitzmyer, NTS 39, ’93, 321–39; also comm. (Anchor), ad loc.: ‘with the result that, so that’
    ε. οὗ χάριν therefore Lk 7:47.
    ζ. in indications of time: ἀφʼ ἧς (s. ἀπό 2bγ and cp. BGU 252, 9 [98 A.D.]) from the time when; since Lk 7:45; Ac 24:11; 2 Pt 3:4; Hs 8, 6, 6 v.l.; as soon as, after 8, 1, 4.—ἀφʼ οὗ (s. ἀπό 2bγ) when once, since Lk 13:25; 24:21; Rv 16:18. ἄχρι οὗ (s. ἄχρι 1bα) until (the time when) Ac 7:18; Ro 11:25; 1 Cor 11:26; Gal 3:19. Also ἕως οὗ until Mt 1:25; 13:33; 14:22; 17:9; Lk 13:21; D 11:6 al. μέχρις οὗ until Mk 13:30; Gal 4:19.—On the gen. οὗ as an adv. of place s. it as a separate entry.
    Demonstrative pron. this (one) (Hom.+; prose of Hdt. et al. [Kühner-G. II 228f]; pap, LXX).
    ὸ̔ς δέ but he (Ps.-Lucian, Philopatris 22; PRyl 144, 14 [38 A.D.]) Mk 15:23; J 5:11 v.l. Mostly
    ὸ̔ς μὲν … ὸ̔ς δέ the one … the other (Hippocr.+; very oft. in later wr.; POxy 1189, 7 [c. 117 A.D.]; SibOr 3, 654) the masc. in var. cases of sing. and pl. Mt 22:5; Lk 23:33; Ac 27:44; Ro 14:5; 1 Cor 11:21; 2 Cor 2:16; Jd 22f. ὸ̔ μὲν … ὸ̔ δέ this … that Ro 9:21. ἃ μὲν … ἃ δέ (Lucian, Rhet. Praec. 15) some … others 2 Ti 2:20. ὸ̔ς μὲν … ὸ̔ς δὲ … ὸ̔ς δέ Mt 21:35; 25:15 (Lucian, Tim. 57 διδοὺς … ᾧ μὲν πέντε δραχμάς, ᾧ δέ μνᾶν, ᾧ δὲ ἡμιτάλαντον). ὸ̔ μὲν … ὸ̔ δὲ … ὸ̔ δέ Mt 13:8b, 23. ᾧ μὲν … ἄλλῳ δὲ … ἑτέρῳ (ἄλλῳ δέ is then repeated five times, and before the last one there is a second ἑτέρῳ) 1 Cor 12:8–10. ὸ̔ μὲν … καὶ ἄλλο κτλ. Mk 4:4. ὸ̔ μὲν … καὶ ἕτερον (repeated several times) Lk 8:5. ἃ μὲν … ἄλλα δέ (repeated several times) Mt 13:4–8a. In anacoluthon οὓς μέν without οὓς δέ 1 Cor 12:28. ὸ̔ς μὲν … ὁ δὲ ἀσθενῶν Ro 14:2.—B-D-F §250. MBlack, An Aramaic Approach3, ’67, 100f.—DELG 1 ὅς. M-M.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > ὅς

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